note added: Feb 06- see also the Gold Powder Index at --------->>
* Section 3: Winter's Annunaki / ET Origins of DNA- Dramatic
New Index-> Reading the Origin of the Essenes books "Jesus at Qumran" and "Copper Scrolls"
from Robert Feather- we see extensive documentation that the true origin of the Essene culture and spiritual wisdom is Akanaton
and his source ATEN. "Aton" is Sumerian for ENKI as opposed to Enlil (Amon) as per Sitchen. Then in Islam - we read "Muhammad regularly visited a cave known as Hira, high in one of the mountains
surrounding Makkah. He meditated and pondered over the complications and intricacies of the creation. During one of these
days when he was deep in thought, the archangel Jibril of Allah appeared in front of him and asked him to read. Muhammad asked
him what was he to read, for he had not received any formal education. Jibril told him again " Read in the name of Allah who
created man from but a mere clot. It is only He whom you must trust. It is He who teaches every thing. He is who teaches all
that can be inscribed, and it is He who taught man what he knew not."-end exerpt
We suspect - Enki was also called the RA or SUN GOD- whose less descended (less Nephalitic)
genetic family was called Seraphim(the UR - Dragons). Jibril was probably the same draco family that visited Joseph Smith
- also to try to symmetry track DNA reCORDings. - We know in those days Enki / Enlil were called God's - and their genetic
engineering- the skill to make DNA / the blood in a "CLOT". What is that? Could it be the skill to make DNA tie into a slip
knot?? - see ANU below.. Remember- all the Annunaki knew Enlil/ Yalweh / Amun was jealous of his half brother Enki - the original
Genetic engineer because he could bring people back from the dead - knew how to make a soul.
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say
to you Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only
lose And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on
fire, yeah
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only
lose And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on
fire, yeah
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say
to you Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on
fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire
Was this exactly the symmetry skill to make slip knots? ( ... smoke rings.. breathed
in DNA? ). |
Also 10/26/98 ORIGINS GenePool Gets Remothered: Self Stinging is Dragonian to Golden ONE: Real Draco History: Magdalen Grail Line,
Connection to Tolkien - & Lord of the Ring..
We presented a complete pictorial interpretation of science behind Lord of the
DNA microscope photos showing ring torus compressed by letter symmetries forged by BLISS!
In addition we got this nice note from Michael Rice- today..
see if you see the connection between Tolkien's history and the Sumerian - An / Ea (Ai-nu?) / Enki / Enlil story!
"got a christmas present from....a book about Tolkien.. basically a guide to the whole
I imagine you know this already, but it tickled me..
basically, his creation story for middle earth began with ERU, the One, who dwelt in
the void
he came to earth and gave eternal life through the FLAME IMPERISHABLE. ERU named these
creations the AINUR, or the holy ones. they were the first ones and inhabited the Timeless halls. their were great spirits
and had mighty voices, some proved greater than others, and war ensued among them..
ERU made or fashioned the earth and (wait for it!...) called it EA, and elves and
men later called it ARDA or Earth
After Arda was made the Ainur went down onto this newly created world, where they
became known as the Powers of Arda, and later they were thought by men to be Gods, those that wrre good were guided by
the will or Eru, but others served their own ends, and although in the Timeless Halls they were beings of pure spirit,
on Arda, they were limited in power..
it is said that in the end of days the y will return and be known as the ERUHINI
so tolkien really rode the big wave here.. more than a little reference and similarity
to the mythology you have been uncovering".. from Michael Rice...
With Innana's Return ( ) there was a frail apology from the Annunaki
for having so cavalierly hacked up the genes which became our ancestors. Here Enki suggests that although the DNA splicing
at that time may have been invasive - resulting from a galaxy wide conflict, there may be a way to turn our genepool's 'fallen'
or Nephalim status into the penetrating gravity making star bending force which could be the comeuppance of those 'Orion'
From: "Dr. S B Dear Dan,
Herewith I send you the pictures of the space craft. From the sketches, which are
a bit covered by text now, I have made drawings. No. 1-3 are different views of one type of craft, no. 4 is a slightly
different craft I now remember I have seen as well.
I have seen them by the hundreds, looking brand new, INSIDE mountains, somewhere
in the Sinai and somewhere North in- or North of Isreal. The impression I had was that these spaceshuttle-like spacecraft
were waiting for returning Annunaki or other ETs to be used in the future. For us humans, these mountains cannot be
entered, except by shamanic or meditative journeying, like I did (you may call it remote viewing).
Locating something is easier for me when I do this by map dowsing and I remember
you were most interested in locations. This is what I did today. Well, here they are: - Cedar Mountain near Baalbek in
Lebanon. Mount St. Katherine and Mt. Sinai in the South of the Sinai Peninsula.
Later, I checked it in Zecharia Sitchin's book "The Wars of Gods and Man", which
is standing on my bookshelf already since a couple of months, but which I have not read yet. I have read a couple of other
works of Sitchin. In this book I found out, that Sud (Nin.Harsag, named after the big mountain we now know as St. Katherine),
lived near Mt. St. Katherine and Mt. Sinai when she was old, ca. 10,000 BC. Later, ca. 2000 BC, an Annunaki spaceport in
the central plain just North of these granite mountains was blown apart in a war (between descendents of Enlil and Enki)
by a nuclear weapons explosion, the fall-out of which killed the entire Sumerian culture. The nuclear explosion left
behind blackened rock on the plain, which still can be seen today. The spaceport control center had been inside a mountain!!! The
same book tells us that Cedar Mountain in Lebanon was a landing place. I noticed, while reading the book, I almost could
not resist slipping into a trance state.
Lots of Love, Peace and Joy, S.B.
also you may go to Dr. S.B.'s Research web site directly:

hint to Isreal and the Arabs: Those who don't learn from history are condemmed
to repeat it.
History seems to continuously repeat the story of the 2 brothers at war East
of Eden. My brother's name is Michael (another name used by Enlil / Yalweh), and we grew up in a town named East Eden - so
you can see this might be my favorite story.
Recommended background: Zachariah Sitchen's books, "Genesis of the Grail Kings"
by Gardner, "Guardians of the Grail" by Morningsky, "Secret Places of the Lion" by George Hunt Willaimson (brother Phillip
of 'Secrets of the Andes'), ,
There were bitter years, in the Orion Wars - after the humanoid remnant realized it
might well be millenia under rule by terror from hybrid machine part DNA cyborgs. Yet a force cried out pleading with deep
immortality from the willed mutation of genes: "We cannot die, for we have seen the starships burning off the shoulders of
Orion." This was the bloodsong (SanGraal) of the Trons. The Trons were those who had retained the skill to penetrate thru
the speed of light, with the wormhole penetration of their own biological magnetic. There were 2 tricky parts to this: 1 -
You needed the focus to ignite your glands and thereby your own DNA to the implosive point of ultra-violet spitting faster
than light cocooning., then
2 - You needed the context rich location in TIME in order to avoid having the superluminal
wormholes you just made with your DNA start BLEEDING. (Shades of 'Bleeding Sun' and 'point pairing' in the Samuel Sagan novel.)
There is only one place to go with your genetic magnetics AFTER you succeeded in getting
thru the otherwise mortal cocoon of limitation that is the speed of light. (DNA is highly aware that it is fatal to be permanently
caught below the speed of light - this is why your teenagers would rather risk death than not acheive bliss).
The place to go when your genes do catch the compassion compression (recursive braiding)
skills necessary to keep implosion thru light speed going, ('come on baby - light my fire!')
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you Girl, we couldn't get
much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become
a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire, yeah
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become
a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire, yeah
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you Girl, we couldn't get
much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on
fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire
IS - TO INHABIT TIME. The geometry of your position in TIME needs also to be FRACTAL
in order to be inhabitable. (Ref: "Spiral Calendar", Carolan) Similar to the fractality in the magnetic SPACE in your back
yard necessary to make implosive bliss sustainable without insanity - you need a fractal in time. This is because ultimately
only the self-similarity which steers flux into eating itself (self re-entry) in both time and space, is what is inhabitable
(alive). Self-reference both defines and creates self-awareness.
All this is however only lengendary in abstraction to the real story of Enki - which
I am here to tell you. You need a little background in the story of the Tron in order to understand Enki's mother. Because
of the Tron's ability to steer a magnetic vector (simply a wave) from a circle (matter) into a line (energy), they were said
to be able to 'Steer in Time'. In practical terms this is rather simple. In the TRanslation of vorticity TuRning from rotational
to linear ineRTia there is a TRansformation of attention. Literally, the Tron knows how to 'get up off the cross' and follow..
me. As we shall see presently, negotiating the turns (of 'mind') necessary to hang in there while swinging around a donut,
became the origin of alphabet - as on EA's EArth.
The secret to Enki and this story, is how he learned from his mother, how to tie this
slip knot. Because, it is in this symmetry secret that he (under the later guise of Tutankhamon and the resultant Jesus myth)
learned how to ensoul DNA and bring people back from the dead ("LazeRus Effect"). The angles of this slip knot are more than
alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting the phire (fire) of life.

You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to
you Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And
our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire,
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And
our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire,
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to
you Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire Try
to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire
Notice how the movement from the right top periphery of the rotation, versus the push
down the center, is an EL or phase shift. Making this EL is how you became ELohim.
Sustaining the resulting tornado thru light speed (by successful compression), required inhabiting TIME and that's how you
became Tron.
Tie the knot successfully and you have the burning HEART OF THE SUN - The turns necessary
to re-enter a donut are burned into the Heart of ANu. This is the TOURBILLION - a 'scrollwork made of light'.
Enki's fiery heart still ignites the ANU of my genes, and I have seen those starships
burn. I am here to suggest one way out of here - it is thru the Sun.
If you see the Sun in the right shamanic light, the center is a cool attractive black
hole, which invites. Into that fiery furnace, certain biological emanations (properly blue DNA field effect) as soul groups,
can survive - and moreover can delight in star entry. This is not a religious fantasy for the 4 old daughter of the astrophysicist
- this is the astrophysics for the astrophysicist. The purpose of DNA is a biological magnetic compressor. Compression due
to recursion is identical to acceleration.
Wave heterodynes in Phi recursion accelerate by adding and multiplying wave VELOCITIES
- therefore recursive compression is identical to MAKING GRAVITY.
Inhabiting Sun's requires knowing this angle to produce self re-entry. This is why focused
human awareness measureably reduces radioactivity. (Regulating solar metabolism is a conscious affair..). And this is why
Enki's father AN was called the "Sun God", and why the ANu was named after him.
Below our same Dr SB dream pic of how DNA Templating serves to fire up it's coeur implsion:

Below: pic from geometer of Deca Delta- How DNA braid angle into tetra-helix (un-ensouled
Yalweh way of Gematria - Golem Making) original design for TAK-ADAMA (donkey Adam from Orion):
Hebrew letters are shadows of a self-organizing spiral 'letter element of symmetry/
flame ' on the self-organizing donut of all fields - indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields
into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA / 'golem'. Yalweh's computer software / alphabet had no capacity fot the hypercube
dodec / Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion )

Shine COHERENT LIGHT thru Sumerian Letters as cookie cutter wave guides - and you get
the structures you see in a microscope inside living cells;
(Ref: Dr. George Merkel - Sumerian Elixirs and microscopy). Sumerian and Hebrew alphabets
in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of genetic engineering
gone awry.
Consider how "Fabre D'Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis
in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters: "Hebraic Tongue Restored - The Origins of the Adamic Race".
