Dan Winter
updated 6/24/99
Originally Inspired by Dan Winter, Assembled by Ken Wyrick , for:
This article (with excellent but advanced pics near
bottom) rather assumes you have at least glanced at the Physics of Phi gentle pictorial:
the background: PHI/Golden Mean is at the heart of fractality
mathematically, (mandelbrot & julia sets):
The Areas of Mathematical Synthesis Between Chaos Theory (Complexity), Fractal
Geometry and the Golden Mean: .by Nigel Reading
back to: Sacred Geometry, Fractality & Awareness, Coherent Emotion & The Earth
Grid, Dan Winter, Home Page: Contents Directory
Q:(Sirac / Spencer Brown): The problem of self reference : Or the problem of the
observer : What is the nature of the world such that it can give rise to the question: What is the nature of the world?: How
is it that the world can see itself?... A: (Winter): Self Reference / Self Embedding Perfected: (Pure wave principle of) Golden
Mean as ratio -
Understanding Golden Mean as Perfect Spin Path in and out of Donut Creates Origin of Symbol/
(Embedding is Psychokinesis)
and is The Perfect Wave Mechanic to UnPack Stuck Cellular UV(Eros): Embedding Details Cancer Cure
Zen and the Art of Recursion: quoting from an article on C programming: we have discussed
recursion is almost mystic terms. In a very real sense the right way to think about recursion
is that if it works, then it works.
Nietsche thought eternal recursion was to be condemned, however we now know that people
as waves, only survive to the extent to which their form recurs.. to recur is to be immortal.. and since PHI is the geometry
of perfected recursion..
as any egg knows as it wanders into a womb: survival is to the extent to which you embed
(also true of people on planets inside stars)..
"Something that occurred to me is that sharing and co-operation are absolute necessities/fundamental
"building" blocks of life. To cut a long story short, the point of my sharing this is thus:-
On the subject of a
grand unification theory (G.U.T.) the reason scientists cannot tie Gravity into their suppositions/mathematical calculations
is because they cannot see that it (Gravity) is the expression of "sharing" and "co-operation" in the macro.
you catch my drift?
P.S. I can't wait for the paradigm shift.
Have a nice day,
from dan: interesting thought
something like how can a theoreitcally inphiknit
number of waves share inertia (phase coherence) at one point... (perfect sharing/embedding)
the 'recursive' answer (phi) seems to be related to the moment the physicist becomes aware
that his awareness is made of the waves he is studying...
appreciate your note, dan winter
Is this an ultimate way to unlock the key to maintaining the PHIre of life?
Think about it: Is there ANY other way that multiple waves and phases could
FUSE non-destructively... excerpt in recursive heterodyning (Phi)? Heterodyning and Powers of Phi, by Rick Andersen
Subject: univeral self-replication as quantum determiner, Tue, 07 Sep 1999 20:23:35 -0500 From:
David Waddington <>Reply-To: To: ,Good Morning.
Not to presume, but on the chance that you have not already heard of it, there is a new
theory proposed whereby certain fundamental constants of the universe, such as planck's constant and the gravitational
constant and the cosmological constant, are what they are in order to facilitate Universal self-replication. Quantum
Theory tells us that what exists is a superposition of all possible worlds weighted toward the most probable. General
Relativity hints strongly at the possibility that black holes may be baby universes, the spawn of our own. So, what exists
is a superposition of universes with all possible arrangements of fundamental constants weighted toward the most probable.
How do we know which are the most probable? Well, if one arrangement causes the entire universe to collapse into one
big black hole, then there is just one such universe. However, if another arrangement causes millions of black holes
to be formed in galactic centers, then there are millions of such universes. Thus, the second arrangement is millions of
times more likely than the first. Thus, the most probable universe will be the one which maximizes total black hole
production. The Universe which outbreeds the others is the one that survives, along with its countless cosmic progeny.
Just as Love brings about human reproduction and survival, so the arrangement of constants brings about Universal reproduction
and survival.
Gravity = Universal Love!!!..
Response from Dan: so then would self-replication's geometric then specifically depend on
waves arriving at the mathematical perfection of self- reference..(article belo & also
From: Wad <> Presumably, the dominant quantum geometry would
be that which maximizes self-embeddedness. This certainly seems to resonate with your statement that self embedding among
waves is what creates gravity; according to the quantum superposition of universes, gravity as it functions in our universe
is indeed determined by the fundamental universal tendency to maximize self embedding, as are both the electro-weak force
and the geometry and topology of the universe itself. All things stem from self-embedding due to gravitational mass
implosion, which, self-referentially, is caused by the gravity that it causes. Clearly, this is a chicken-egg conundrum
when viewed as such. However, taking the appropriate view, in which the maximization of universal self embedding is taken
as more fundamental than the existence or behavior of any item within that universe, it becomes clear that mass and gravity
both exist only as a means to acheive mathematical self-embedding of everything.
--My essential point in the film, 'metabolizing starlight directly' was that the ongoing capacitive
implosion we have been crudely calling gravity is explicitly the result of PHI recursion permitting perfect non destructive
wave compression. If this is so, than the ECOsystem energy (symbiosis with inhabiting genepools whose emotions glandularly
feed the most recursive magnetics into the wormholes).. it takes to stabilize a gravity field (also geomantic paramagnetic
dolmen work) is sabotaged by gravity (not really free) 'free energy' devices...
Therefore, knowing the source of gaia's blood is REQUIRED before you can tap it, otherwise
you get the atlantis (thule) tuoai stone tectonic tilt penalty ultimately.
Bruce Cathie has not finished his harmonic model (of the gravity lightspeed grid membrane)
geometrically because he chooses to ignore the role of perfect compression (phi harmonics) in creating the capacitive implosion
called gravity. He shows cubic relations incubeate/ stabilize grid membrane making, does not see what permits cross membrane
(superluminal/time travel) nodes... G = C ^ log phi |
Also, a great summary & links re: ORMUS/ Callahan / Studies on Resonance vs Gravity by Barry Carter Readers are encouraged to see Barry's (ORMUS-Gold Powder) WEB Page: These conversations have interesting connections to the physics of Implosion vs Gravity notes
at I do believe gold's recursive (multiples of Golden Ratio in the Electron vs Nuclear Radii producing
non-destructive recursive heterodyning ) account for the distributive across many spectra harmonic phase sorting/implosion
qualities associated with Ormus..
Adding numbers recursively in pairs, 1,2,3,5,8,13.... , as each succeeding pair in ratio 1/2,2/3,3/5,5/8.8/13...
Produces this perfect "SPIN PATH TO THE ZERO POINT"
which is PERFECT DAMPING which is this perfect approach to the Golden Ratio... 1.618... (Note
this is a side view of the Grail Vortex- Throat of the Light Cone- Flame Letter Strip) . This then becomes a graph to how Perfect Heterodyning
would implode producing the wave ratio Phi as the ultimate and necessary 'centering force' based on recursion embedding we
later misunderstood as the concept "Gravity".
adapted from ZOMETOOL-on Golden Ratio-
Le Corbusier Modulor: see "Charles Edouard Jeanneret, also known as Le Corbusier, develops
two sequences of measurements ("blue" and "red" sequence) in his "Le Modulor". He takes the - assumed -average size of
a human, and subdivides and expands it, closely based on the golden section relationship."" from
The Corbusier Modulor has had a profound and useful impact on architecture. The fundamental
insight being correct that biology as a wave must EMBED OR DIE. Sadly it is based on a less than rigorous approximation of
what might be a sacred scaling factor in biolgy. We can apply this "HARMONIC CASCADE TO PREFECT PHI IMPLOSION" far more rigorously
by taking Golden Ratio Cascade to the more fundamental Planck length - At Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana
and the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge
The inherent nature of PHI recursive constructive heterodyning of multiplying spin axes
is inherent solved by the pent dodec geometrics depicted below,
(rotations added CONSTRUCTIVELY)
which is commonly described as the source of gravity... (Supergravity A Supersymmetry
Star in a Jar- "Sonoluminescence" Light from Sound: A Map to Implosion/Fusion
& the Heart Fire?
Is the "Star In a Jar" Light from Sound:"Sonoluminescence"...
a symmetry map to Implosion/Fusion/ and Possibly Even the Self Sustaining Heart
Recursion Perfect.. The Ultimate Gordian Knot.
all bonding truly IS phase locking..
the difference between ionic vs covalent is the radius of the wave (ionic is
longer.. covalent shorter..
this chemical bonding is based on wave phase symmetry at multiples of 2 distances (octave
or linear wave relations..'incube-ation')
phase locking based on multiples of golden ratio phase distances is called
Questions from Dan Winter, 4/27/99
Compare with Implosion Geometry Predicted by Recursion & compare with core 7/5 implosion
symmetry of Hydrogen, the Human Heart Symmetry, and the "Heart of the Sun" (below)
Is this path to Implosion the Golden Based Implosion Symmetry of the GRAIL Itself?
What Besides Perfect Embedding Geometrically Could Make this Phi-re Self Organizing? &
Self Sustaining?