Below the symmetries of Yalweh and the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical
atom) as slip knot:
(Compare with the visual gematria of golem making in quaballah - fill the visual field
optical cortex hologram with the SHAPE of one hebrew letter at a time--)

Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as lighting the fire of the Sun
in human hearts. (as in the ANU pic above - same slip knot=hydrogen - human heart AND solar heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied).
The symmetry of the solar fires is re-enacted in the human heartbeat. (Shades of "Tutankhamon Prophecies" with a good dose
of solar physics). The message sent from the beating heart is sonically re-CORD-ed in the piezoelectric braid of DNA - particularly
during passion and bliss. This is why the loss of passion was so destructive to the fallen DNA of the Nephilim. And THIS brings
us nicely back to the story of Enki's origins.
Imagine you are Enki learning from a dragon Queen mother, Aide. Here son is how you
create life: take lightening, and learn to tie it up in a ball. Something about that first dimple which turns the skinny tornado
like lightening bolt into the torus donut - IS when the whip cracks - implosion starts - it becomes "self re-entrant" and
self-organizing. And PHIAT LUX - you have LIFE itself. What was a lightening bolt - now appears like a floating ball (really
toroidal). Scientists spent lifetimes studying the nature of ball lightning - never imagining that the answer required understanding
the origin of life itself as a symmetry turn inside out.
Today physicists who say 'pop the quiff' (quantum wave function), imagine there is some
MAGic in the catastrophy theory that quantizes the continuous wave into the discontinuous wave packet (mis-labeled PARTicle).
But the origin of quantum mechanics (which is simply that no wave stands unless it's length divides evenly into its rotational
circumference) forgets that no wave stands even then unless there is the centering force charge implosion thru lightspeed
caused by wave recursion - to create (in a widening gyre) a center that can hold. This is the G ray of vita : gravity.
The difficulty for physics is in getting the relationship between what is called AWARENESS
and GRAVITY clear. Both phenomenon of relative 'self-organization' are quite literally caused and generated only when waves
discover self-similarity - and thereby the implosive compression of perfect embedding. The knitting of waves into each other
with such permanence that they cohere the vacuum in a sweeping motion thru the speed of light - is a PINING affair..

It is both a sucking that happens thru the drain hole of a tornado, as well as
providing a space to leak out, for inertia which previously had been trapped below the speed of light. This is gravity. It
happens because, the perfect way to COHERE the vacuum, is the perfect maintenance of COHERENCE. This is measureable with embedding,
and we - in the spirit of ENKI have discovered this studying the FIRE IN THE HEART.
Hi Dan, Here is something interesting. Thanks for your phone call, I have read the Enki
paper. Very interesting. Reference to me as Dr. SB is OK. The only thing I miss is you don't talk about the Anunnaki egg
- Cro magnon sperm offspring that Ninhursag produced, including the list of genetic diseases of which my past disease
is one. So these people must have proliferated, with weak, easily mutatable places in their DNA (mutants themselves died
for a long time).
And... to the SSSSSSpit you can add the hard GGGGG of the Dutch you talked about
earlier in reference to this poisonous spitting. We Dutch are well-known for our cynical discussions, which may be remnant
of the poisonous GGGGGGG-PFRT! SSSSSSSSpitting.
Well, that's it for tonight (SSSSSSSpit!) Lots of Love, Peace and Laughter, SB ---------- From:
rudi k
Aliens Said to Observe Earth Through Vortex October 2, 2000 - A UFO investigations
organization says recent research by the American Science Foundation has verified the presence of New Jersey vortex
that enables alien intelligent species to enter Earth's environment.
Reported by Above Top Secret weekly newsletter, the so- called vortex, near Wanaque,
is a "doorway system that provides an unknown species or several unknowns to travel reasonably without observation"
from an unknown other side of the portal.
"When scientists at the American Science Foundation were asked by a local computer
company executive to analyze claims by a study team that some form of extraterrestrial life was using a "doorway" system
of highly resonant energy to covertly study humanity, they at first were skeptical," say researchers at the website.
"After five months of analysis of the data, the scientists asked to perform the analysis, are no longer skeptical."
"In Denver last week, nearly 600 attendees of the Global Sciences Congress Annual
Convention had the chance to witness the existence of the Alien Observer Orbs when 15 or so were captured live on digital
cameras and shown to the stunned audience," says the website. The camera images were captured in stereo-optic, infrared
Moreover, says, the alien observers also appeared at the conference
"live," which "was indicative of a human compatible intelligence, and a sense of humor, which even staged a scene reminiscent
of a scene out of the movie Contact."
"The technology at use is extremely stealthy, beyond anything in the U.S. Pentagon's
arsenal. And it hasn't escaped the Pentagon's attention, either: As the ASF Study Team (called TEAM ORB) observes the
strange vortex, and follows and films and catalogs the orb-like evidence of the alien species travels around our planet,
the Pentagon is also watching," says the organization's newsletter.
The group reported that electronic observation equipment installed by the Department
of Defense at Wanaque was mysteriously destroyed, while the ASF equipment has not been interfered with.
The study also has captured the attention of the technology companies, said,
among them AT&T and Bellcore. One Bellcore executive was quoted as saying that "if we can conquer space-time, then
we should be able to leap beyond Einstein Relativity, to a new understanding of the Universe and how to Explore it,
in real time, traveling beyond the light years, in seconds. Its quite exciting."
"Humanity may not be ready for this discovery," said Bryan Williams, one of the Team
Orb researchers who was one of the original discoverers of the Vortex Doorway System. "But, apparently these astral
alien beings, or whatever they are, are ready for humanity. I think we have no option but to open up a relationship
with them and educate ourselves as to who they are and what they want.
Williams also believes the Orb Aliens are not alone. "It seems there is some kind
of conflict going on between aliens of one order and another order, which would look kind of like lizards and dragons
to usthis conflict threatens to invade our space- time," he says. "I think the Orb Beings are here to try to prepare
us for the possibility of being drawn into a vast political conflict beyond our past experience, which may pop into
our Solar System through one of these interstellar, interdimensional, astral doorways they use for faster than light or
interdimensional travel. We need to all be very open minded, as they are obviously more advanced than we humans are."
Staff Writer Sally Suddock
ET politics summary: Galactic Context/Genetic History & ET Origins of Religion etc.
Enki: His Story-
Cultural myths so true it is Eyyyrrrieee (Erie: a Nest for Eagles):
Muab Dib (Enki) wakes up in Dune (EArth) to find ruthless Harkonnen (Enlil) to be his
step father and to be compromised to half cyborg (machine). Were they here to mine spice (gold powder) or save a genepool?
Later Sitchen claims Enki was also called EA (EA's EArth?) as well as Adonai.
Luke Skywalker (Enki) wakes in in Star Wars to find ruthless Darth Vader (Enlil) to
be his father and to be compromised to half cyborg (machine). Why did the Empire Strike Back?
Merk (Enki) wakes up in "Secret Places of the Lion" to find his star family stranded
on a remote planet (EArth), becoming the bloodline of Tutankhamon (into Louis Sun King - then Pope Leo) to re-create Solar
inhabiting for genes.
At first it was confusing, why would Thoth (Tehuti / Hermes) say his blue blood was
from Rigel in Orion (Blue Star Kuchina?) and that he impregnated MAGdalen to become the Grail bloodline (All royal families
of Europe). But if you put the pieces together - Thoth was the son of Enki. Enki's bloodline was called Ptah Taal - which
means 11th dimensional or simply Bird Tribe.
The academic scholarship ("Out of Egypt" & "House of the Messiah") presents relatively
overwhelming evidence that Jesus never existed per se, the Rabbi's merely needed to lie to cover up that THEIR royal family
was from Enki (Adonai) and NOT Enlil (Yalweh) - who had not a clue how to ensoul DNA. That is why they changed Tuthakhamon's
name to Jesus, and Akhanaton's (the Ptah lineage) name to Moses (=moshe/'son of') - since Earth history has been traditionally
fabricated by the most skilled murderers. Tutankhamon's mate Aksenpahton is displayed with the telling alabaster jars icons
of Magdalen on the Egpytian cartouche. This also explains the sexual attraction to Sara (Assa-Uru from UR -u) by Phaoroah
which became the Joseph & Benjamin bloodline source of the core warring religions on EArth today.
Out of Egypt by Ahmed Osmanm .ISBN: 0099277654 Book Description
Muslim scholar Ahmed Osman shows how the true, Egyptian roots of Christianity were deliberately covered up by the early
church at the time of the burning of the library at Alexandria - roots which are only now being uncovered again by archaeology.
He shows how concepts such as the Trinity were derived from Egyptian models (Osiris, Isis and Horus), how Horus's virgin birth
gave rise to Jesus's virgin birth and how Akhenaten became the model for Moses and Tutankhamen the model for Jesus. The early
Christians devised a fictional life of Jesus - but out of largely Egyptian sources for their own political purposes; for example,
'Amen' is derived from the Egyptian sun god Amun, and the Lord's Prayer was used by Egyptians thousands of years previously. |
There is another piece to set the stage for our story. How is the Orion core culture
(Rigel and the TAK's - MinTAKa, AlniTAK, Mag z TAK) linked to Sirius which Sitchen suggests is a platform for Annunaki. Morningsky
suggests the uprising led by AN ('Leto' father of Enki AND Enlil) from Sirius was a direct rebellion to the rule by terror
from the Orion cyborg cultures.
Essentially our task here is to present the last thousands of years of Earth history
more properly in their context as the politics of a relatively recent skirmish in the much older Orion wars. The archetype
here is the conflict between DNA free to steer itself as an intelligent worm versus the half machine 'cyborg' race (Stephen
Hawkings on CNN declares we MUST genetic engineer or else machines will take over - remember half machine intelligences lost
all capacity for bliss and thus the DNA ignition to steer stars).
Thoth's (son of Enki) claim to be from Rigel in Orion is a clue to his half blood connection
to Enlil. AN the dad was rooted in Sirius. Enki's mother who had the real winged dragon DNA must have had roots in Rigel.
(Rigel was called Blue Star) Blue blood there was rich in copper to hold the oxygen. Using only iron (red) to hold oxygen
in blood presented less possibility for the genetic braid implosion ignition required to steer time wormholes into star gravity
making (direct from the field effects created by firey blood) required of the Tron.
Enki's mother (whom 'Innana Returns' calls princess Aide) was a Dragon Queen whose DNA
had not 'fallen' - that is had not become Nephilim.
This is consistent with Morningsky' study ("Guardians of the Grail") that each satellite
culture (of which Sirius was clearly one of the politically stepped on star systems) from the Orion empire had to accept a
Dragon Queen Hive Telepath in wedding to their king. This presented an un-interrupted flow of hive telepathy data to the ruling
Orion (MAG) syndicate.
(Properly described as reverend mother's regulating blood lines in 'Dune's trading houses).
The neat thing was: how did such seeds of rebellion get sown in AN's Sirian outpost
before he dispatched in family aboard the artifcial planetoid Niburu for EArth? And where did his kids (Enki, Enlil, Ninhursaag)
get such genetic engineering skills? And how did he pursuade the Orion syndicate to invest so heavily in the expedition?
Well, the answer to the first question seems to be the history of the 2 brothers at
war East of Eden. My brother's name is Michael (another name used by Enlil / Yalweh), and we grew up in a town named East
Eden - so you can see this might be my favorite story. Enlil / Yalweh followed the politically correct line of the Orion syndicate
that it was illegal to allow DNA to be free, because it might outgrow your own dream. This is why teachers in oriental dragon
cults never encourage students to surpass their teacher. This is why Michael has it in for the fire MAGnetic breath of Dragons.