Major PICTORIAL background for this see : "The Physics of Phi ! ".
important note in Articles by Alex Kaivarainen, link to: "Unified Field" Physics? based on Golden Mean Ratio by Alex Kaivarainen (summary) Series of papers, based on new Golden Ratio - Hierarchic Theory of Condensed Matter.. a physics of gravity as GOLDEN MEAN recursion based, see: DYNAMIC MODEL OF WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY:
Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Golden Mean Roots at Exerpt from the above "This means that equalities (3.25) can be considered as the Golden Mean Roots or the Rules
of Hidden Harmony - equality of hidden and external velocities of de Broglie wave. The value of internal-hidden and external,
measurable group velocities þvgr in = vgr ext ¦ in (3.29) is equal to: þvgr in = vgr ext
¦ Ø vgr S = S 6 c = ð0.618Þ 1/2 6 c = 0.786 6 c 3.30 For internal and external phase
velocities at conditions of Hidden Harmony we have:þv ph in = v ph ext ¦ Ø v ph S = vgr S S
= c S = 0.786 6 c 0.618 = 1.2718 6 c 3.31 The product of
(3.30) and (3.31), like for any other values of group and phase velocities
of wave B is equal to that of light velocity squared: vgr S 6 v ph S = c 2 3.32 It is very fascinating
and important fact that our intuitive perception of beauty and harmony, reflected by Golden Mean, has so deep quantum roots-Hidden
Harmony. It points that the similar roots are involved in principles of our consciousness also." end quote ... I particularly
complete paper: (from Alex in Mother Russia)
Golden Mean Physics (pdf Adobe Acrobat Format)
followed by:
The extended Summary to Part II of book: "Hierarchic Theory of Matter and Field. Water
& biosystems, Vacuum & duality" by: Alex Kaivarainen DYNAMIC MODEL OF WAVEPARTICLE DUALITY AND SUPERUNIFICATION
(also in pdf format)
about the above, from the author: Alex Kaivarainen <> Wed, 07 Jul
1999 13:49:39 +0400
Hi Dan,
Thanks a lot for interest to my work and putting it to your website. I recommend my
last paper :
It is shown, that not only electron, but also the hydrogen atom follows the Golden
mean rule. You know more, than I the systems, following the same principle. By the way: are such systems listed somewhere?!.
Kind of review?
It makes it possible to put forward a hypothesis, that
the driving force of the self-organization and evolution on all hierarchical scales is the spontaneous tending of systems
to condition of Hidden harmony (equality of internal (hidden) and external velocities and impulses of de Broglie waves)
as a quantum root of Golden mean. We have to keep in mind, that our World is composed from de Broglie waves..."
--above article updated dramatically9/26/99 excerpt:"The new fundamental principle of
self-assembly of "simple" systems physical systems, like elementary particles, atoms, molecules, self-organization of complex open
systems, like condensed matter, star systems, galactics and evolution of very complex systems like biopolymers (proteins,
DNA, microtubules), cells, organisms - can be formulated as: "The different selected systems on each level of temporal and
spatial hierarchy are tending spontaneously to condition of Hidden Harmony (equality of most important internal and external
parameters of de Broglie waves), which determines the Golden Mean". If we define the system as beautiful, when it follows
the Golden mean rule, then the formulated principle of evolution is a "driving force (hidden will)", leading our World
to Hierarchical Beauty. The influence of Golden mean - based three dimensional rigid geometrical structures, termed
"Harmonizator" on surrounding medium. To explain this effect, we assume that 3D structures, like cross, pyramids, double
cones, etc. with proportions, following Golden mean (GM) rule works as effective
generator of virtual image in bi-vacuum, i.e. provide the ordering action on virtual quanta."
And so what would a scientist now say about the state of what gravity IS as a geometry model:
(quoting Science News Feb 98):The general theory of relativity posits that gravity is
essentially a geometric effect
-- in other words, the theory links mass with the local curvature of space. (comment from
Dan Winter: local recursion=curvature of flux lines)
Interestingly, it says nothing about the shape of the universe -- the overall form of
the three-dimensional spatial component of relativity's four-dimensional
Finding out this topology "would have a great impact on our vision of the
universe," says Janna J. Levin of the Center for Particle Astrophysics at the
University of California, Berkeley.
"It would tell us about physics beyond general relativity," Spergel adds.
Knowing the topology, researchers could independently determine the ratio
of the
universe's density to its critical value and reconstruct the state of the universe that
gave rise to the cosmic microwave background. They could also gain insights into
quantum gravity, quantum chaos, string theory, and other ideas at the forefront of
efforts to construct a unified theory of force and matter.
nest of skip knots can also be called symmetry of nest donut domains..
it is foolish to see particles and knots as opposite..
particles got their name BECAUSE slip knots stored ineria according to how much gyroscope
wave to could hold in rotation..(symmetry quantizes waves)
the risk of tieing your
in knots
is in knot understanding what MAKES a knot "gordion" (in-phi-knit ly tied) which
is precisely perfecting recursion
(from the outer to the inner turns)(gravity occurs IF electron knots are recursive to
nuclear- see PHI harmonics in hydrogen balmer radii)
this golden mean optimized map of a sequence of turns neccesary to tie the in-PHI-knit
is called
-alphabet symmetry index of the heart -sepher yetsirah
see also "To Build a Fire"
the reason the onset of symmetry turns which can map in in-phi-knit number of phase
angles is the same as -self-organization -compassion
is because this is not only "conformal invariance" (which is very similar to SCALE
it is also "conformal INTELLIGENCE"
when the (folded surface) map goes to in-PHI-knit resolution..
then the map becomes the terrain..
(arthur and the land become one..)
this was called the holy grail
becaused EMBEDDING (Phyllotaxes) produces inhabiting
and the PHI-re thru the knot becomes self-directing (aware)
(ref:sufi heart takes wing)
from USP-A Physics for Flying Saucers, and interpretation from memory of a communication
in the below he clearly suggests that the fine structure constant is the result of how
vorticitiy is translated optimally on the surface of a hydrodynamic torus.. (which perfected translation of inertia from the
circle to the line..translation of vorticity... can be shown to be optimized by the golden mean spiral.. which we have claimed
elsewhere when cast on the same torus donut, casts the shadows we call our alphabet)
this note above ends in the exerpt with the quote:"does this proximate correspondance
of the fine structure constant and a number arising from the hybrid mathematical marriage of expressions from electromagnetic
theory and vortex fluid mechanics imply that space/time (ether?) is in fact an electrical fluid whose fundamental mechanism
is the ring vortex?"
also see Fine Structure Constant Geometric Clue in PHI at THE GOLDEN BOWL STRUCTURE: THE
----update 5/12/99
Bob Zawada reports a mathematical precedence for the second order fft function I have applied
1. quantifying coherence in any complex oscillator
2. quantifying interharmonic spacing (Emotional Intelligence) in EKG
(to teach emotional intelligence in biofeedback).
In the literature:
"Theory of Fourier Integrals"
by Titchnarsh
researcher Cauchy works with the Fourier material on
Analytical Theory of Heat & Molecular Motion.
Cauchy,in the 1st chapter calls what I have labeled a "second order fft" a "reciprocal function
of the second kind". Zawada notes that my technology "heartlink" and Emotional Intelligence measuring may indeed be the first
known example of ANY real world application of this mathematics, described in 1970.
In my view, clearly this new mathematical technique I have pioneered quantifies the approach
to coherence, recursion, self organization, and thus self awareness in any complex oscillator. This enables feedback loops
IN GENERAL to teach self-direction/awareness/organization.
I proposed the following additional solution to cancer to Zawada today, using this technique.
Albert Szent Gyeorgi showed that increased molecular ordering in cellular water prevents cancer
by increasing wide distribution of triplet state electrons.(Basically cheaper phone calls between sub cellular molecules to
improve TIMING coordination for meitosis the heart of cancer resistance). (his nobel prize winning work related to his book
"Electronic Biology & Cancer").
What he lacked was a tool to optimize and measure the cells skill to make that water "ice-9"
Now we have that tool.
Jim Patterson (CLEAN ENERGY TECH INC, 14332 MONFORT,SUITE 6302,dallas,tx,75240, 214-458-7620,
patterson water cell, palladium -dodec - bead etc) showed that light scattering thru water could dependably measure whether
the water had been near the body of a healer. (order increase). By using my new mathematical tool on the complex light scatter
thru the water, we should clearly be able to teach that water to approach the limit condition of coherence which is the mathematical
geometry of embedding perfected by phi.
The Rodin Coil and some description of what its about: Quoting here: "Marko's mathematics purports to be a sort of Rosetta stone for modeling the ultimate
order on the level of the quantum. He uses the term 'number crunching' to denote the leveling of the computational problem
to a simple form.
Dan Winter's writings have many points of contact here, particularly in the use
of fractals, of toroids of specific geometry, and the notion that form and ratio are primary. With great poetry, he shows
how spin and shape of a Unified Field conspire to effect the cascade of wavelengths from long into short, and vice versa,
by sacred stone architecture and biological systems; and thereby allowing the translation of energy from one frequency
to another. Note what a slippery concept "energy" is. We all seem to want it, and yet we don"t really know what it is.
Here is Dan's version of the story of the One
"When you have only one kind of flowing material to work with, it is like the universe
is one giant flowing ocean. Then the only shape you can make is the vortex.., which makes donuts. Hydrogen as the basic
building block of all the atoms, is really a wave shaped into a donut or torus." (Winter, 1994a, p. 130)
"The fractal nature of the waveform creates gravity. The relationship of the electron
shell to the nucleus is fractal, as both have Platonic symmetry, and this permits the cascade for the wave to fall into
shorter and shorter wavelengths. We call that one way wind gravity. Hydrodynamically it is a flow between frequencies,
lower to higher, into a center, induced because the symmetry is fractal. It is the nature of recursion itself that creates
gravity. It is that recursion or self-imbeddedness that creates the attractiveness in waveforms that draws them back to
center, recursively making them nest in more and more self-imbedded patterns." (Winter, 1 994b)" end of quote
specifically, to form a complete mathematic theory of gravity, and then calculate which harmonics resonate acoustically from
the gravity field..
one need only
take hodowanecs measures of gravity as a charge monopole at
add the new idea that
charge elements arranged into perfected recursion/embedding- by PHI ratio
are what create the measured charge monopole which is gravity as hodowanec well decribes
this can be measured by feeding the hodowanec type capacitive gravity field indicator into
the double fft of
and checking for phi interval in the second fft ("EI")
(hopefully, bill ramsey might help us get another probe, since I may have lost track
of earlier gifts he prepared)
this then accounts also for the faster than light propagation of gravity waves (really
charge density in fractal array)
since as we have desribed below
it is the PHI ratio which also heterodyning to go superluminal by both adding and multiplying
both wave lengths AND VELOCITIES recursively non destructively.