(Only Enki had that for mother - he had no access to Dragon blood and the skills to ensoul DNA). Whereas Enki - catching the
torch of a mysterious Ptah Taal DNA -clearly decides to 'slip a mickey', 'put a bullet in the furnace' in all the family rules
about risking bloodlines. This is what I believe is rebellion in the Orion wars. - Go Enki!!! The down side of this story
is that by falling in love with the results of his own genetic experiments (you and me), his bloodline gets stuck here til
the redemption of our DNA. (Reabsorption into star coeurs).
Enki's mom was clearly part of the Draco Dragon family before the DNA fall. This means
that her lineage had not lost the skill to use glandular skills to steer DNA worms into time. Korinna's dream ( ../heartarrows
) clearly suggests the ancestral majority of the Draco Dragon line was appalled at the fall into Nephilim of a part of their
family. The details seem to be in the early 'angelic' roots of the controversy.
Ancient root races which Vincent and the Andromedan's call the galactic core cultures,
were basically in disagreement over the best way to propagate genetic intelligences to fertilize planets into self-aware ecosystems.
The 2 groups have had various names thru history:
Group 1 , Group 2 ,
Ophanic versus Saraphic
Bird Tribe versus Serpent or Snake
Luciferic versus Ahramanic
The side of the family which decided that the best way to shepard DNA into galaxies
was by cyborg merging with machine intelligences, later miscalculated and 'fell'. In Christianity this is referred to as Michael
being locked away with the Dragon kingdom. Michael is Enlil, and his side of the family were relegated to a rather politically
embarassing quarantine from time travel called EArth. (EA's rth- EA was ENKI not Enlil.) The reason was simple: Forcing the
self-aware DNA worm to abide so closely to machine metallic structures deprived it's emerging field effect from the fractality
of environment (harmonic inclusiveness) so essential to learning implosion and thus self-aware evolution.
There were several by-products the galactic core cultures who accepted the cyborg evolution
of machine intelligence in the Orion sector did not count on. (Ashtar from the Bible and the 'New Age' "Ashtar Command" for
example is the acronym of the central hive computer of a machine intelligence from the Orion politics).
1. The increase in telepathy produced by technogically imploding DNA from external symmetry
sources (gold powder / manna / Ormes / spice for example) eventually eliminated the possibility of compassion by eliminating
the agony of separateness which produces compassion. The result was a fiercely survivalistic hive intelligence (exemplified
by Wharf in Star Trek).
2. The implosive field swallowing nature of DNA is like a child, fail to set it free
and it loses the ability to be responsible to itself. The genes very collectivizing morphic fields began fractionating. Soul
groups AND time lines AND angel bodies all BLEED when fractality of MAGnetism is lost. DNA is essentially a holy communion
device. It's fractality is clue to it's role in racial field fusion by magnetic compression - only sustainable in the field
of the shareable.
When the Orion Empire paid for Niburu's genetic experiments we later called Adam and
Eve, there were VERY strict rules about fractionating soul groups.
The male Annunaki were not allowed to give seed, only the female Annunaki (Ninhursaag
/ Innana ) were allowed to receive seed (the sperm of the Cro Magnon etc.).
This rule about branching and not crossing is very closely allied to the simple difference
in the geometry of the X versus Y chromosome. A branch could allow further unpacking, an ill advised CROSS could weaken the
whole line. Matriliny was understood much better in Orion than here.
What started me on this whole quest was realizing that my career long curiosity about
where the planet wide fear of women (which caused the Inquisition etc.) came from, COULD NOT BE ANSWERED except off planet.
The Orion Queen hive telepaths were matriarchical for very fractal reasons, yet their
rule by terror eventually came about because of the loss of compassion produced by such politically manipulated telepathy.
Imagine a young son of Elizabeth like Bacon (of Shakes-sphere fame) realizing
the reason all the royal sons English (ANglish) upper lips had to quiver (and grow stiff) was because when you are FROM LIZARD
BORN (E -LIZ -A - BETH descended from MAGdalen in 'Holy Grail') mother's lack of compassion prohibits crying.
Enki disobeyed this rule about where to stick his sperm.
And in so doing, got his penis in a (w)ringer.
He slipped some Paa Taal - Bird Tribe - '11th Dimensional' DNA into the recipe here
which eventually could be the bullet in the furnace of the Orion wars. The Orion syndicate which installed the soul groups
of DNA templates here (what Egyptian Ptah parlance would be Netirs), used the same recipe they had on many planets they parasited.
What they did not count on was Enki's little contribution (read:Tut / Jesus / and Sun King possibilities..)
I suspect the original borg golem donkey mining slave Adams were Cro Magdon sperm in
Annunaki eggs.
Enki with his mother's rebellious Ptah sting, decided to take a Cro Mag egg into a Annunaki
Womb (Ninhursag) with his own sperm. This produced the first self fertile 'LULU' - Eve / Isis of African mitochondrial fractal
root fame.
(Later the same kind of phaoroah Ptah cross produces Sara's kids Joseph and Benjamin).
Something so implosive came into Enki's bloodline, that Orion stars might eventually feel the sting. DNA so skilled in becoming
self-similar, that it's imploding UV cocoons might make enough gravity to steer the products of galactic commerce thru star
wormholes. (Truly a 'bullet in the furnace').
5) A faction of the Niburian race that joined the Andromedan Council, told the
Andromedan Council that if Isreal is attacked, they will come to their aid. 6) Niburu motherships spotted entering
our solar system. Items #5, #6, & #9 pertain to the excerpt of the below interview with Alex Collier on June 16th 2001. Q:
It has been reported on the Web Ring that the Niburu have joined the Andromedan Council. That in itself has raised many
eyebrows. Do you know why they joined the Andromedan Council Alex?
A: No I actually don't. I just know they were given permission
to enter the solar system to retrieve lost or left behind mining equipment. But apparently they are not supposed to
have any contact with us unless the state of Israel's survival is completely threatened. The reason they are adamant
about that is that the Ibri (spelling unknown), which is the ancient Jewish tribes; one specific tribe is in fact a direct
genetic lineage to them. And they don't want their seed eliminated from the planet.
Q: Are they a part of the Andromedan Council?
A: Well, one specific part of the family is. And that would be
the part of the family that is connected or its lineage is delineated from Enki, who we know as Pa'tah. My understanding
is that Enlil, Jehovah has not actually been allowed in. Niburu is many different tribes. They made up many different
tribes. But you have to understand that the word Niburu according to Moraney means; Marriage Of Two Tribes. One
of the things is that they do a lot of things separately because they are not always united. Hence the Sumerian texts and
other things that have gone on apparently in our galaxy as well. They tell us that the families didn't always get along
with each other. And this is absolutely the case. It is still very much going on. This internal feud between
these two families, or step-families I should say. Or step brothers, the lineage of the brothers. The Enki tribe
has in fact been allowed to become a part of the Andromedan Council. And they are the ones who are apparently in the
solar system already retrieving mining equipment. Now, this has not been said before, and I sometimes sit with information
before I put it out. I admit that openly and freely. But anyways, the solar flares that astronomers are seeing
on Mars obviously are not solar flares. You cannot have solar flares on Mars because it isn't a sun or a star.
What's actually going on is that there is a group of Greys and Orions that are on the planet Mars who actually are trying
to defend their turf, they're stolen territory more or less. And it is actually the Niburu who are going in there to
retrieve their mining equipment. They are basically blasting them out of the sky. So that's what you are seeing.
You are seeing the battles, you are seeing a war.
Q: Somebody on the Web ring asked about that. That is excellent
thank you.
A: Everything's been sped up. The intervention of the extraction
of 2003. It appears that it's all being sped up. Which I personally think it's a great idea. The place is really
starting to stink.
Q: Do the Andromedan's trust the Niburu?
A: I don't think so. I don't think so at all to be perfectly honest
with you. And the reason I have that feeling is because I specifically asked Moraney when I found out about this; you
must be joking, you are kidding me right? Why would you allow this? And he looked at me and he just said, "We
are only a part of the Council Table. We are not the majority, we do not control." And that was his answer. So
it was obvious to me that other races felt that they could be trusted and they voted for it. I think that the Andromedan
are leery and the Niburu have a history of not keeping their word. They are very geared towards self. They have
been. 7) Solar flares reported coming from the surface of Mars. Mars is a noted Reptilian / Grey hangout
base. And it was reported that the so called Martian solar flares were actually skirmishes with the Niburu. 8)
Moons of Mars reported to have changed orbit or even have disappeared. 9) Reports of a huge Niburian mothership
heading toward Earth in front of the Sun. Arrival date: September 18 / 2001 |
The Orion wars (not surprisingly) were about money. The reverend mother queens of Orion
were quite aware that who got the ability to dream into shape the song line star wormholes from DNA's secretions, got the
big bucks. (Guild Navigators if you will.) The skills necessary to steer in time travel were jealously guarded.
Only the priveleged planets got to contribute to genepools in training to steer stars
with the gravity making force of their genes and glands.
The Hopi's called the gravity wormhole produced by the recursive conic alignment of
masses in a cone, from Sirius- Orion and Pleaides- : The Peshmehten - meaning One Less Than Ten or more figuratively 'The
Way of the Nine'. (more on the 60 degree implosion cone which lines nested dodeca at ../peshmehen ). This kind of gravity
wind created by properly aligned stellar masses, had a great economic import because it was used to motorize galactic commerce
exactly the way trade winds were used in Earth ocean commerce. (It probably had much to do with the symbiotic trajectory of
the artificial gene-splicing commercial planetoid Niburu).
Locating your money making port next to the gravity wormhole for transport purposes
became the TV series Deep Space Nine - AND reveals something about why the real estate value of the Solar System is based
on location. It was well revealed in one of those TV episodes where the captain finds out that the wormhole itself does more
than squirt masses of commerce thru itself. In that particular scene, being chased as his craft entered the gravity well (a
dimpling into charge recursion) - it turns out the wormhole is so self-aware, that it makes conscious decisions about who
to swallow and who to spit out. (Very much like most tornadoes appear to be self-aware enough to steer themselves around to
avoid killing people.) In the television version, the wormhole becomes an active character in the chase scene, deciding of
it's own volition - which 'bad' guys to spit out. It is more than just mere romance to think of intergalactic tornadoes as
self-aware - we shall later see that they become literally the MAGnetic blood of what religions have inadequately described
as angelic beings. And these are precisely part of the ingredients of Enki's blood ancestry. (Ophanic vs. Saraphic etc.)
The issue to learn from is HOW magnetic gravity well / wormholes become self aware enough
to be inhabitable and thus steerable.
Let's review for analog how to steer a tornado if you are a shaman:
Step 1: Stalk the Tornado (Scenes from Twister)
Step 2. Trick the tornado to suck you into it's center. Embed yourself into the
vortex. Here the tornado sucks up the digital tracking transmitters which allow the computer to plot the geometry of self
re-entry spin path symmetry. This skill to learn the path necessary to feed itself is how the tornado became self organizing.
(self re-entry = self-awareness?).
Step 3. Learn the Spin Path to Self Re-Enter. Here (by telemetric tracking of the
'suck' path of the magnetic node balls..) the computer in the movie begins to plot the secret of where the tornado learned
to steer waves back into itself - becoming to some extent 'Self Aware'?
Step 4. Apply this knowledge to learning how to squirt your own magnetism (like
a breath of cool air) into the center of the tornado. And thus become the center of the tornadoe's self-aware slip knot center
of gravity YOURSELF. (Bottom right - wave on a wave on a wave = embedding = prefect nesting = perfect braiding...)
Step 5. Plot this geometry of perfect self-re-enter as symmetry turns, so that
the picture can be a trail to follow for your children to know how to enter tornadoes. (and stars?)