Note added 8/20/99 Re: The Physics of Eclipses.. vs Gravity:
Q:Subject:foucault & eclipse? Fri, 20 Aug 1999 01:26:01 -0700 From: fjchacon <>
Can you tell me where I can get info about the amazing
connection beetween august eclipse and foucault pendulum deviation? Thanks a lot, colleague! Did you saw turkish
quake and climatological disasters around eclipse´s date? Hasta luego!
Subject: Gravity?:Proportion of charge recursion below you vs above you.
Re: Tom Van Flandern's "Speed of Gravity" Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 From: dan winter <> To:,
CC: fjchacon <>
Grateful for your work investigating gravity measures..with some geometry in mind.. I see that
Alistair Couper mentions your work also at
he mentions mine at..
I had worked with bill ramsey and indirectly greg hodowanec for years, I thought greg's
chart evidence that sensitive capacitors measured major gravity body alignments at a distance.. much faster than
light speed.. was convincing..
this was a big part of my thinking at
suggesting.. and do you find any evidence for..?
that when waves of charge add and multiply in golden mean ratio-perfecting recursion- the
recursive heterodyne add and multiply applies to their wave velocities as well as their wave lengths especially when
the nesting is golden mean.. add and multiply..
therefore.. the same phi harmonic charge which creates faster than light penetration.. literally
creates gravity in the first place.. ( makes the 'well' so nicely pictured on your site..possible..)
some math at predictions link above...? (hydrogen balmer spectral emission series in golden
ratio harmonics etc...)
in generalized terms, gravity occurs in the atom to the extent the nuclear geometric is
recursive or fractal to the electron geometry... making implosion of capacitance possible.. (thru light speed) WHEN waves
nest recursively (optimized by golden ratio...
gravity is a charge fractal.. where wave fronts can bootstrap thru light speed because of
recursive wave front addition.. allowing non-destructive velocity acceleration..
also explaining perfect compression in black holes..( bends time...
dan winter
ps re: eclipse effect on foucault's pendulum.. dowsers long knew earth mag lines shrink
during eclipse..
could it be that the proportion of charge recursion below you vs above you is the amount
of gravity (wind?) you feel.. moon centroid electrically embeds more toward sun..when geometrically aligned, away from
earth.. |
1. picture of greater maze revolve..
Stellate Dodec by PHI, Stellate Icos by PHI, repeat inPHIknitly..
(Embed Geometry of DNA, EarthGrid, & Zodiac)
2. picure of pineal braid, 3 views
Resultant Implosion Conic perfect pining.. scalar..
cone embedded by the dodec stellations above
3. PHI Implosive Field Nesting
(Click on Image for full 1 meg Grail in DNA Embedding animation..)
As the field's nest in IN-PHI-KNIT ratio,
allowing their pressures to beat or heterodyne recursively infinitely,
(at the moment of maximum dynamic pressure,
at the moment of maximum feeling/compassion)
the resultant "spin path to the zero point" pineal revolve creates the HOLY GRAIL, which
is what light sees as it enters DNA which has been braided to the perfect geometry of embedding by the feeling of compassion.
Royal blood is so fractal it contains a complete map of the land in it's foldedness, so that when Arthur's love ended, the
rain stopped.
(Arthur and the land were one,
whom does this grail serve... it's self... embedded.)
4. picture of embedability (example from EKG during feeling compassion)
Top is Any Wave (in this case EKG at moment of feeling love)
Next is Frequency Signature showing contained Harmonics..
Next is Frequency Signature OF Frequency Signature showing embedded RATIO
between harmonics, staying very close to .618 PHI at this moment of perfected embedding.
5. DNA braided by PHI
click on image for more complete 1 meg animation of dna braid
As the braid within the braid in DNA, carrier wave length divided by envelope
or longer wave length becomes a POWER of PHI, the central tunnel adds and multiplies wave velocities to superluminal. This
click on image for more complete 1 meg animation of dna zoom thru implode
creates soul force, ability to lucid dream, bardo navigate and time travel.
(Also reference here William Pensinger et al, work on superluminal signal propagation
measures in DNA.)
Last frame of the top DNA animation is fractal (embed-able) Heartbeat (Dardik), heart harmonic content (which braids DNA) which prevents most chronic diseases.
6. perfect phi caddeuceus
Simplified Perfect PHI Scalar
To Braid Magnetism & Charge In or Out of Gravity
Also Perfect Breath to Zero Point
7. picture here of Sentics waveform of touch that says Love..
Pressure Waveform Over Time
of Perfect Hug or Squeeze which Embeds and says LOVE.
(see How to Touch..)
Our new model in physics suggests that perfected recursion or self embedding among waves, is
what creates the centering force we have previously labeled :
1. The nature of gravity
2. The nature of awareness
In order to test this model, it is useful to test it's predictions.
Therefore I would like to suggest the following predictions implied by this wave geometric
model for gravity and self awareness be tested:
1. That capacitive antenna geometries corresponding to image one, will produce the best photon
acceleration to superluminal, and the best time travel devices.
2. That molecular symmetries most corresponding to image one and two, will produce the best
phase conjugate mirror non-linear substrate materials. Note that the definition of phase "conjugation" is the recursive addition
AND the implied multiplication which only the GOLDEN MEAN permits, hence this Golden Mean braiding is the geometric DEFINITION
of PHASE CONJUGATION. This will then describe not only the molecular and atomic geometric of the ideal non-linear substrate
for the mirror, but also the light beam annihilation path where the two laser's collide beam: literally the perfect spin path
to zero point.

3. That the valence distances of the most stable atoms like GOLD, will have average electron
shell distances like image one. This should be particularly true of the 5/7 spin pair, d,f 10/14 electron shell dances. Specifically,
they should be very close to whole number powers of the Golden Mean in shell diameters. (This is correspond generally also
to Randy Masters work documenting the PHI ratios in the spectral emission lines of hydrogen.) ALSO SEE GOLDEN MEAN=7/5Pi/e and why..
4. That the approximately 60 degree conic angle (image two) linking the stellation of interdigitated
in-phi-knitly nested dodeca-icosa (a 3D fractal?), will identiPHI the location of the major masses creating most gravity flux,
implosion force, and stability of self organization as wave, in atoms, molecules, tectonics, and stars.
5. That generating long standing magnetic waves in the geometry of images ONE thru FOUR, will:
a. attract precipitation
b. create micro-climate
c. eliminate disease and stress for plants and people
d. increase measureably the force of gravity above the center of the generated magnetic implosion
e. restore stability in tectonics (earthquakes), and restore atmosphere loss (ozone hole etc.)
6. That weaving magnetism or water or light into the geometry of images ONE thru FOUR, will
produce the optimum way to SORT that magnetism or water or light. (from it's "pollutants" )(sorted by spin density like dirt
from a spinner.)
7. That rearranging the charge around a brain, to look like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will eliminate
addiction, attention deficit, and create self awareness. (See Marty Wuttke, "Is This Recursion".) (by fft of EEG to powers of PHI.)
8. That rearranging the charge around a heart to look like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will eliminate
arrhythmia, increase feeling/compassion and eliminate almost every chronic disease (Dardik)
9. That rearranging the braid in DNA to look like image FIVE, will produce increased ability
a. radiate coherent UV light (blue fire)
b. lucid dream, time travel, and bardo navigate (memory survive death, cf Geometry of Eternality, link.)(same as "get a soul")
10. That all chaotic oscillators will tend to emerge from chaos best when their periodicities
are tweaked to nest like images ONE thru FOUR.
11. That image ONE thru FOUR are the only possible three dimensional fractal. (& 3+ dimensional
12. That data tree structures rearranged to be like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will be shown to approach
inPHIknit fractal compressibility, enabling a computer revolution. And that bubble memory in this architecture will become
13. That choosing to love will become specifically teachable in biofeedback (see HeartLink) as people learn to breathe in the pattern of IMAGE SIX,(practical exercises link).. and vary the squeeze in their hug like image SEVEN. (You couldn't get a better squeeze, and How to Touch to say Love..)
14. That global ecosystem management will become possible with the collective visualization
& intention of just a few percent of the globes population, when they embed their collective EKG like IMAGE Four (embedability).
15. That self organization of systems in general will be possible ONLY in the geometry of IMAGES
ONE thru FOUR, this includes sustaining FUSION reactions.
16. That light, sound, charge and magnetic emission spectra like IMAGE FOUR, will best catalyze
seed germination, feed life force, and living systems in general. (see implosion articles.)
17. That public utility power distribution grids will become self-organizing, self-aware, and
catalyze life and the Earth grid's self regulation, when they change from simple 60 cycle, to a complex harmonic based on
18. That stellar masses arranged like IMAGE ONE THRU FOUR will create black holes, and photon
acceleration arranged like IMAGE ONE THRU FOUR will successfully penetrate black holes superluminally. (The solution to Einstein's
problem of inphiknit implosion.)
19. That PHI=7/5 PI/E will be discovered to be due to the 7/5 spin symmetries of perfect gordian
slip knot ANU/HEART/Heart of Sun.. (Anu/core of hydrogen) as at
20. That in order to ground electrically, and embed, and stabilize ALL oscillators of all self-aware
AND electrical systems, frequencies will need to be chosen which are Phi (1.618) multiples of the 'plank length' length. This
length (1.61 x 10^-33 cm) is the universal solvent of the quantum foam, into which every (wave) length of everything observable
divides evenly. It is derived by the simultaneous dimensional solution for C, speed of light, h bar, planks energy constant,
and G - the gravitational constant. While physics see this length as physics MOST FUNDAMENTAL POSSIBLE UNIT OF SCALE, it's
numerical proximity to Phi/Golden Ration SUGGESTS that this the BASIS OF EVERYTHING WHICH PHYSICS CALLS SCALE, MAY IN ITSELF
BE ONLY RATIO! (very deep idea - may be the ultimate proof of relativity). In any case, clearly in order to determine which
frequencies IN ANY SPECTRA are 'sacred' or 'sustainable' or 'groundable' or 'embedable', it will be necessary to multiply
this length by powers of PHI and 2. Ultimately for example this will be how to tune power distribution frequencies (healing
the deadly 60 hz), to symbiotically embed the Earth in the stars. It is powerful to note here that the electrical idea of
what provides GROUNDING as a wave which is (Phi) embedable IS IDENTICAL TO WHAT PROVIDES PSYCHOLOGICAL GROUNDING.. (phi/embedable
ekg/eeg see heartlink)"
thoughts re: dna advancement..article
(my original notes on how recursion optimized by golden ratio is clearly the only possible
contiguous wave path thru speed of light.. due to recursive CONSTRUCTIVE heterodyning or additive wave VELOCITY beat
notes.. are at and http://www/
it is creative that greg hatton considers the geometry of dna as a wave guide thru light
truly this is the RIGHT issue, as indeed I am convinced this will emerge as HOW time travel,
and lucid dreaming, and and bardo navigating will be modeled in a rigorous physics of consciousness..
unfortuneately, there are some weaknesses in the direction the paper moves: first: clearly,
the METER (and therefore how many meters light moves in a second) is absolutely one of the most non-embedable and therefore
profane (in the technical sense) of possible measures.. best source here is probably john michell's (comparison of
metric vs english measures) view over atlantis and city of revelation, in which the pyramid inch, roman pace,
megalithic yard, and english foot etc. all fit almost directly in PHI golden ratio progression to each other and to
things like the wave length of hydrogen and the planck length (1.61x10-33 cm).. you CAN define which measures are sacred (embedable)
and which are not. Since the meter is so arbitrary by comparison, I am sure for example once we integrate our culture
into the galactic cultures, the meter will be first to die, because it does not embed nature well at all.. (multiples
of hydrogen for example which we have seen ARE whole number multiples of PHI and planck length.. randy masters) ..
not to carry on.. but hatton would be better looking for HOW braiding into recursion perfection
creates the superluminal, (been measured in both DNA and gold monofilaments, both due exactly to PHI multiples as wave) than
in rambling around in waves per unit meter..
that is rather like looking for universal laws of physics in last years congressional laws
of taxation..
regarding compression of time..
the heart of the matter was Einstein admitting that it was precisely NOT understanding the
GEOMETRY model of infinite compression that COST him understanding why black holes bent time..
nicely solved now by simply understand perfect compression (dilation) IS perfect recursion
(geometrically.. wave multiplication by golden ratio)
how the wave GOT thru light speed, is how it managed to UNPACK from circle to line... now
if you look of optimized translation of vorticity (unpacking from circle to line) in your college hydrodynamics text
book, you will find GOLDEN RATIO.
THAT is the clue to time dilation..
see the 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ equation for golden ratio at
no wave into time has more elegance (el=making phase shift) than phy lotaxes
the rate at which the clock slowed IS the rate at which they entered the geometry of perfect
wave embedding or nesting (defined precisely by their entrance into PHI harmonics)
dan winter
Was just corresponding with Elora Gabriel about he Wu sound system--which
may relate to Kototama based on Wu and Wei with 48 more sounds. I knew
some ot the Sensei Nakazono's friends.
Did you meet George Wuu on your Wei--similar phonetics?
Possible monoatomic connection to microtubules--notice the phi spiral/
Modulor placement of the tubulin spheres in a and b lattices--could these
'spheres' be like truncated icosa fullerene molecules that can trap
lanthanum, and thus, likely, other monoatomic lanthanides and platinides?
This might answer some of Hameroff, et al, problems with quantum collapse
over distances diatomic molecules couldn't manage. Finders of fullerene
are at University of Arizona as well as Hameroff. (Another para for
note ref Palladium key to cold fusion (electrode) is dodeca (implosion) (see moon work in chemistry
note above recursion in microtubule, key to self organizing wave guide nature..
Thanks to Pat Flanagan for pointing out:
dodeca water,
mono atomic
dr a.w.castleman, water...
clathrate cage molecular cage for water research..
perfect vacuum,
water s most favored structure is 5 water molecules...
when water molecules get most relaxed in favorable(embeddable/fractal) charge environment,
they assume the position.. dodeca
this is the shape of the nest which becomes Pat Flanagan's container for
micro hydrin.. (ears ring with dna's implosion same as gold powder)
per bob zawada at roswell:
standard water molecule, with O at top and H2 at lower triangle
average angl betw is 104 degrees, (in ice it goes to 120 hex) but in liquid it is about 104
the height that triangle versus bottom width between 2 hydrogens, is golden mean..
so water is pent , ice is hex...--
and further from Bob Zawada:
cell ellipse
healthy living human cell is essentially elliptical, the geometry of that ellipse long axis
to short is PHI...
intimately linked to phi ratio,
whereas when cell deviates from phi ratio series, (for example if it becomes a circle), it
then becomes cancerous..
major to minor axis of cell as ellipse for healthy., capacitive maintenance keeps..
the EM radiation we deposit in cellular tissue is helping to resonante the intrcellular water
in to a state
wher e it becomes phi ratio.. When the water in PHI harmony, becomes healthy cell..
water becomes embeddable, and then the cell.. Embedability is the opposite of cancer..
bob zawada credits inspiration from stuart roy hameroff microtubules articles.. more see bottom:
notes to Chris Illert: (Key to Cold Fusion).
Extreme & implosive packing of hydrogen within palladium which is the mechanism of cold
fusion is due to the chordal current flows being Golden Mean due to Palladium's dodecahedral atomic structure. (Ref Moon's
work at University of Chicago, Palladium as Dodeca..) The Phi harmonic interference lattice internally is the geometry of
maximum or fractal wave compression.
visualize again here "chordal" wave geometric within nested pents as dodecs as cascading Phi
ratio- implosive.
note from dan, in the below,
IF you see the Hameroff solution to consciousness in the microtubules,
Subject: Re: understanding something is not spreading fear Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999
04:24:07 -0600 From: Barry Carter <> To: dan winter <>
Dear Dan,
Everything you've ever heard is true. There are an infinite number of probable realities;
all as real as this one. We engage in conscious selection by choosing from among an infinite number of futures. All of
these futures will happen to one version of the self or another. Which version do you wish to manifest?
Here is a portion of an article that I wrote on this subject:
Free Will and Parallel Universes
Here I would like to discuss some of these concepts as they relate to the role of the unconscious
mind. Many people believe that each individual's free will depends on their ability to perceive and choose from an infinite
number of probable futures. While this ability to perceive is largely assigned to the unconscious mind, the instructions
or parameters for these choices are conscious.
For example the conscious mind might decide to believe in a future where there is a great
natural disaster. (There are many good reasons why the conscious mind might choose disaster. Perhaps the conscious mind
wishes to rise to a situation with great heroism or perhaps the conscious mind is feeling guilty for separating the
self from others and wishes to join others in solving great problems.) The conscious mind, by toying with a belief in a
great natural disaster, would "assign" the unconscious mind the task of looking for a probable future which contained
all of the elements of disaster which would satisfy its criteria.
Most of us do not like contrived situations so the conscious mind would likely also assign
the unconscious mind to pick a probable future disaster which would have many surprising elements. The instruction from
the conscious to the unconscious might go something like this: "I am interested in working heroically with others to
rescue survivors of an earthquake or other natural disaster; I don't wish for this to look like I created it so surprise
me with the details."
Well, it turns out that a couple of the scientists I mentioned previously (Hameroff and
Penrose) have postulated something like this in a 1996 paper titled "Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain
microtubules: A model for consciousness" which was published in the journal "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation".
This complete paper is available on the web at:
They write:
"We assume that pre-and sub-conscious processing corresponds with quantum coherent superposition
which can perform "quantum computing" (Penrose, 1989). A number of authors (e.g. Deutsch, 1985; Deutsch and Josza 1992;
Feynman 1986; Benioff, 1982) have proposed that quantum coherence can implement multiple computations simultaneously,
in parallel, according to quantum linear superposition: the quantum state then "collapses" to a particular result. A state
which "self-collapses" (OR) will have an element of non-computability, even though evolution of its quantum coherence had
been linear and computable. A quantum superposed state collapsed by external environment or observation (SR, or R) lacks
a non-computable element, and would thus be unsuitable for consciousness. Large scale quantum coherence occurring among
tubulins (e.g. via electrons in hydrophobic pockets arrayed in the microtubule lattice, or ordered water within hollow
MT cores) could take on aspects of a quantum computer in pre-conscious and sub-conscious modes. . .
. . . But what is consciousness? According to the principles of OR (Penrose, 1994), superpositioned
states each have their own space-time geometries. When the degree of coherent mass-energy difference leads to sufficient
separation of space-time geometry, the system must choose and decay (reduce, collapse) to a single universe state, thus
preventing "multiple universes" (e.g. Wheeler, 1957). In this way, a transient superposition of slightly differing space-time geometries
persists until an abrupt quantum classical reduction occurs and one or the other is chosen. Thus consciousness may involve
self-perturbations of space-time geometry."
In a nutshell they are saying that through a process of quantum computing the microtubule
element throws a problem into the "black box" of all possible universes and pulls the solution out almost instantly. When
this happens, the decision point chooses one outcome from among an infinite number of parallel outcomes.