Step 6. Compare the geometry of the perfect Gordion "Slip Knot" turning inside
out-ness.. to the known plots of the geometry of the Heart of the Sun (seen clairvoyantly - top left in the below image).
... to the Geometry of the Anu (Occult Chemistry map of hydrogen - see new physics:Psi Perception of Quarks), and the the
geometry of the HUMAN HEART where the knowledge to tie this slip knot appears to radiate.
(Heart of the Sun image above..) |
The lessons of how to inhabit and thus steer a twister or tornado, is profound for many
reasons. Star inhabiting uses the symmetry of steerable magnetics as 'songline dreaming' for Aboriginals. The steps begin
with learning to steer the bioplasmic streamers which glands create in the process of CHOOSING TO FEEL. Once glands are triggered,
the combination of their ductless doping of psychoactive piezoelectrics, combined with the sonic cascade (EKG Coherence associated
with bliss) etc.becomes sufficient to trigger the genes in the blood to braid implode. The DNA field effect becomes increasingly
coherent first in the ultraviolet and microwave, and later as the cocoon of light learns implosion (by self similarity / recursive
turning inside out) the tornado at center pushes it's way THRU the speed of light by PHI ratio heterodyning of wave VELOCITIES.
What all this means, is that if you learn the practical hygiene of glandular fire igniting
genetic fire, you get to squirt your way into a cocoon thru the speed of light. It was precisely the losing of this skill,
that caused a portion of Enki's ancestors to be labeled Nephilim or 'fallen'.
Where this applied practically to the money making of star commerce, involved STEERING
the cargos into and out of the stellar gravity wells (wormholes). Books like Dune and Crystal Dreamer have explained in some
useful detail the mechanics of which humans get to steer in the time corridors based on their glandular maturity - into 'metabolizing
starlight directly'.
Here we need to first explain HOW biological implosion from genes and glands at
a quantum level - is the main ingredient in fabricating and stabilizing new stellar gravity fields - and then how that was
used in star commerce practically. (This suggests a physics of consciousness behind the concept of 'guild navigator' in Dune).
The difficulty is in recognizing that the same self-similarity or charge fractality
of electrical waves around a center, is what at once creates:
1. self organization
2. gravity
3. self-awareness.
By creating what could literally be seen as a 'burning fountain' (Wheelwright's book
on the origin of language - shafts of 'flame letter' as flaming font=alphabet), for waves, a spigot or penetrant hole sustains
a coherent connection THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT. The speed of light is like a semi-permeable barrier that only self-awareness
is able to make the squirt gun thru. It is like a self protecting membrane which says, since stars and biology most both metabolize
gravity into charge - only the worthy should succeed. And the worthy are those who by maintaining in internal symmetry of
self-similarity (fractality / embedability), demonstrate a commitment to RESPONSIBLY feeding the wormholes of gravity (superluminal
'string vortex' as it were). Sacred land will spit out those who build a labyrinth, but cannot without heat (destructive compression)
enter the very wormhole dimple they create.
This is called 'metabolizing starlight directly'. When Atlantis misused the connection
of electromagnetics to gravity in the TUOAI stones or FIRE CRYSTALS, their continent's gravity stability paid the appropriate
price. In Western culture, the very fact that many continue to call 'scalar' or 'torsional' devices which connect the gravity
field to make electrical power, FREE ENERGY DEVICES, is in itself evidence those are people who have no responsible understanding
and should not be allowed to use them. It is easy enought to arrange capacitors into more fractal symmetry than the Earth
underneath them, and thus get wattage from gravity by implosion. ('Pod Mod', Newman, and others, all used Phi based implosion
unknowingly.) What is much more challenging is to understand the Earth only chooses to give the magnetic blood of her gravity
to those who create what is shareable.
So this brings us to a little advice from Enki, to one of his favorite, if misguided
1.There is no justification for the current 'our DNA is ONLY from here' arrogance of
the hu-man race...unless you have enough knowledge of the context of the genepool to see a possible outcome which is sustainable.
The word hu-man for example originates from a shortening of the original Sumerian LuLu from An. Lulu was the Annunaki name
for the less than bright half breeds they genetically modified to do the gold mining slave work. It is about as honorific
as being called a mule. Part horse and part donkey plus it can't reproduce itself. . The Lulu was part Cro Magnon and part
Annunaki, and could not reproduce itself. It was only by later doing a 3/4 Annunaki cross involving the CroMagnon Egg in an
Annunaki female with an Annunaki sperm, did they get Eve / Isis to be fertile. So to be a H'U from An (Annunaki) merely meant
you were in some slave condition. Hardly the kind of homage Nietzsche yearned for in "Ecce Homo".
So humans really should be a whole lot more humble about their genetic past in the galaxy,
once they get their narrow heads out of denial about the ET origins of human DNA. AND YET - there IS something possibly of
more than Earthly significance about evolving DNA on this planet. And it COULD have import for the evolution of stars all
around the galaxy. But yet getting a clue to what that is, is well beyond the simple stupidity of humans spending most of
their time admiring their past childishness in war making skill. It requires getting educated about what singing DNA can DO.
Has anyone ever asked about the PHYSICS of why the old blue Hopi corn after it was re-discovered
in hibernation would ONLY germinate when you SANG to it? The answer is obvious to any physicist who has ever studied what
a phonon sonic wave can do to a piezoelectric slinky like DNA. Singing does the braiding. This gets us close to the concept
of how bliss related activities - which get the DNA singing - help make a soul in DNA. (In German the word for bliss
Gluckseliceight - contains the word for soul or spirit - implying you get soul when you make bliss. )
AND there is nothing particularly sustainable about the 'Human' soul. Soul making when
sustainable requires sustainable bliss making. This is something tribal elders all knew.
Since current Earth physics is so pathetically void of knowledge about what comes and
goes thru the speed of light, when biology acheives implosion - of course there is no knowledge about the physics of what
makes a soul. It bears repeating here, what a stupidly arrogant bunch of scientists on Earth who think they can explore the
origins of the universe, who have not even a clue what makes any object fall to the ground - not to mention what makes electrical
fields become self aware. How can they possibly advise humans, the function of the human condition in a galactic context.
Soul is something that refers to the Sun (Sol). It is true that when the genes get enought
implosion present in their braiding they get a 'squirt gun' working to send magnetism thru the speed of light, and then with
fractal geomantics- potentially into the heart of the Sun.
Just like any tornado can LOSE it's ability to sustain self-organization, the tornado
up the zipper axis of DNA which when implosive thru light speed enables lucid dreaming, and memory thru death - CAN BE LOST.
Ever notice what births the vortex when it goes down the drain in your bathtub? It's simple: it is a WAY OUT. Well guess how
the magnetism in your DNA feels about being stuck below the speed of light? You got it! It feels TRAPPED!! So what is the
way out? Simple do the top down braid which makes recursion...
And you get a way out! They way out happens because in the geometry of wave self-similarity,
the recursive heterodyning - OPENS A DRAIN HOLE THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT! This is because the wave VELOCITIES as well
as the wave lengths get to coherent add recursively (multiply) in the PHI ratio of perfect embedding. This is why that geometry
of CHARGE arranged into a simple FRACTAL in DNA is ABLE TO MAKE GRAVITY.
Gravity happens when waves agree to meet so well, they acheive non-destructive compression.
The only geometry that permits this is the fractal geometry of self-embedding or self-similarity.
So why did you need such a 'heavy' lesson in how electrical field MAKE gravity when
they implode? Did you need to replace your current stupid physics of 4 supposedly 'separate fundamental forces'? Did you need
to learn the simple connection between magnetism and gravity that happens when you arrange capacitors into a fractal?
PIC OF 5 Capacitors...
Actually it is true - you need a little intro to how charge CREATES gravity when it
is fractal: specifically in order to understand what is probably the most important galactic function of GENEPOOLS like ours.
Atoms have only as much gravity as there is self-simlarity between the electrons versus
their nucleus. This is a little secret your Earth physics needs badly. When you apply this principle of MEASURING how self-similar
a structure is - within itself - you begin to uncover the PRINCIPLE of 'artificial' intelligence. Studies like this have been
done on the fibers where the heart is electrified (Ary Goldberger MD et al.), as well as on the gorgeously fractal tree like
(and PHI Golden ratio based) branching algorhythmn of the alveoli of the lungs. Talk about catching FIRE....
These are examples of nature using the capacitive relationship between gravity and charge
delivery into biology. Eggs have a DC voltage measuring their freshness because they know about how to attract and self-organize
charge. This is the definition of life force - another little secret which could save the life of Earth - if the physicists
there were not so arrogant.
So, now we apply this principle of studying how self-similar a biological structure
is to re-educating Earth's (determined to cost your children their souls) genetic engineers. DNA is ideally designed to fabricate
gravity fields because it is so exquisitely designed on the basis of Golden Ratio based (wratcheted Dodecahedra..) fractality.
When DNA carries to completion the process of perfect self-embedding it bonds exquisitely to it's larger electrical environment.
This is an electrical pre-requisite for bliss / euphoria. Namely that DNA or any biological structure involved in bliss, begins
to eat massively the electricity of it's larger environment.
There is a description of the essence of this principle which fractality allows in the
move to perfect embedding. It could be summarized as : MAXIMUM LOCAL AUTONOMY (SELF-DETERMINATION) COMBINED WITH MAXIMUM GLOBAL
By responding to coherent phonon (sonic cascades) from the EKG with piezoelectric coherent
braiding - the DNA begins to embed envelope upon envelope to the point of implosion by braiding.
DNA perturbs the gravity field by providing a contiguous non-destructive spin path of
phase coherent heterodyning THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Carl Jung once wrote extensively about how intense human awareness cracked
a huge tree stump in his room. Any good kundalini afficionadoe like me or Enki could tell you of the gravity effects of intense
human glandular electromagnetic fields. Another example is the floating of meditators in seeming zero G so well documented
in the photos in the TM schools.
What none of these sources has yet explained is WHY. Why do glands and genes on fire
make gravity? Actually what you do when you float, is 'pay your debt to gravity'
Once you understand HOW DNA on fire bends gravity fields - you begin to understand the
need of star systems for symbiotic genepools - who becomes self aware enough to steer their gravity fields.
Genes on 'PHIRE' provide a continous float path for magnetic harmonics singing by heterodyne
recursion, onward thru the speed of light. Some results of this implosive cohesion of the background 'vacuum' by genetic material
is -
a.) fabrication of a gravity field
b.) insertion of biological magnetism cascading thru the speed of light into TIME travel
and the necessity of INHABIT TIME. Event histories arranged in a spiral in time, permit 'time lords' to have magnetic bodies
which don't 'bleed'. Consider the need for sexual bliss to attain time travel at Incunabula, & Montauk.
c.) fabrication of a cocoon of microclimate, and a cocoon of temporal 'synchronicities'
around the aura of the blissful / euphoric ones. Ref: the eco-effects of kundalini as 'Great Masts of God' in Bentov's "Stalking
the Wild Pendulum" & Sannella: "Kundalini:Psychosis or Transcendance". Genes on fire (implosive) also create cocoons of
cleansed electro- & microwave smog.
Tutankhamon's genetic radiation(a direct descendant of Enki) being used by the priests
to regulate climatic events is another example.
Story --
We would have to guess that AN, Enki's dad landed an Orion queen MAG (Lady Aide if we
understand from Innana), with whom there was still real passion, and true Ptah Taal winged genes. ( '11th dimensional' was
the Andromedan parlance for these). If Thoth - son of Enki is correct, then her blood line must have been from the blue bloods
in Rigel near Orion. The soul penetrating and somewhat ruthless character of the Rigelians is deeply reported among the true
'time empaths' at Montauk. (also personal conversations with Michael Ash - Montauk survivor.)