They refer to David Deutsch regarding his concepts of quantum computing. What does Deutsch
mean by quantum computing? In an online debate between David Deutsch and Seth Lloyd regarding whether parallel universes
are equally real, Deutsch writes:
Furthermore, the universes affect each other. Though the effects are minute, they are detectable
in carefully designed experiments. There are projects underway - close to your heart, I know, as well as mine - to harness
these effects to perform useful computations. When a quantum computer solves a problem by dividing it into more sub-problems
than there are atoms in the universe, and then solving each sub-problem, it will prove to us that those sub-problems
were solved somewhere - but not in our universe, for there isn't enough room here. What more do you need to persuade
you that other universes exist?
(You can read the balance of this debate at:
In the conclusion of their paper, Hameroff and Penrose write:
"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec
collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned
states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must
reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates."
Hameroff and Penrose are implying that in order to avoid "seeing" multiple universes at
the same time, the quantum coherence created in microtubules by some material (we think the alchemical materials) must
collapse. What if the quantum coherence did not collapse and we became aware of multiple universes?
Psychic Confirmation Probable Realities
Many modern physicists believe that there are an infinite number of parallel universes.
They theorize that atoms are made up of smaller particles which are like bubbles in the quantum foam. These bubbles in
the quantum foam or "holes in the aether" (spoken of below) spend a fraction of their existence in each of these parallel
The question of whether we can become aware of multiple universes can be broken down into
a smaller question; whether information is transferred between these parallel universes. This question was debated by Deutsch
and Lloyd (mentioned above).
Their debate was anticipated in The 'Unknown' Reality by Jane Roberts which was dictated
by Seth in 1974-75:
Session 682
"So I prefer, here to speak of these units of consciousness instead. Their nature is the
vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. These units can indeed appear in several
places at once, and without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these basic units of consciousness can
be in all places at once. They are in all places at once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear as
something else.
Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of them in one atom--many millions.
Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can move
forward or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.
All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible universes created from these
units. Therefore, there are realities in which the endless probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience
grouped about that venture.
There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life
of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences
possible within a moment have become realities within that framework."
Session 683
"Anything apparent to whatever degree in your system is developed in another.
The point of all this is that these units are unpredictable, and fulfill all probabilities
of consciousness. Any concepts of gods or other beings that are based upon limited ideas of personhood will ultimately
be futile. You view the fantastic variety of physical life--its animals, insects, birds, fish, man and all his works--with
hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that the nature of consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn
to think of an inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness,
and change it to a degree. The present idea of the soul, you see, is a "primitive" idea that can scarcely begin to explain the
creativity or reality from which mankind's being comes. You are multipersons. You exist in many times and places at once.
You exist as one person, simultaneously. This does not deny the independence of the persons, but your inner reality
straddles their reality, while it serves as a psychic world in which they can grow."
Session 695
"All probable selves are connected. They each influence one another. There is a natural
interaction, but no coercion. Each probable self has its own free will and uniqueness. You can change your own experience
in the probability that you know--which itself rides upon infinite other probabilities."
Session 733
"In your terms, the world is intensely different from one moment to another, with each smallest
portion of consciousness choosing its reality from a field of infinite probabilities."
"The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive. It is a triumph of spiritual
and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus. . . The
fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same."
Session 681
"You can choose to accept as your reality any number of given unpredictable events. In that
respect, the choice is yours, but all the events you do not accept occur nevertheless."
Session 682
"All matter is based upon the units mentioned, with their unpredictability and their propensity
for exploring all probabilities. Even your atomic structure, then, is poised between probabilities. If this is true, then
obviously "you" are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself--and this portion you protect as your identity.
If you think of it as simply a focus taken by "your" greater identity, then you will be able to follow what I am saying
without feeling puny by contrast, or lost. The focus that you have is indeed inviolate.
I have often said that even in your lifetimes, all probable variations of any one event
occur, but I never went much further. With your focus, it seems that you have a line of identity from birth to death. Looking
back at any point, you are sure that the "self" of ten years ago is the self of today, though perhaps changed in certain
There is, of course, no single-line kind of development at all. In the first place, as you
know, your life is at once, though you experience, practically, a life-to-death sequence--Ruburt's living area in Adventures.
Every probable event that could happen to you, happens."
Virus Music Tuned by Heart- Rife-Merkel-Naessens
Inspired by Dan Winter, Assembled by Panos Axiomakaros , for:
"Dan, how can we go about measuring the music, song of viruses, to become friends with them?
, love, Marysol"
hi marysol..
your question about measuring the frequencies of the little bugs (viruses and bacteria..)
is appropriate..
(sometimes I wonder if you want me to carry on here..)
but(again) this is an area where I have done much playing..
worked with professor john hubbard, MD U of Buffalo microscopist/pathologist.. (he was
working with john crane, dubious holder of rife scopes) also with earl ettiene biophysicist on this.. (background about
cellular sonics inspired at
and was SO impressed with jon fox unpublished work on rife scope...(maybe if
we tickle him here, he will add wisdom as well...)
he was with us in the big meeting at heart math institute demo ing of heartlink...
- so...
I tell a little story here about...
" the song of the bugs"...
how (in theory at least) you would learn to tune your heart music (ekg harmonics) and
voice harmonics... to invite in or out, specific virus / bacteria...
as learned from studying the Raymond Royal Rife microscope.. (shades of "Galileo of the
Microscope" here... by Christopher Bird
you may enjoy rife scope and Gaston Naessens reviews:
(-good background links on the harmonics of the bugs, but there is an important piece I add
below) It is Sumerian, indirectly because the sumerian glyph structures were shown to be wave guides optical microscopists
would use to feed light frequencies to MAKE subcellular organelles, in the pioneering microscopy of George Merkel "Sumerian Elixir" . Too bad he doesn't show you the principle..
hint: sumer's annunaki roots was a genetic engineering (ET) culture...(Gardner/Sitchen) so
their sacred symbols.. (like hiburu letters are tetra's tilts of charge spiraling into DNA coding)
ARE the light wave shapes which MAKE cells..
(more of my thoughts on Sumerian optics, aka Merkel -11/15/99: Climbing into and Out of The Great Worm..DNA" Activation" , , (Shades of Dune... and the
Political Squabbles about Ensoulment & access to psychokinetic Alphabets/symmetry maps into Time/Gene-isis..),5/7/99 ShapeShifter: Religions of Earth-SORTING DNA HYGIENE EMPOWERMENT vs A History
of ET Manipulation ,
cc pleomorphism and the bion:
somatid cycle as a harmonic 'ring'(ing) =cycle of the bugs..
science museum brief synopsis on rife:
and how teaching harmonic theory of bugs, 'spontaneously generates' jail sentences- Persecution
& Trial of Gasten Naessens:
OK, enough tongue in cheek here, let us ask WHAT IS THE PURE PRINCIPLE..
Raymond Royal Rife was a quartz lens carving genius..(before alchohol got him)
After realizing he could use the long or 'z' helical axis of quartz rotation of the plane
of polarized light to create a reference vs interference beam 'shadow' (theory and design of quartz crystal oscillators
by virgil bottom)
her realized that IN ORDER TO SEE (virus & backteria) CLEARLY down the optical slinky....
(of quartz)
the LIGHT FROM THE BUGS HAD TO HAVE THE PHASE DISCIPLINE (laser like synchrony of phase)
which happens when the bug (or whatever you peer at) is THE LIGHT SOURCE, and not just THE
so he spent years putzing by zapping the bugs with the known and newly learned critical
RF and UV frequencies necessary to cause them to BIOFLOURESCE OR BIOLUMINESE
later his tables on how to trigger the bugs TO EMIT LIGHT OF THEIR OWN...
became the hot cheat sheets of the rife healing zappers..
He then took the light from the bug, and interfered it with the reference beam light INSIDE
THE TWO PLANES OF POLARITY (quartz's optical 'bi-refringence')
and thus acheived optical resolution INVIVO (ALIVE) better than todays electron microscope
can do ... where they always have to kill the damned thing first... (and thus could never get a clue to it's natural light
emission spectra)
This of course disobeyed the law of physics, which said you could not see something smaller
than the wavelength you were looking at it with...
of course the FDA does not take kindly to revoking the laws of physics (something only congress
does ) so Rife went to jail...
In the process o discovering how to SEE the bugs better, he got a frequency map to how to
tickle them into making their own light..
Which ended up also being a way to zap em...
Now today, we can do more to calculate the critical hi frequencies which will cause viral
or bacteria to emit light... based on the angstrom distances between key structural pieces of the genetic material (genes
being of the most susceptible to magnetic resonance of all cellular material...)
Now I agree with Jon Fox, that simply zapping the virus say associated with
cancer, is more like shooting natures fireman (the bug) rather than the cause of the disease...
if as marysol is hinting.... now that she has shown us how light color frequencies measureably
replace and heal missing voice and heart AUDIO harmonics... (<> <>
why not APPLY THIS TO THE SPECTRA of LIGHT which INVITES bacteria and bugs INTO or OUT OF
our bodies?
One reason I am hinting at this detail, is that of all the cheat sheets on the critical spectra which
trigger the poor bugs... (lots of confusion has existed in this area)
is it seemed to me... Jon Fox.. probably has the best one...
Jon when you phase align the strong magnetic field thru hi pressure noble gas to regenerate tissue,
was this not a phase columnation at the atomic wavelength level... (noble gases are noble because their atomic valence metrics
are most implosively fractal -
best wave guides to phase sorting?)
-- So here's the deal... learn which light spectra are absorbed and emitted by your virus
or bacteria in question... and try feeding or depriving that harmonic in the voice or ekg... feeback...
ultimately... heart music selects the bugs allowed in your body...
ever notice how many days after your bout with depression it takes for the cold virus to arrive...?
-- now I will tell 1 last story..
we were told that the reason the ET craft came to destroy earth (Star Trek IV) when the
whales stopped singing...
was because the thin film piezoelectric (ocean) was no longer being intelligently 'packet
swithed' by the long wave whale sonic globally....(grid rapt) and thus stopped the necessary work which used that grid (like
a blinking semiphore..) TO SYNTHISIZE ONLY SYMBIOTIC (helpful) Viruses (from the wind of galactic capacitance called
gravity / astrology) to migrate into our genome..
When the whales stopping singing our global immune membrane (oceas)
GOT - AID's... (Membrane IS a song...) AND When genes FOLD they worm / morph into song.
(Only slinky's are piezoelectric. DNA / Quartz . Only Piezoelectricity moves power BETWEEN
frequencies efficiently.)
In summary, I agree with Marysol, that it IS appropriate for us to learn the "Song of the Bugs",
and tho we may have to start with technology in feedback to tune our hearts and voices to CHOOSE our small friends, soon we
will be self-empowered.
Further reading:
MEMBRANE as simply SONICALLY BRAIDED SKIN.. becomes GLOBAL Gaia immune Eye-dent-I-tie..
Key Phrase: "Bioacoustic Habitat Theory" (use that link at )
Dan Winter
and from hermit: the ET factor in viral evolution:
Viruses used to genetically redirect our evolution by "Aliens".
The "BLUE-Folder" briefings :
Our star, the Sun, was designated as Sol and the earth was referred to as Sol 3 because
we're the third planet out from the sun.
The Reticulans claimed to have genetically "externally corrected" our evolution up to 65
times over the last ten thousand years. Divided evenly, that would be one correction every 150 years.
Humans were referred to a "containers". Unfortunately the aliens viewed us simply as containers
of genetic material. Literally, Genetic Cultures.
There was an uncomfortable amount of information on recombinant DNA methods, and Viral Weaponry.
It is speculated that Viruses were used to genetically redirect our evolution since viruses are the only organism that
could attach to the human and impart a new genetic code.
According to the aliens our religions were given to us so, as the aliens said, "to prevent
the 'containers' from destroying themselves". There were various references to religious belief systems that currently
exist today.
The Reticulans can exert a form of mind control on humans. This form of control is best
started when the human is quiet and relaxed. Sleeping is preferable. ******************************************************************* Alien
Confrontation Read about the alien conflict which left 44 military and one scientist dead. Apparently taking place in
1979. See :
Later, that same year (1979) there was another "alien conflict". This one at the DULCE Underground
Base...this left about 66 people dead and about a dozen people, from the base, went A.W.O.L., along with Security Officer
"T.E.C.". (See Dulce Base material by "J.B.III")
Climbing into and Out of The Great Worm.. (Shades of Dune)
DNA Activation and the Political Squabbles about Ensoulment..
Access to psychokinetic Alphabets/symmetry maps into Time/Gene-isis.. The Gene Ice
is ChyrstalEyezing..
Also below: Is a model for the physics of consciousness based on wave constructive
interference gone self organizing due to Golden Ratio recursion, now mathematically testable?
by Dan Winter 11/15/99 .. url: ../dnaactivation
Re: The spiritual / psychological work of Ensoulment- when the implosion worm up the center
zipper of DNA ceates a sustainable faster than light tornado-see also The Building of the Antakarana and the Rainbow Bridge - from Kuthumi via Joshua
David Stone
...or in the language of solar physics: "The interchange stability of the geomagnetic TAIL is examined from the kinetic stability theory
perspective and compared with the criteria of.." Leonid Shower's spin indexed?.."The dynamics of magnetic flux ropes near
the sun and in interplanetary space are studied using a modified version of the flux rope model .." As the Mayan's said, get
their lucid dream aleyephi awake in symmetry space or they shall be blown away in the magnetic wind /worm (tail) of the sun!".
(Thanks Ray at )
other articles at ../sitemap.html
Ode to "Sparks Darting About Thru Stubble, Looking for a REASON to Imagine Themselves
Separate"... and "Getting a Handle on A SuperLuminal Vector Out Your Own DNA "... in order to get thru the green still point
emerald city in the rainbow between folding in and folding out. (Red Adamically converges into the optical photon donut worm,
blue folds out-= Sacre Blue.)... Subtitle to RA-PHI-em here is "Letter's TO Oz!".
It's rather exciting that Frank Herbert's son Brian has picked up Dad's DUNE worm climbing
gear and provided more detail on how the planet tamers actually climb aboard the great sandworms in "House Atreides". You
gotta get them hooks in between the segments at just the RIGHT ANGLE to expose the juicy (mag) blood which the worm will then
always protect your hold/perspective consumer.
Imagine you were a magnetic worm become self directing because implosion kept a phire (phi
lo tectic) in your braid. Some of our ancients called this the dragon current. When magnetic current worms (designer 'jeans')
become self organizing they begin to gather wave fronts (you & me) into themselves "with a will".
Now the gatekeepers (LORDS OF TIME) into the throat of these great intergalactic and superluminal
worms have been variously called: "Making an antenna dodeca in The Movie Contact", The Quaballah: Sepher Yetzira, The Hebrew
Alphabet as the cookbook to a golem tetrahelix DNA, or The Quantum Mechanics of Superluminal Tunneling in DNA (William Pensinger
et al..).. (visualize squeezing your optical hologram down the di-phvine throat into the all embedable using the Golden Spiral
"If one wishes to influence anything in the physical universe (space) he must make use of the
physical SHAPE of the letters. If this involves a meditative technique, one would contemplate the appropriate letters, as
if they were written in a book. The method involves making each particular letter combination fill the entire field of vision,
elminating all other thoughts from the mind. - Finally, if one wishes to influence the spiritual realm, he must make use,
either of the sounds of the letters, or of their names. This technique... is the one that is used when making a Golem".)
What no one seems to deny about the physics of this gate to getting your dream online, is that
SYMMETRY is the clue..
Imagine how raw and sensitive would be the exposed spark gap between segments of your DNA worm...
if it were really true that everywhere a spark gap generated Golden Ratio charge harmonics... there the radiance would be
inPHIknit. We are told, everything about the non-linear hydrogen bond at the core of the lightning ZIPPER up the central DNA
codon bond stair, is GOLDEN RATIO. ( ). (Professor John Hubbard's theory at U.Buffalo was that the decay in the stability of this
bond WAS the primary wave mechanic responsible for aging. )
Visualize a series of spark gaps sending a childrens spanking line into phi heterodyne faster
than light acceleration, and you get the picture.
This is merely the genetic implementation of what the synapse does with spark gaps to set the
brain on phire. ( )
It is really all about your sister trying to incorporate (non-destructively) into her fancy
pony tail braid pattern, ANOTHER INCIDENT STRAND!! (you / your entry into the mnemonic wave survival called lucid dream ...
otherwise known as: Will your phone call into the faster than light capacitive wave called ancestral genetic memory GET A
Now the cookie cutters (sacred alphabet / how donuts kiss) symmety maps into permission to
wander into these superluminal pining worms, WERE THE SUBJECT OF GREAT AND COLORFUL INTERGALACTIC WARFARE.:
Example 1: The indigenous in "Stargate" Movie were killed if they were caught learning letters.
Example 2: -deleted by federal order-
Example 3:. Enlil forces Enki to retreat to Thule (very Thot-h ful) /Atlantis to raise the
Cayin king bloodline, because he insists on teaching the grail blood of real embedding, the sacred alphabet (BaaaBel's Djed
Towers). (ref:"One Foot in Atlantis" book, Henry).
Example 4:. Quoting from Mojo Man, Subject: Thoth and the Politics of PERMISSION TO ALPHABET:
" I love Thoth, even though he directed the Egyptians time and again to attack my people in Harran. We didn't choose that
Marduk (Enlil Son?) hid there for 24 years. We didn't choose that the Egyptians/Babylonians etc.. were tearing their world
apart in Nuclear Holocaust... we simply were the ones who were called in to clean up the mess. We were simply serving the
unknown Time Lord Coalition called Yahweh. As the Word of God, or Logos Thoth/Hermes/Mercury argued with Ra (Enlil?/Yalweh?)
to let him adapt the hieroglyphs to writing and give it to the humans, and we know that Ra disagreed. Eventually Ra left to
go to Nibiru he made Thoth his spokesman... the mouthpiece of God in another sense. It was at this time that Thoth went ahead
and taught humanity through the Son's of the Elohim {mistakenly called singular God}. Later he became the classic Demiurge
in the sense of puppet-master. He guided Herakles and other heroes. He also chose Cadmus to encode the alphabet and give it
to the Greeks. He also helped Cadmus invent the KABBALAH, and within this word alone is an etymological goldmine--- the story
of the later Jesus the Christ." END QUOTE. (rest of this letter reprinted below for those whose ears are smokin..."...the
illusion of duality is the {re al} Monster we must slay, and this is what modern teachers of Sacred Geometry/Alphabet are
singing about whether they know it or not."... note from DAN: DOES EMBEDDING SOLVE DUALISM?, ../goldenphysics/Summ_II.PDF)
Example 5. The Rabbi's "drill" the hero (modeled on my life) in the movie "PI" for the Secret
to Quaballah (Phi/Recursion) which predicts when random oscillators like the stock market, emerge from chaos into self-organization.
Willaim Buehler on the Templar Repair the Fabric of Time committee (finish the work of Rennes/Rosslyn)
crew, keeps reminding us this "Ranna" time wave will self destruct with all of us aboard, if we do not get our land maps,
and event histories, and DNA all into the Phi geometry ("Reshel" grids) of embedding. (See "Spiral Calendar" book on event
timing MUST be in time intervals at PHI multiples - otherwise nothing remains/recurs.. Eat your heart out Neitsche, the path
of Eternal Return was not condemnation but ascention..)..