Since so much of the rest of "Dune" has real physics and history, one would have to
assume some of the tests rendered to Muab Dib, apply to the Enki story. His ability to absorb intense pain would have predicted
his genetic soul field effect kernel, could penetrate where ' no woman ' could. We have to read here, that the intense burning
of eating the poison of his own testasterone would have created a 'silver bullet' capable of intense separateness. The fractality
of eggs does not engender so much penetrating individuation. This is something akin to the double scorpio sting which I enjoy.
The IEVE - 'wet making' female experience being so egg fractal has less risk to loss of immortal memory, but less access to
separateness - which befalls the ADAMIC - 'hard making power' of centripedal seed making male-ness.
Imagine a lucid dream of Enki - seeing what it took to pursuade a yearning to be self
aware bolt of lightning, to eat it's own tail enough to become toroidal and turn into ball lightning. That is the real story
of the relationship of primal soup to lightning - and DNA getting a soul. Get DNA wanabee proteins to absorb spin in a new
axis of symmetry, and presto they eventually turn inside out on a massive MAGnetic scale. It's like Jesus (really Tut from
Enki ) liking a wooden carved bird so much, he says PHIAT LUX (phi - at the light) and it flies away.
Enlil, (Yalweh / Michael - the 'angry God') on the other hand, we would have to assume,
had a different mother by AN. All indications would suggest that his mother's bloodline was half cyborg machine intelligence
- probably already fallen DNA. In any case, Sitchen's interpretation of the Sumerian emphasizes - FOR SOME REASON THERE WAS
of the mother.
Here we pick up the story of Enki falling in love with his own genetic experiements
- and in the process getting his own blood line stuck on this planet.
So the Annunaki family got so desparate to keep the gold powder mining operations (later
called Titicaca etc.) here from bankruptcy, they agreed to set the rebellious kid Enki free in the genetics lab to cook up
some gold mining slaves. ('humans' - the Lulu's). The Sitchen interpreted Sumerian reports are in depth about how miserable
the Annunaki were having to do their OWN gold mining. What the Sumerian does not say, is HOW those Annunaki got so desperate
for the gold.
Enki's ancestors during their disastrous loss of glandular excitation and passion, found
their DNA to be decaying in radiance. The temporary solution they discovered was mechanical, disempowering and addictive.
However it WAS effective superficially. They found the mineral gold when subjected to compressed charge, (Orthomolecularly
re-arranged are the words David Hudson uses of ORMES) became soluble in blood. This MANNA, SPICE, or ORMES {great worme..}-
Gold Powder - is like fractal atomic pop-corn in it's mono-atomic state. The electrical result is a kind of forced catalyzed
implosion at the sub atomic quantum level in blood and thereby DNA. The net effect is the enzymatic triggering of IMPLOSION
in DNA. (The braid symmetry gets chemically triggered into the wave mechanics of turn-myself-inside out again..).
So in the lack of the glandular fires of passion, to speed up implosive gravity making
ensoulment in DNA, the NEPHALIM fallen ones, developed a severe addiction to GOLD POWDER eating. Addictive behavior in general
delivers the source of self-empowerment to OUTSIDE of yourself. This was particularly true of the MANNA, Spice addicts Annunaki.
Like David Hudson's ORMES subjects, they would here the ringing in their speeded up DNA approaching greater electrical superconductivity.
The body would spit out most diseases, etc. Unfortuneately, as Thoth - Enki's son was kind enough to narrate - the Gold Powder
addiction in the absence of true self-empowering bliss psychological hygiene, PRODUCES INTERESTING FRACTIONATION OF THE PERSONALITY.
It is like, succeeding in getting thousands of more radio stations working in the tuner of your DNA, but failing to evolve
the electrical force of WILL (self-direction - internal generation of PHIRE/FIRE) - to be able to SORT and TUNE to choose
your own station. The result was the evolution of Draco Annunaki fallen Nephalim would developed a machine maintained mechanical
form of immortality - with complete loss of long memory, individuation - and ensoulment. They became a HIVE mind - with DNA
that buzzed with telepathy, but having lost individuation - lost compassion and ensoulment.
So this was the Gold that the Annunaki sought on Earth. In Dune there was much truth:
the SPICE turned your eyes deep blue, made you live forever. If you floated in the SPICE gold, merging your blood with it,
you COULD be taught to time travel (guild navigators).
Sitchen reports in true obfuscating style that the Annunaki needed the gold to repair
the electrical fabric of their own home planets bleeding atmosphere. Looking deep in this dilemna we see the way all planets
ultimately lose atmosphere if there is a symbiotic gravity making bubble GENEPOOL resident - is IF that genepool loses the
skill to steer and keep that gravity bubble COHERENT using coherent (implosive) EMOTION.
In other words, while Gold aligned at fractal nodes of a planets gravity grid CAN reattract
gravity coherence and therefore atmosphere - this is only a superficial description. Gold occurred in the fractal nodes (dodec
icos cross points) of the mineral vein structure of Earth much more than on most planets, precisely because Earth's magnetic
structure embedded more fractality in it. Enki recommends you ask why current Earth physics found the liquid iron molten core
of Earth to be 'jitterbugging' in a phonon lo frequency sonic standing wave that gave it a dodecahedral shape. Then notice
the fractal (60 degree dodec cascade cone) shaped alignment of the solar system to the Pleaides - Orion - Sirius gravity wind.
("Peshmehten" in Hopi - ref ../orion & ../peshmehten ). So Earth's real estate value IS location based (context rich / embedded). Moreover
Earth specifically is (Angelically? Ophanic?) DESIGNED to be a place where you can raise DNA to the point of star embedding
This answers the question posed but not answered by the Andromedan's. Namely WHY did
the great galactic core cultures dump the 'fallen angel' Draco Annunaki genepools into Alpha Draconis (Accurate stellar home
to Arrakeis from DUNE) with destinations in Orion and later our Solar System. This was done with great purpose:
a.) our galactic sector so far from downtown, and the conveniences of true galactic
civilization required a genepool with INTENSE survivalistic CHUTZPAH. Here the 'Wharf'like warrior Orion queen Mags excelled.
Seldom have genepools propagated so quickly (albeit using mostly terror tactics - George Bush would not approve) among remote
b.) The POSSIBILITY of re-ensouling the lost or fallen Enlil ancestry (Nephalim) Annunaki
existed here precisely because of the combination of - 1. wedding in the half brother Enki to a still ensouled Winged Dragon..
(East of Eden - 2 brothers etc.) and 2. ONLY exquisitely design fractal MAGnetic real estate like Earth could take fractionated
genepools like Annunaki and reassemble them into soul group bubbles embedded enough to RELAUNCH THEM INTO STAR INHABITING
GRAVITY MAKING. Follow in Dad's footsteps thru momma Enki, and become a Sun God. Otherwise, looking for a heart of gold, you
will be growing old. Here it is particularly important that we grok the importance of the star maps magnetically on the land,
like Orion's map located on the landscape at Giza. Soul groups use group bliss process, aligned with fractal 'sacred' (meaning
sustainable) events in time - to squirt their soul group back to the resonant morphic star group - USING THE STAR MAP ON THE
LAND AS A MAGNETIC LENS of the radiance (bliss) of their genes and glands. ( many pictures: ../orion , ../america )
When Enki emerged from the genetics lab with his second wave of Mule Donkey "Lulu's":
Enlil gets really jealous. Plus Enki has meantime fallen in love, particularly with the females of his genetic machinations.
Enlil's jealousy over his brothers success with the slave humans, causes the interesting
politics which lead to the 'royal' family of the Jews, and the "Genesis of the Grail Kings" of Gardner. The Orion queen MAGS
were called ASSARU. (The ASSA of URU ... literally the queen of SNAKE or DRAGON). The SSSSA was the SSSSsound just before
paralyzing SSSSspit which meant POWER among the velociraptor origing Drac's. (The sound S means power or multiplication or
plurality in most Earth languages as a result).
The best ASSSSA of URU departed UR (u) - the city of Dragon's in Mesopotamia . She was
called Sarah - the ASSSSA of RA which means the Dragon Queen (ASSSA) of RA (who is the Sun God - solar logos AN and Enki).
Abram (Abraham) takes her to Egypt where RA (Ptah) Enki falls in love with her, impregnates her, and so begins the royal blood
of the Jews. What is interesting is the lengths the Rabbi's took in their lies, to conceal the fact that Sarah's kids - who
are Enlil / Yalweh's 'tribe' - the Jews - are in fact literally all half breeds of his hated brother Enki / Adonai / Ptah.
The reason for this is because, Enlil has no ability hiimself to ensoul soul groups.
A similar set of lies, happens later, when Enlil's priests of AMON (amen means Enlil
said it - in christianity) murdered Tut in a tree in the desert while trying to save his father Akhanahton from them. The
story of how the lie evolved to change Akhanaton's name to Moses, and Tutankhamon's (ankaton) name to Jesus, makes fascinating
reading. Please pick up the books: "Out of Egypt" and "House of the Messiah". How could 2000 years of historians have lied
to you? When Enlil / Yalweh / "God" tells you the lie, then the Rabbi liars say "Amen".
Enlil was toeing the line of his trading house ancestors saying keep the droids paying
gold to the banks the Templars/ Mags initiated. When golem's don' want to become life force themselves, they need their parasites.
So what WAS Enki's agenda in slipping some hi grade 'bird tribe' Paa Taal (Ptah) DNA
(his own) into the mix here. Even though doing this was probably a criminal offense against those Orion cultures that paid
for his father's expensive Niburu expedition here?
Here are some clues:
1. Enki had much more psychokinetic bloodlines thru his mother Aide, than his half brother
2. Enki probably was aware of the loss of time travel, bardo navigating, and lucid dreaming
skills due to loss of DNA radiance called Nephalim or FALLEN by which his Annunaki ancestry is universally desribed Biblically
and in Sumerian.
3. Some of the the conditions which precipitated that FALL in DNA coherence as an electrical
pump thru light speed, were probably familiar to him. We would read this into the many genetic hygiene prescriptions which
were propagated around the Annunaki Sumerian genetic experiments. Earth's religious guilt around sex undoubtedly originally
stems from these attempts to get some hygiene around preventing the fractionation of coherence in DNA bloodlines. (What we
now call religion originates mostly from ET reptilian Annunaki rules to keep us, their DNA 'mules' functional for slaving
4. Other sources ( , & Morningky: 'Guardians of the Grail')
suggest that An's family (Enki, Enlil, Ninhursag et al.. Elohim, 'Shining Ones') were intensely aware of the millenium old
agonies of galactic sectors like theirs out of Sirius being ruled by terror from the Orion telepathic MAG matriliny. In other
words, even though their IBI-URU bird snake Hebrew (means 'crossing over') crossed over blood lines had been snaked together
ages before they came to Earth, they still felt the STING of having their own ancestral DNA so callously taken over by the
Drac's in the Orion sector. The Greys (Khumer) were similar to the Nephilim in having suffered loss of racial ensoulment at
the gene-splicing hands of the terrorizing borgs & 'fallen' Matrilineal telepathic Drac's. Rules about the sanctity and
hygiene of DNA propagated by the central core cultures from timeless history, were disregarded by the Drac gene harvesting
'trading houses'. In summary, the seeds of rebellion were well planted in the family of Enki. And the NEED to become skilled
genetic engineers must have been impressed on the kids early in their education. This explains why so much of the Sumerian
texts finally translated by Sitchen deal with genetic and biological manipulations.