And William's hero Thoth shows up recursively himself wherever the motley crew gathers into
Phi tree of life patterns on the land, to again try to get those Parallel timelines to embed not unravel. See the upcoming
epic movie at Cody's "Darlene does Sintra at the Graal Ports" (Port U Gal).... while Norma Milanovich decides to study Electricity
101: How to Ground. (Otherwise known as the simple physics of SoulOMon buildings.) Tongue in Cheek ends here, at the spark
You get the flavor. The Draco /Orion reptile Queen..
(see morph of Sumer Queen Statue to Draco face at: LionPath, Lion Place, Secret Places of the Lion.. -For the Occasion of the LEOnid Meteors... & also: at TaleEating:Lightspeed Ensoulment-dna squirts woim toining into face - "Phantom" DNA AND Draco's and the W-Orme )
... star travelers were not always happy to have their employees (Enlil/Annunaki), teach their
borgs (us) entry into their blood (DNA). Access to cooking up truly recursive - ENSOULED DNA was a closely guarded secret.
This was because, getting the big bucks for being guild navigators for the trading houses, was a union with admission fees.
And DNA that spit UV into the faster than light was the physics of getting genepools to steer thru lightspeed into time -
ref: Montauk - the freq signature-Boson of 7. (Also see George Merkel's designs for subcellular organelles based on Sumerian
Glyphs as optical wave guides..Sumerian Elixirs.. Remember the watered down Sumerian genetic cookery in Glyphs is called "The
Old Testament", see Gardner..).
Now if you insist on engaging in the human penchant to agonizingly decide who is the bad guys
among all these hats, welcome to more lifetimes of wasted time. If on the other hand, you make a shot at getting to the PURE
PRINCIPLES behind the personalities, and you too might find sustainable lighning tingling in your DNA!
exerpt: Subject: DNA "Activation Techniques" , To: Dan Winter , Mon, 15 Nov, From: Q:
"What activator do you recommend most for DNA Acitviations...a).Catherine Bennett b) Robert Gerard-ottenhouse, c) other...which?
thankyou." darren
A: Robert Gerard - see &
Catherine Bennett see , Catherine is a good friend, we recently did a speaking tour together..In great part, her work
originated with Robert. I also like what I read about him (above links). We had great conversations about whether it is useful
to DEMAND that your own DNA do anything. I thot(h) that it might be more useful to address it like a child needing pursuading
to see a wider view - embed a longer wave. Perhaps the DEMANDing language being used is a reflection of those who still haven't
grokked the WHY behind the great galactic political PRIME DIRECTIVE... (Set the children of the worms FREE to become SELF
This work will take a great leap forward when the specific incident angles which allow a field
domain to enter DNA's wrap are mapped to the tetra helix gold spiral vortex throat symmetry map which is the original Hiburu
alphabet ;/ language of light / and DNA programming language. THIS IS THE REAL ROMANCE OF WHAT ALLOWS MAGNETIC DOMAINS TO
(See synaptic radiance: spark gap gone phi-lotactic at ../fire )
At which point the somewhat ungrounded sequences of intent vectors called for now by mostly
faith can be empowered by highly specific understanding of how how send an optical hologram focused from the visual cortex
... impedance matched into phase discipline with the interstitial angles between codons in their DNA wrap to embed algorhythmn.
(Faith being a good precursor and pointer to - but a lousy replacement for - resolved understanding. )
Once this is coupled with how long wave sonic phonons from glands emoting set the envelope
to carrier wave size ratios in the DNA braid (my work on the sound of the heart in bliss vs measuring DNA wrap factors, see
Rein article at ../superDNA )..
Then the physics of ensoulment (DNA braid imploding to superluminal and self organization),
will connect the quantum to the sepher yetsirah. (we the Annunaki Golem's become self aware..)
Dan Winter
addend:, compare with now with the POLITICS of letting a parasitized genepool understand it's
own potential to become self directing in time... in other words HAVE A REAL MODEL OF THE PHYSICS OF WHAT MAKES WAVES SELF-AWARE:
to Professor David Chalmers, cc: Professor Richard Davidson:
from Dan Winter, 11/9/99
A Researcher in Portugal, Gustavo Figueiredo,
just phoned that he had completed his 50 page Graduate Research Thesis
whose principle subject was showing that my work on the specific measured mathematical
geometry of phi perfected recursion in any oscillator.. predicted the onset of consciousness..
as a theory specifically roundly met every criterion you had established for a THEORY
OF CONSCIOUSNESS.. plus offering a mathematics to make it testable.. (../predictions )
I have found translation for his paper and hope to have it to you shortly.
I pray that an excedingly busy person like you might find this sufficiently intriguing
to at least take a moment to look at the key elements of this theory. In brief, originally I found by 2nd order fft of ekg
(septrum) that the when the spacing between harmonics of the heart was an even multiple of golden ratio, this predicted powerfully..
1. intense emotion, and 2. the math of maximal sustained coherence. (recent independant study ../heartstudy ) (It was myself who originally showed heart math institute the ekg fft technique, which they
later used at my suggestion to measure the effect of ekg coherence/emotion? as DNA's programmer/braider: ../rein , ../emotion . My graduate mentor was Dr Al Ax psychophysiologist famous for electrical descrimination of
fear vs anger).
Later when we realized that this was a way to mathematically model how eeg waves converge
non destructively to create the phenomenon we call attention, (../attention/attention.html ) Marty Wuttke (of eeg feedback to end A.D.D.), and I successfully presented this model of the
solution to quantifying self reference and thus self awareness, to Depak Chopra and his research director David Simon, personally..
and received their congratulations (../isthisrecursion/apta.html )
The specifics of how this quantifies the problem of charge radiance/consciousness as the
simple geometry of what makes a field self organizing at the synapse is at ../fire
The specifics of how this measures the contact permission inhibition of membrane (cancer)
is at ../cancer
(In a way this model is merely an extension of what had already been shown, that apparently
chaotic oscillators become predictably self organizing when they approach phi harmonics: ../stockmkt/stockmkt.html )
What we simply need is an academician brave enough to meaningfully critique this theory,
to reach a wider scientific community. This might eliminate Einstein's problem of having to wait for a whole generation of
academics to die off, before a revolution can be accepted. The question of recognition/reward for me being a less than issue
(I like this cabin in the woods). My concern is that if the specifics of how to repair the geometry of a magnetic fabric of
field effect like Gaia unto self organization/awareness, is not soon taught... our genepool may not survive the next decade..
Application to global restabilizing atmosphere: ../stargravity
I have taken the liberty of assembling some references to the academically oriented articles
below, pics on bottom. I hope you find this convenient and not overwhelming. A highly conversational/readable and still profound
place to start is ../introduction
Perhaps if you do indeed decide to humor me and ck some of this out, you might simply
answer the question: Do you not now agree that Phi as in Phylotaxes is what makes wave systems self-referential, self organizing
and therefore conscious? The reason for this appears simple, this geometry of perfectly constructive heterodyning (see heterophi
link in introduction), is the only way an infinite (inphiknit?) number of wave fronts can converge/agree ?
rest of the Mojo quote: Subject: Smoking Ears Date: Wed, 10 Nov , From: To:
In a message dated 11/10/99 7:00:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, William Buehler writes:
> > As you know, my orientation is towards ignoring most of histories' >
machinations, stellar and otherwise, except as it has direct bearing on the > present Metatronic ascension vector. (Thoth
is cranking out huge piles of > ancient (pre)history but it all has current relevance.) About 85% of the > issues
in the Racial Mind are OBE'd, going down the loo. Some are worth > saving and transmuting. Then some are pure gold without
needing much buffing up. Trying to sort this out ...without the clarity I need... is torquing my > attention units
into tight spirals ...smoke coming out of my ears.
Dear William, thank you for your quick response. In *response to your response*, I
am resplendently responding after much reposal thusly {and with love}----
Those who don't Gno their history are doomed to repeat it. I love Thoth, even though
he directed the Egyptians time and again to attack my people in Harran. We didn't choose that Marduk hid there for 24 years.
We didn't choose that the Egyptians/Babylonians etc.. were tearing their world apart in Nuclear Holocaust... we simply
were the ones who were called in to clean up the mess. We were simply serving the unknown Time Lord Coalition called Yahweh.
As the Word of God, or Logos Thoth/Hermes/Mercury argued with Ra to (Ra ti O) let him adapt the hieroglyphs to writing
and give it to the humans, and we know that Ra disagreed. Eventually Ra left to go to Nibiru he made Thoth his spokesman...
the mouthpiece of God in another sense. It was at this time that Thoth went ahead and taught humanity through the Son's
of the Elohim {mistakenly called singular God}. Later he became the classic Demiurge in the sense of puppet-master.
He guided Herakles and other heroes. He also chose Cadmus to encode the alphabet and give it to the Greeks. He also helped
Cadmus invent the KABBALAH, and within this word alone is an etymological goldmine--- the story of the later Jesus the
Christ. This is not ambiguous either; and encoded within the message is another just for me, the first to openly do
this as far as far as I know::: Write it down and wait. Give it to an editor when the time is right. So you go and ask Mr.
Thoth about Mojoman and he will tell ya I'm ok.
He doesn't even mind that I will be the one to point out that he was no angel in political
affairs. This is not judgmental, just being aware that others discount a message which is so thoroughly pegged on Thoth's
name. It is about this time that I will also tell the world that our friend ate copious amounts of magic mushrooms
and is often depicted with a rose in one hand and a mushroom in another. I salute the recent attempts to find ways of Ascension
which do not involve drugs. I have been told that humanity is evolving to a point where they will not need them to force
open that atrophied 3rd eye, but right now I'm just not sure if we are there yet. All of the God's ate lotsa the right
kinda drugs to maintain immortality--- the life of millions of years. But another unknown God + followers reminded us
that the illusion of duality is the Monster we must slay, and this is what modern teachers of Sacred Geometry/Alphabet
are singing about whether they know it or not. All I am asked to do is to get these many voices singing in a clear
harmony which will open a door out of this mess. And unfortunately, in order to do this, over half of the world needs
to be awakened from the chains of history. Those who don't Gno their history are doomed to repeat it.
I have been told to organize a Round Table of authors and scientists for a short series
of mutual projects including a comprehensive World, Solar, Galactic, Universal and Multiversal History. As we have all
seen there have been many recent solitary attempts to do this. This is wonderful, but not harmonious. In fact, in many
ways it is fractious since those who know more about the history of certain "God's" infamous or famous might discount the
larger message somewhat when these beings are mis-represented as overly angelic. They have to krap and wipe their butts
just like us and they will be the first to admit their flaws if they are kind enough to be concerned for the truth.
SO, to bring this to a point---- in the year 2,000 I plan on calling together these people. Some will start a project about
Others will work specifically on a project concerning Human Potential. Big disclaimers all over the front
door, but anyone who wishes may cross the bridge between potential and history which we call such things as Sacred Geometry,
Sacred this or that. The point of stripping the mythology of religious dogma into our common history is to allow the true
message to come forth. The Metaphors in the message invariably lead us to the universal mathematical language of Cabalistic
numerology as a tool for escaping the politics of duality altogether. We are not trying to be as Gilgamesh and reach
the crossroads of Nibiru to obtain the Plant of Life to live forever in this body... we are talking about becoming the
Mayan TIME STARS sometimes call MerKaBa-ian lightships and beyond the state of ism associated even with the lightships
is the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. These are the Apsura's as we become like Apsu the Sun. As far as any of the
God's know this is the top Nirvana before the Celestial Ladder either leads to the Ain Soph {which Rama went through}
or downward to the Pit {Where Sophia/Ophis/Vasuki "fell" to}. This is a doorway from the end of time to the beginning.
It is connected by a certain set of particles I would love to present to a group. We are understanding the Quantum Bridge
better than the God's themselves.... =) =) =) Just ask Thoth... he saw all of this and wishes me to relate it to you
just to prove he sent me. Perhaps we can meet sometime after all in the next few months? I am animating parts of the
story of Thoth using Internet technology so hope to have some bells and whistles to impress the board, but if anyone needs
to learn this ahead of time they can fly to me or vica versa. Just remember, I am getting ready to move within the next
2 months and plan accordingly.
I can imagine the great fun such a group of stalwart individualists can have teaching
the methodology of yesterdays Metaphysical/Esoteric revealed mysteries utilizing today's special effects!! There are those
who are already doing just this, who will bring their work to the table in order for it to serve as a backbone for
such a project. I have been told this by an assortment of the beings you would call God's including Thoth. I have even
been given examples of pious men and women who have already finished their work and were told to wait until the call. This
call will have to be handled delicately concerning certain truths. I have to get the permission of certain governments
to release parts of this info.... do you think that if my Brother Ron Wyatt told Israel that the Ark of the Covenant was
found they wouldn't tear down the Dome of the Rock and start a World War? I would never take it upon myself to circumvent
the tenuous balance of peace we have forged in JeruShalem, and yet prudence dictates that we ask the big question--
If a peace isn't brokered ahead of time concerning this information and the import it brings to the last of the World's Prophecies
{we are almost out of Prophecies if you haven't noticed} will it not be released surreptitiously and without concern for
the innocents? I have to try and not let this happen prematurely and by the wrong hands. How many will join together
is not my concern, but surely there is a group of individuals brave enough to turn and face the upcoming fire.
We are being tested--- we must first recognize the test in order to pass it. The collapse
of the MerKaBa which some are talking about is due to our own spiritual sun-spots. This reverberates the whole of Earth
until it's pattern is found in the extremities of planetary or even celestial events. Fighting to leave the test is
escapism. Fighting to hold up the Magnetic Grid is putting a Band-Aid on the gaping wound started in our own hearts as
a group. The Test is within us, just as much as without. We must then be cognitive of our options and act quickly. While
some effect a spiritual fire, others must effect a political fire; by starting these little brush fires we act as the
aboriginal did in staving off the larger blaze called Fate. In this fashion a few souls will lead the whole through the
minefield we call the EXPECTATIONS of History. Ron can tell you that every person who attempts to release this info
has been assassinated by mysterious strangers but how long can they keep it up? This is our world my friends, wake up and
live in it.
The escapists are waiting for the next StarGate to open Christmas Solstice so they
can just bag the whole thing but I am sure there is a group out there concerned with the common welfare of humanity? I
am merely reaching out to the teachers called to lead the way out of this maze.
The key to our present fate is twofold:
{1} We must recognize that human history turns on the efforts of a few people at any
given time. They might not even recognize their importance to the world at large, but future generations will hold their
predecessors struggles up as a guiding light to higher truth, to deeper water.
{2} As the God's themselves tell us there is a supreme difference between destiny and
fate. Our destiny is to go through these changes. Our fate is how we choose to go through them. The people I am reaching
out to, no--- that I am calling out to are the leaders of their world whether they recognize it or not, for as the
Western World goes so goes the Earth. It is they who are chipping away at this paradigm but, whereas once most of them
did this alone or in small groups now they shall do it in harmony. Only a few people know what portends humanity for the
God's reveal their plans to only the most ardent Seeker. If not these few, these lonesome band of Brothers and Sisters,
then who? Our Governments? Let's take a poll and ask how many are comfortable with this arrangement. =)
>From an old preface to an even older Tome called The First Book of Adam and Eve:
"Almost the passengers have turned pilots. Everyman is thinking for himself. "
Without the facts, I cannot know what to THINK, THEREFORE I AM <NOT> inclusive
in the larger paradigm unless it be as the sleeping man on a raft floating down a raging river. I see the River is Sita
arrow of time raging towards the Cosmic C. I see us as the sleeping Rama, nestled on the coils of Vasuki who is the
raft. I see the end of the Ramayana which tells us that, one time around the wheel Vasuki tires of fighting with Rama and nurtures
him as the Mother God she is {the Veh in the Yod HE Veh ShE of the Metatronic "Ascension Vector". I see her whisper
to sleeping Rama that, instead of fighting they must become one--- the Winged Snake who has learned it's lesson. Hanuman
finally let's go of Vasuki's tail and hops on board this Argus Ship for the Cosmic C. L. Ron Hubbard might have been wacky,
but his analogy of the Universe-creating Thetan who fell down the cosmic black hole of her own creation and got sucked
up INTO it is right on the $. When Vasuki and Rama cooperate then the Paradigm is busted and the Thetan is re-constituted,
which is what the Gnostics have been blindly working towards for years. The Zenheads had it right all along! But even Buddha
had to go to the far reaches of the 3rd demon-scion to preach this, YEAH even to Hell and to the Giants, YEAH even to
Nibiru itself which is why so many of the God's themselves got into the Law of ONE as little as 2,000 years ago. A
transfigured human preaching to the Gods of every dimension? Believe it and learn our potential to lead our creators...
the sheep become the shephard! The Anunnaki themselves experienced an epiphany!!!
This is why Thoth,among others, has-is-will endorse this Council.
The agent for this revelation is none other than the Galactic Emperor himself,,, missing
from the Olympian scene but talked of from time to time. Been gone so long that His/Her/Their image is alien to the Elohim,
the Nefilim, the Anunnaki. When we get to be a lucid member of this WhiteLight Club, then we too will say I AM, knowing
that the I is all there is. I know that many are being led to teach this and wish to bring them together for at least
a one time only Sup. Those who are called to the History project will know when their heart tells them. Those who are called
to the Mystery project will also know. And for those who wish to take part but are too far removed geographically or
monetarily we have the wonderful potential of the Internet + Intranets to tap. Not only will it be fun to make these connections
but it should be rewarding for many reasons. I would love to help foster the relationships which will allow us to call
each other with our personal questions and observations. No man is an island. While we aren't exactly Spartans here,
we too can lay down the swords of words we use and work together. This is just in the talky phase, but I am storyboarding a
loose framework for both books which can then be thrown out whole or in parts. It just gives a place to start this project
which should take at least 2 years to fulfill unless the One has other plans.
I serve the One. I AM the One. I am here on behalf of the error of my family, serving
out of shame and not pride. I am merely the messenger.
Love Mo.
P.S. There were obviously some errors in the history of my letter to Dan including
but not limited to: {1} Sin is Nannar the son of Enlil. {2} Enki or EA is Aquarious the Water Bearer, into whose constellation
the Earth moves in what, 12 years now? This is the dawning of the Age of... oh you've heard that one. {3} The 3rd root
of the word Kin is SUN!!! How could I forget to include that one? {4} Uranus is Anu, who was Lord of our Solar System
when Marduk the newcomer arrived to slay Tiamet. APSU is the Lord Sun. Big difference eh? Now when we picture the Apsu-ra's
rising in their celestial dance above the Churning of the Sea of Milk {Milky Way} we know who they are referring to--
APSU the ATEN!!! I C I C I C said the blind man!
I pump out these letters sometimes without thought to cross checking. Dan can confirm
that usually my letters aren't even close to lucid (getting better now huh Dan?) and usually contain over 10,000 characters,
so I am just being lazy. I self-correct to show others that I am talking a talk as much as walking a walk; now I am
seen as no guru but as a fellow student. You can reach me and teach me at if you wish as well. Self-Correction
also allows me to prod others into letting go of the pride which keeps them from throwing down their own assumptions. We
teach each other. For instance, my friend TJ taught me recently to see the envelope in the Time Star, which spurred
me to see other forms as well. The more I was consciously imbedded within the thoughtform the less material my world became.
I stopped myself, as I wish to write about the process as I learn it {my own personal project}.
Love to all----
As Austin Powers might say--- Let Those Ears Smoke BAAAABBBY!!! Yeahahahahaaaa...
Groovy Baby, Yeah!
--end quote from Mojo
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