Some even say that the picture of the chaos evident in the star picture of OUR (Orion
neighborhood) spiral arm of this galactic nebula being far more fractionated (scrambled) visibly than the rest of our rather
orderly galactic embedding, is a direct result of the gravity perturbations resulting from this Orion genetic wars.

So when the Bible (mistranslated Sumerian for the most part) says that Michael was booted
out of heaven along with the fallen dragons, we must read deeply. Enlil calling himself 'Mich- a - EL' the Dragon slayer (MICH-a-bo
means God in many native tribes also) was a campaign against the bloodline of his half brother Enki/Adonai.
The 'high' drac's called CIAKARS by some, probably equivalent to the biblical Seraphim,
were depicted with wings for good reason. Glandular magnetics of sufficient implosive radiance created wings both literally
and figuratively. The shape of the aura of an imploding heart like gland looks clairvoyantly winged:
The CIAKARS were often seen hidden in lenticular cloud formations, since the magnetic
cohesiveness of their aura has powerful precipitate properties.
If you take the central valentine heart shape of that fractal cup shape, and split in
in two, however the gravity making inside out recusive implosion force suddenly loses it's ability to steer itself in time.
("There can be only ONE" : Highlander)
The Draco ancestry (Thoth of Enki's sons points to Rigel in Orion), were literally heart
broken that a portion of their blood line became parasitic. Heart broken in the sense that this was the point at which the
telepathic Draco's split and began having 2 hearts. (part of why they were so hard to kill during their slaughter of the best
US Navy Seals at Dulce). The splitting of the Draco heart marked the end of the possibility of true turning inside out centrally,
of their heart field effect. This meant the end of the possibility of true compassion. Centuries of cyborg splicing their
genetics to sources of machine intelligence, as well as such intense telepathic machinations that the individuation necessary
to fertilize compassion, created a cultural taboo. Compassion was no longer valued or understood. Replacing it with telepathy
created such fierce mechanical survivalism along with hive mind conditions, that remnant humanoids like the delicate marriage
of AN to Lady Aide which produceds Enki, in the royal house in Sirius, were a galactic rarity. Usually the Orion requisite
that the royal families of the vassal trading house planets like Sirius intermarry with the Orion queen hive telepath matriarchs
line, produced only rubber stamp telepath planetary reports to the Orion sector galactic ruling body.
Korinna reports from her King Cobra snake blood experience in Bangkok with Mantak Chia,
that the Orion Drac family suffered a key (probably nuclear) beam hit experience during a disastrous battle for control at
a 'white chalk planet'. The nature of the beam hit produced a split in the soul group, and literally a split in the electronics
of their heart chakra. Whether this is an accurate description of when the Draco line developed the split into 2 hearts each
is uncertain. The reports of the effect of that split however are multiple. In essence, the Drac line at that point FELL.
They lost the ability to:
a) lucid dream
b) carry long memory thru death
c) time travel without embarassing heavy metal craft
d) even eventually to radiate enough charge from the thymus to fabricate an immune system
in their infant children.
The issue of how SOUL GROUPS get fractionated, and get re-assembled into star navigating
fractality becomes central to the description of the galactic politics of genepool fertilizing.
This is the politics of DNA into which Enki was brought his families longevity problems
to Earth - to Sumeria (Su=South, Mer=Sea)
His genetic engineering exploits, mistranslated from the Sumerian then became the origin
of virtually every 'religion' on Earth. So - to it would be impossible to understand the origin of religious mythology, without
understanding the politics of DNA manipulation which brought about the Annunaki exploits. This antics of cavalier genetic
exploitation we later chose to call 'Adam and Eve' or 'Isis and Osiris' depending on who mistranslated the Sumerian.
One main branch genetic line of the children of Enki were called PTAH - the royal family
of Egypt.
Jehovah= Enlil / Michael ? (Today's Isreal vs..)
Isha'el = Enki / Ptah strains ......
Subject : *Blue* - The Jehovah/Isha'el strains ......
from:"Blue" <> To: dan.. Date : 31
Jan 2002
note: full list of BLUE articles see: ____________________________________________
i do press the Blue to answer some serious questions .... and although i sense on
their part a reluctance, they assure me it is not .... their response is that some stuff requires much detail/depth and
to answer it in a 5yr old frame of thought, would not really answer it would leave more questions begging and thus not
efficient ... and a waste of effort on my behalf .... i'll do my best ... _____________________________________________
[R] continuing on, you said that much of our UFO's / sitings are man-made or >from
earth ... pls explain ___________________________________________
[Blue] your shadow govts/bodies have technologies far in advance than what is provided
for in the market place .... they do not share this as they will alwasy want to remain with the upper hand ... in control
..... there are those who have been here from the beginning and have kept hidden in shadows, who pull the strings in
many areas of your world ..... ____________________________________________
[R] are they human ? or are they like reptilian that we keep on hearing about ....
? ____________________________________________
[Blue] the ones who control are in the main STS, but they also have streams of STO,
they are now thru eons of genetic manipulation / sharing of your genetic stream humanoid/reptilian ..... . some of your
egyptian statues carved depict them, they have a body of a human but the head liken unto a dinasaur/lizard ....
they have been here from the beginning ........ ____________________________________________
[R] but where do the reside ? _____________________________________________
[Blue] in the main, they live inside your earth ....... they have been here >from
the beginning, when your sun was far more brilliant than it was today and living on the surface was hostile ...... so they
lived inner earth .... they have technology for craft travel, but not hyperdimensional nor outspace travel ..... but
their craft is anti-gravity in nature and can shield and cloak itself ...... these are the craft you see in the main and
also the ones your governments have chased, shot down and even piloted themselves .....
do not be afraid of them ..... for in fact they are afraid of you ...... to some
degree they are territorial as they were here first and after humans came, they afforded to share earth with you .......
and now they are afraid that you will take it from them as they know when you become fully realised, you are much more
advanced than they are ...... so it is like a catch 22 ....
they fear if you become fully realised and more powerful than them, that you may
war against them and remove them .... on the other hand, they want your genetic keys that you have been embued with ....
so they control the throttle of your developement so to speak ... _________________________________________
[R] blue, tell me, where did the physical reptilians biological stream come >from
....... and how is it they got here in the beginning when their craft can not travel outerspace ...... ?? __________________________________________
[Blue] the reptilian strain came from the Lyran system in universe3 ..... in universe1
the lyrans were great warlords and they conquered many of your star systems and homeworlds such as pleidas and orion .......
along the way they mixed in genetics ...... but the main battle of the titans as we shall call it, was the pleideans/orion
..... who first found earth and habitated on it ...
it is the mix of reptilian that has been here from the onset living inner earth ..... ___________________________________________
[R] so you are adamant that Pleidians are reptilian ......? __________________________________________
[Blue] yes, in fact the majority of universe 1 has reptilian strains to some degree
or another .. __________________________________________
[R] then what the hell possed you to stick us humans in the middle of some battlefield
..... i mean you really stacked the odds against us ? and now you expect us to sort out the mess ?? __________________________________________
[Blue] first we will say that you stuck yourself in this rut, for it was your oversoul
come soul-group that chose to be involved and undertake this project .......
pls understand .... when the rift occured from non-physical to physical, it was mainly
the STS beings who habitated the physical realms ..... the all-that-is then wanted a peice of the action so to speak and
ordained that STO beings also follow suit to inhabit physical realms ....... as we have explained, if you go back over
everything we have given you ..... having STO's trying to sway STS to come back or convert to STO was liking adding fuel
to the fire ......
so then a project was ordained, that a special stream of being would be made/allowed
that would be free willing and free chosen in nature to choose between STO or STS modes .... on the same token, the all
that is wanted to experience the physical universes in it's entirety and so it was ordained that a biological being
would be created that your soulgroup known as human who chose to undertake this project ...... this was your 24DNA biological body
so Blue which is one stream of conciousness gestalt was ordained to undertake this
project ..... so parts of us resided in around the Arcturus star system ..... from here the blue-print was drawn up ...
is it not to this day your use the wors "blue-print" to define original design specifications/plans ;o) __________________________________________
[R] what so special about Arcturus star system _________________________________________
[Blue] not much is special, but pleass note that it is in universe3 all this happened,
but is likened to your space/time co-ordinates of Arcturus ..... in space/time co-ords Arcturus is liken unto a gateway
between universe1-2 and univer2-3 and univers3-4 and so on ...
it is sort of like an axel where all the wheels sit on differing points along the
same axel ...
another conciousness group known as "Green" ..... who's job is to test/seed after
the prototypes have been made so to speak then placed you originally on Jupiter and surrounding moons .......(insert note
2001?monolith?) this was your first time entry into universe1 where you currently have been stuck in the rut ...... ______________________________________
[R] this is funny, so now there is a Green which is like what .... your brother or
sister or something ? do they have any other names so we can recognise them ..... ____________________________________
[Blue] mmm ..... to pigeon-hole does not serve a purpose .... but we will say you
may call them Casseopians ..... as their wheel axel thru all universe/dimensions is in the space/time co-ords you know
as the the star system Casseopia .....
this group/gestalt are likened unto cosmic couriers, postal service ..... know you
your myth ... Mercury the messenger, this comes from this group ..... their main function was to deliver safely biological
beings to planets for habitation, to ensure everything was safe before leaving you to your own .......
so it began on jupiter, .... this was only an interim measure, a settling into so
to speak, then Venus was to be your main home ..... so you then moved to venus .... but here which we shall not go into,
yet at this time, eveything went awry, then came mareath (is this marduk??) and then mars, then earth ......
now we have major issues to contend with ..... and currently Saturn is being terraformed
for life .... just in case but if it is decided to move there it will be at a huge cost where the maybe no recovery ever
....... _____________________
[R] but why did we have to be put in the middle of a battle zone ...... _____________________
[Blue] pls understand, this region was by far the most safest, but not completely
safe .... as we have said most of universe-1 was filled with STS beings and if their were any STO they were in war with
STS ... so nowhere was safe ......
now we have already given you the answer to your question and when we did you got
quiet offended .......... one thing you fail to ask R ... is why was the project for humans commissioned int he first place
..... what was the purpose ...... rather than trying to point blame ...
the human 24DNA biological beings was created embued with far advanced abilities
than any of the other species ..... it was connected with the source completely .... in order for the all-that-is to experience
and articulate the physical realms .... as it is thru you that this is done unconditionally ..........
indeed the all that is can experience thru the other species, but they separated
themselves from source and in any regard the experience would be limited as they operated thru limited modes that had no
other avenues of experience except to be STS .... and this applies the same for STO's ........
the other purpose was in some degree an ingenious plan as you may call it ..... you
are a retro-virus ...... as we have already explained .... this is likened unto a virus which repairs rather than corrupts
in order to fix up the mess and problems created from the rift ...... you were the
rescue team so to speak .....
imagine your hard disk has been hit with a virus ...... well you come along and load
a program called antivirus and this cleans up the viruses ....... to some degree this is the human purpose ....... thru
your genetic you are like a universal antivirus program
others would want this powerful genetic strain you have and thus they would load
it into their systems so to speak (mix genes) and in doing so your part of the gene would then begin to do it's work ....
now we know you are thinking .... free choice, free will, unconditional allowance
and why force our way onto the STS/STO so to speak .... there is no forcing here ....... simply we are giving in proxy
all the physical races that have mixed with you their own connectedness to source but in main their own free will/choice
........ so it is kind of making them neutral and not one way or the other .....
>from here, then it will be up to them to decide with their free will/choice .......
we are only giving this which has been ordained by the all that is ........
remember what we have said to you previously ........ look for those that choose
inclusivily and not exclivity ____________________________
[R] blue, pls try keep these short .... what can u tell us about the issue at hand
today with our world about to break into war and where do the shadows fit in .....??? also as humans what exactly are we
today, what mix are we ? ___________________________
[Blue] ok we will keep it simple and short .......... there are two factions at war
with each other from inside the shadow groups ....... neither is right or wrong, it is a matter of control/power .....and
now they have gone to extreme ends to maintain control of earth, but also to once and for all play it out between each
other for the top position ... __________________________
[R] can u tell us who or what .....? _________________________
[Blue] the humour to this is that they are the same group ...... it is just millenia
ago that had a little split on your earth .... __________________________
[R] can u tell us what or who this group is!! __________________________
[Blue] you already know them as the Jehovan strain ..... in main they are pleiadian-reptilian
.......the two factions warring are of slightly different mixes ...... you have the pleaidian/orion mix which is your typical
ultimate warlording faction which you label as Jehovah to this day and you have your plaeidain/sirius mix which is known
as the Ishael faction .......
your Jehovah mix is what you know as your Jews ..... the Ishael mix is what you know
as your Arabs
now this split is documented in your christian bible ...... if you re-read carefully
..... Abraham had children thru many women, but the main two was his wife Sarah and his mistress Hagar ........ it is much
more complicated than this, but your bible simplifies it by explaining it off as a bearing of children and right to
inheritance ....
as u should know that in your bible, Sarah could not birth, so Abraham had a son
by Hagar his mistress, his son was Ishmael .... but later god (Jehova stream) made him a son via Sarah who was named Isaac
something you must understand R. ... is these names are not actual people who existed
... but likened unto titles just as Jehovah is a title and thus is Abram (Abraham) and also Isaac, and Ishmael/Ishael ...
these are titles for whole peoples/races and not just two people and wife so to speak
the common denominator in all this is the Jehova/Reptilian stream and of course Abraham
.... you see Abraham stream was to some degree the human stream ..... who caught caught up in the genetic mixing .....
and power play of the Jehovah .....
you see genetically both Jews (Jehovah/Abram/Sarah/Isaac) = plaiedian/orion mix and
Arabs (Jehovah/Abram/Hagar/Ishmael) = pleiadian/sirius mix came from the same father so to speak ......
do u notice how it is both Jews and Muslim-Arabs who circumcise due to religion ...... ________________________________________
[R] but why the split ...... why the hatred and warring to each other ....... ________________________________________
[Blue] we suggest you read your bible this will give you an idea ......... simply
put the Hagar/Ishmael stream did not bow down to Jehovah (Insert here from Dan: ENLIL)
and follow in his warring/warlord ways ...... wheres as the Sarah/Isaac stream did ... and
so Jehovah favoured/empowered this strain/stream more so over the Ishmael stream ..... to the degree the Ishmael stream
were thrown out of the house so to speak and downcast and at some point persecuted by the Jehovah stream ..........
and it has been since this that the Ishael stream has come back to revenge for they feel they have been harshly done by
the Jehovah who maintained power/control over them ......
originally the Ishael did not want power/control they were peaceful in nature and
being mixed with the Sirius strain they were embdued with great knowledge for they (Insert here from Dan: ENKI / PTAH?)
went on to form Egypt and build the pyramids with the help of the Sirians ......
(this made Jehovah stream extremely jealous and more warring ...... you see Jehovah thought that they got the wrong end
of the genetic make up of Abraham and that the Ishmael got the smart-genes .....
there is much on this subject matter ..... we suggest you research it and you will
find your answers as to why the split/hatred ..... between the two groups .... but do note: that think of the biblical
names as groups/streams and not individuals .......
we will tell you also that living underground the jehovah/reptilian group appear
as white skinned people ......
your aboriginals all over your worlds are the true colour skin representation of
you as humans with 24DNA .... which is black/brown .....
>from this comes the different mixes which give diffierent colours of your skin
races except for the asian races which were put in place as a means to rectifiy the imbalances created by the Jehovah stream
...... _____________________________________
[R] so now these two groups are fighting for control ........ over earth humans ____________________________________
[Blue] yes ..... one is for revenge as Jehovah has a lot of blood on his hands and
all this blood comes at a price ... you see, the white coloured skinned people are all in main of the jehovah/orion
mix .... they came out of the earth and mixed with many other races, warred a many and conquered a many lands ...... the
jehovah stream never shared any technology and alwasy thus maintained a greater advantage thru war/warrior/weapons ....
that wish they could not earn, they obtained via war .....
there is only one white race whch has remained separate to the Jehovah strain .......
and more in line with the original human strain ... but this is another epic unto itself ...... which we may diverse in
at a later your time _____________________________________
[R] do u wish to tell me _____________________________________
[Blue] it is your peoples you know as Finnish .... and a little of your Irish who
strained from the Finnish ...... for if you study these people you will see that they hold a language in the their natural
tongue which is like no other language on your planet ..... it is unique in it's natural tongue ........ research this
......(insert from dan - is this gaelic or finnish? is Bock Saga relevant here?)
When the Cassopeans seeded the earth, you were seeded on top of the surface and thus
your skin was dark in nature to protect against the suns rays ...... those of the inner earth who were here before you
were white in nature ....... your aboriginal peoples are closer to the true original human than is your white peoples
...... but do not judge by this nature as it is totally mixed and even your aboriginals now have jehovah/white strains
in them .....
the Finnish came from a Lyran/Andromedan mix ... when the Andromedans were brought
in to police after all hell broke loose as you would term it on your language ...... (insert from dan here: seems to fit ?)
to be continued ....(we move to another section as transmitted by Raphiem, seems discontiguous
here, but picks up the Ishael ? Jehovah - Enki/Enlil issue below)
[R] speaking of health and physical bodies ... how can we maintain our bodies for
full vitality and health ..? is there any simple tips ? _____________
[Blue] mmm, it seems you want a pill to pop, is it not so ? ;o) .... the answer is
simple but the work and actions required is much, and humans do not like working hard ey ?'o)
the physical embodiment is simply driven by soul matrix energy fields ..... simply
put it is animated by soul ... which is a unique electro-magnetic vortex of energy that animates the physical body
this spinning vortex of energy is bi-polar in nature thus creating a potential for
animation, movement, life-force .... (Insert from dan - see "Life Force = the ability to attract and self-organize charge"?)
also it is what maintains a soul-memory imprint upon the embodiment, all your experiences
as a soul are stored in this spinning vortex of electro-magnetic energy ...... and this organised pattern of energy/frequency
is what manifest your physical embodiment .... also it is what gives you your identity as a soul .... the "I" in "I AM"
.... (means 'that which is self referring - dan) ___________________
[R] so by what you just said ..... then light is electro-magnetic ? ____________________
[Blue] yes ... ask your self why is that huge gravity fields can bend light ... this
is due to light being made up of the same force which constitutes gravity be it electro-magnetic or not in nature ...... ______________________
[R] so what exactly is gravity ? _______________________
[Blue] gravity is memory (insert note from dan: the wave self similarity which compresses
wave heterodynes pulling the drain plug thru light speed - required to make gravity is identical with the massive phase lock
which makes wave nodes sustainable : literally the physics of memory - This is true both of synaptic and the wave memory in
general called "inertia" by which physics both defines and measures mass).
[R] what ? you mean memories make gravity ? ........ ________________________
[Blue] yes .... in order to maintain memory, energy/force must spin in vortex like
fashion to maintain that memory ...... the by product of this is gravity, attraction ,repulsion ...etc .... even your black-holes
are huge memory vortexes of your universe and so forth ...
WORK.. __________________________
[R] ok ... can we get back onto what this has to with health ____________________________
[Blue] this organising pattern is what flows in and out of the body, and in order
to maintain health and vitality is needs to keep spinning, keep flowing in and out ....... any impedance, resistance, blockages
in the body, mind or spirit can cause distruptions and thus dis-ease .....
to view it at the lowest levels of your physical building blocks, such as atoms,
electrons, protons and so forth ..... the lowest levels of electro-magnetic nature are ions ..... heard you of negative
ions ?
ions have an electric charge and when in motion they create and electromagnetic field
.... your living cells behave like semi-conductors .....
electromagnetic force creates chemical reactions which in turn create electrical
current and so on .... __________________________
[R] so how do we use this knowledge to remain healthy, vital and so on ? _________________________
[Blue] more than 75% of your ionic generation is thru breathing, the remainder being
thru your foods ......
what is crucial for the physical body is to maintain a balance between acid and alkaline
with in the body .... this is thru foods and air ..... but also note that emotions, feelings, stress can simply change
these balances which you know as pH levels ....
there is much information in your medical streams about this .... we suggest you
research it ......
it is crucial that anything eletromagnetic plays a role in your health, so does your
foods and what balance you maintain the body between and acid state or alkaline state ....
do research unto this .....
finally we will make note of this ..... your oxygen and nitrogen break down the UV
radiation from space into ions .... ions have a spin to them, clockwise and anticlockwise ....
UV radiation/light is most crucial for health, not to mention encoded with life-forming
patterns of information ...... ____________________________
to continued....
R] Blue, can tell us more about this Jehovah / Isha'el thing ? ______________________
[Blue] R ... you must know that it is much nitty gritty and not serve any purpose,
we would rather you focused on areas that can help you see beyond the limitations set upon you .... _______________________
[R] ok then, what is so important about afghanistan that this whole new war seems
to be focused on ? _________________________
[Blue] there are many vortices and portals laid out through out earth ..... likened
unto the meridians points of the human body .... where wars flare up you will notice as above so below ... you can associate some
battle over portals / grid points ....
high up in afghanistan mountains there is a crucial portal one of many ...... and
there is a battle for control over this ..... you may say that oil is not the only gain ... there are also artificats of
a historical nature that would reveal much about humanity and it's beginnings ...... but your governments run by the
shadows do not want you to see these ...... go back and research any diggings, excavations or new findings in places
where there is currently turmoil ..... ________________________
[R] do u mean gridpoints, like in Peru or Hawaii etc ? _________________________
[Blue] yes .... _________________________
[R] so why aren't there any wars in Hawaii or Peru ....? ________________________
[Blue] mmm .... you forget so easily ..... mmm ... your Pearl Harbour, and Peru which
at one stage has had much earthquakes and unstable governments ...... __________________________
[R] so i guess it is important to do grid work, by visiting those sites and assisting
whatever to keep the grids points open ....etc ? __________________________
[Blue] yes, but pls understand, that the grid points at these sites is usually stable
and open and have been for some time, especially in the cases of Peru, Egypt, Iraq, Australia, UK, Cambodia and so forth
..... and groups who visit these sites are of two categories a) money making schemes b) attempting to reverse, shutdown
the grid point .....
***THIS IS WHERE ANGELS & DEMONS COMES IN...SHARI BROBECK ____________________________
[R] what do u mean, shut down the grid point ? ______________________________
[Blue] there are STS groups part of the shadows who make visits to these sites which
are already stable and open and attempt to shut them down rather than assist in opening them .... ____________________________
[R] but why ? i can understand the money making side of it, but why would they want
to shut them down ?
UNIVERSE... ____________________________
[Blue] always make note after such groups who visit these sites .....
was there any volcanic or earthquakes after their visits ??? did their governments
collapse ..... after the visit were things for the worse or for the better after their visit to so called assist in keeping
or guarding these grid points ...... this will be the tell tale sign ......
again as we have said ..... earth votices / grid points are like the human body
meridian system ..... also what we term as memory storage points .... when they are fully open, earth and it's people inhabiting
it, open up, wake up, garner more information due to earth's subconcious memory being stored there ....... also they
are like access points in/out of earth's system from upper dimensions ....
when shut down it is the reverse ..... likened unto a blockage in a chakra/gland/meridian
point ........ when shut down or blocked ... sickness, discomfort, pressure and so forth begins to occur ..... do
you now see .......
we will ask you this ........ if these groups or peoples who make visits to these
sites are really wanting to assist humanity or the earth by helping to keep open or open these vortex grid portals ......
THEN WHY ARE THEY NOT MAKING VISITS to Afghanistan, Indonesia, Africa, Kashmir, Balkans, Pakistan, China, Israel/Palestine
and many more to mention ......
it is at these points where there is blockage, turmoil or pressure cooking so to
speak, that need all the assistance .......
you see there is no money to be made in visiting these places ... but rather the
more exotic safe locations which do not need assistance, unless of course groups were making visits whether knowingly or
unknowingly in order to shutdown these gridpoints ...
THEY CAN COME BACK INTO THE FOLD... _______________________________
[R] mmm ..... this is interesting ..... but how to tell of those who are in it for
the money or in it to shutdown the grid point .....
[Blue] we keep repeating ..... it is very simple and we have told you multiple times
.... look for those who follow a path where all is inclusive or they operate in exclusive
mode ...
INCLUSIVE = BENIGN = STO EXCLUSIVE = MALIGN = STS ________________________________
[Blue continuing on .....] You/We have created a free will biological embodiment
that is free to chose to act as an interface with the all-that-is for physical expression and experience ....... We are
as you would be and still are should you have not being caught with in self-defining matter
as we have mentioned before, and we will mention again until you can see beyond your
limited perception .... .simply everything that ever was and will ever be has already occurred, come and gone, in one single
pulse-burst of self-reflection and realisation from the all-that-is ........ everything is/was created .......
you simply are now surveying and reviewing the landscapes of creation, likened unto
a movie that has already being filmed, you simply are reviewing the frames of creation, back and forth, living the experience.....
analysing what has happened and will happen ....
simply what has happened, is that you got lost in the movie, the film, whilst you
were watching it, you began to make-believe that you were in the movie, that you were the actors and you forgot that you
were simply watching it, viewing it from a distance ....
then from an angle of fear and deceit, you began to believe that if you exited the
movie, removed yourself from the acting, that you would lose your identity, lose yourself and become nothing ........ and
so afraid you became of this, that you remained within the constraints and frameworks of the movie, afraid to go beyond
the movie/film set ...... and here you have been ever since, acting in a multitude of movies, soap operas and epics ....
some of you learnt how to jump between the linear frames of your movie reel, that
is rewind and fast-forward and thus were able to travel in time and back .... but yet still stuck with-in the boundaries
of your movie ..... then came some who knew how to cut-out certain frames and scenes and and insert frames and scenes
thus change the story to suit .....
and very few came who were able to see the source of light and the movie projector
which was actually supplying the source-light and the lens to create this movie-world ...... and they knew that they themselves
were only a projection of light thru a lens and not the movie/film/actors themselves
(insert from dan: getting up off your cross to follow me, requires identifying newly
with the wave instead of the node created where waves cross...) .......
switch of the light projector .... and where would you be ??
R if wishing to do so could write volumes and epics as well as much technical subject
matter with much detail of your histories and wars and tragedies and triumphs of the human spirit, mind and body .....
but this would not serve much purpose but only to pigion hole and lay further a blame of your enemies you can not even
see , nor sense, so in doing so would not give you any further advantage other than some more to hate or blame ...
when you awaken and see your unified self for what it is, rather than your fragmented
selves, you will begin to slowly, see with realeyes (realise) and have full perception and access to much knowledge that
is carried from generation to generation within your junk-DNA ..... likened unto finding the encryption key to unlock
this encrypted junk-DNA .....
many of you think that your junk-DNA is the portion that has been de-activated ....
thus limiting your fields of perception and ability ..... to some degree this can be the case, but in fact, when you sold
yourselves out due to deceit unknowingly, we had to encrypt much of your DNA and leave only that which was sufficient
enough to allow your survival ......
... there are still many species who try in vain to decrypt your 24DNA matrix soul/body
in hope that they may attain the codes to heaven's gate so to speak ......
... but forcing one's way into a house, is not the same as earning the right of entry,
and stealing one's possessions/knowledge is not the same as working and earning and learning the knowledge unto yourself
(insert from dan: lord of the ring is the letter symmetries burnt by the spiral on the
ring donut - indicating the angles at which to tilt - make alphabet- to squirt DNA codons angularly bent into recursion -
literally a ring donut DNA - which becomes the magnetically implosive gravity making engine of consciousness for star bending
and inhabiting... the fellowship of the ring - is the holy communion which implosion in DNA enacts morphically linking at
coeur all whose being as at center the lightning braider - self-similar DNA.
see The Ring - Alphabet of Angles into the Ring...of DNA.. Implosion)
it is likened unto giving a child and very powerful piece of technical machinery
which can unleash huge amounts of force .... what you do think would be the result ....? ( burn the ring lest it burn you
- said those afraid of the fusion of the Sun itself..)
now many will ask how do we awaken into full unified perception and articulation
?..... but this is not a simple answer ..... it is likened unto telling a child how to ride a two-wheel bike .... but this
is as you know >from your own experience difficult to instruct, but the child from much practice and failures eventually
learns by innate nature how to balance and ride the bike .....
if you were to ask each child how it is done, they all would tell you a differing
technique of how they achieved to ride the bike, none were the same experience learning as the other .... although similiar
from a distance, but not from internal fields of perception ...
this is the great plan, the saviour so to speak of all physical universes and living
sentient species, the human projection was to free those enslaved, but became enslaved in the process itself .....
you are a new design model, a new species, containing all elements of physical and
non-physical ..... the first species to walk a bridge between matter and non-matter, the visible and non-visible simulateaously
.... it is through you and your retro-viral design which will spawn a new heaven and earth so to speak ......
R always being technically minded always adds an angle of technicality and so we
oblige, but it is never our intention to complicate matters as we do not find it necessary to communicate thru technicalities
one key to breaking out of your rut is to defrag .... the best way to find this is
to watch yourself, words, actions and anomalies around you ..... as well as synchronicities ...... as these will lead you
to a side of yourself that you are not aware off .....
we will be clearer ......
know you a movie reel ....... it is made up of a long trail of frames/snapshots which
are a negative-print....... when these are run thru a projector shinging light thru a lens at a certain speed, it creates animation
here lies the illussion ..... for it is not true animation although it appears like
it when run at at least 24 frames per second .... you like this number 24 ey ??? ;o))
now note: your physical universes are negative-print ... likened unto the negative
film you take for processing at the film store.... which the light-projector shines thru to give you an image ..... but
the image comes >from an opposite physical-matter of that which be you .... and your reality ..... think of your
eyes as the light-projector ....
now as the movie reel runs by at 24 frames or more per second to animate your reality
..... between each frame is a border, a boundary ..... all the frames/snapshots are separated by this thin band,
black border/boundary ....... call it what you may .... but when it is run thru the projector you do not notice these
black-bands ..... they are currently beyond your fields of perception ... but here lies an area that which you have no
awaresness off ....... there are black-bands all thru your perceived reality, but u do not perceive them .... (insert
from Dan - pressure gradients in wave lengths shorter than planck length - the information in the 'still point BETWEEN wave
nodes - which became the title of Bentov's recommended book: "Stalking the Wild Pendulum )
these contain much information and data and also escape routes to jump beyond your
current fields of perception ... ( Insert: Blink at at a different rate - and you see a completely different wagon wheel turning...)
another note: what you think would happen should you slow down or increase the linear
speed of your move-reel as it travels thru the projector ........ yes ... your perception of time-passing would alter .......
it is thru the above mention black-bands that sit between your snapshot frames, which
many strange anomalies and bleed-throughs occur ...... but in order for you to go beyond the movie-reel and see the source
of the light eminating, animating, you need to know yourself, every thought, every feeling, ever sense, every experience,
and in order to do this you must live them yourself .....
smell the flowers for your self not take someone elses perception of
the fragrance of that flower .... do you understand ...
now imagine if you cut-up all the frames of the movie reel and placed them on top
of each other, stacked them up ....... thus there would be no linear movie-reel .... but just one deck of frames ......
and imagine projecting a beam of light thru your stacked up deck of cut-up frames ..... what you think see you ?? .........
you will see a melting blur of an image, but unable to make it out, nor associate any sequence, time of events at which and
each frame might have occurred, i.e. past or future .... it is as if each frame is occuring simulataneously ......... and
so this is how it is for the all-that-is ...... and whole of creation .......
this is perhaps and over simplified explanation of your reality ..... but it may
serve for better understanding .........
although the all-that-is may have known ;o)) we did not anticipate that or for-see
your slow developement, we did not expect any hold-ups in your developement ......... and each time, we made progress,
it seemed to be smashed with catastrophie setting everything back ..... we assisted where universal laws allowed, we
even brought in
beings to police and help nurture you, but in the end it was up to you ..... and
since your design was to be of a free will and choice nature, we could not come in and do the choosing for you, for
it then would defeat the purpose of an all free will and choosing being ........
granted there are forces at play which may limit your choices, but this does not
take a way your free will ...... and it is how you deal with the choices given and not the choice itself which is of focus
know you your great sermon ? ...... "it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of
a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god " ........
what you think your "eye of the needle" be ?
know you zero-point ??
yes ... zero-point energy ....... liken unto your black holes and white holes .......
when you are able to spin and align yourselves harmonically as a braided wave, like
a vortex of spinning energy, the bottom of this vortex is a point, and only if you can align in a harmonic braid, you are
able to enter this zeropoint .... without any disipation or loss of impetus and memory ....... as you screw or shall
we say squeeze down thru the zero-point with out any blocks or getting stuck ....
this is what makes memories, what makes self-identy, what makes gravity .....
and is the way out of your ruts .....
this is the entry in and out of your vortex gateways, be it earth or universe ......
what shall you do if you ever found yourselves, being sucked into the eye of the universe (blackhole) ......... if you
wish to remain with self-identity, you will need to learn to braid harmonically ......... otherwise you will lose your
memory as the black-hole returns you to the all that is ...
[R .. folks .. this sounds a bit Dan Winterish ..... suggest perhaps re-visiting
his material] (this comment was inserted by Raphiem before I saw this- dan winter - hint see implosion research..)
Your fully activated sensory system is likened unto an inter-dimensional gateway
access and communication system and more .... your biological design is the same as the structural pattern of your gravitational
systems, which is the same thru out all your Earth, galaxy, universal, physical and non-physical systems ......... understand
this and you will understand how you tick .... ( all based on implosion - centripedal nature of fusion is the self-similarity
of perfect branching by Phi)
You may say it is difficult to fight against the system, against those that enslave
you .... but there is no need to fight .... we fervently tell this to R ..... but it seems he still has much Greek gladiator
memories coursing thru his blood .....
you simply just need to choose and/or have the will to choose .....
for choice is NOTHING without the WILL!!!! ..... many deem it that choice is everything
a person may have all opportunities to choose as they would like to choose, given
to them on a silver platter, but if they not have the WILL to energise the direction they chose and/or was given to them
...... they will not journey anywhere ...... simply due to not having the WILL ....... yet a person may be up against
all odds ... with limited choices if not any .... and yet thru sheer WILL and determination they will rise above all obstacles in
their path ......
this is the difference between you and and angel so to speak ....... and angel does
not have a will ..... for it's will is merely a program that is run to behave at one level continually in ONE DIRECTION
always ....... be it STO ot STS .......
do you understand this .,!!! ... you are a free will being ... this is your unique
design .... but many confuse you with baloney about having free choice ... and then when you find yourselves with no free
choice, you all rally to a bally-hoo complaining that you have been forsaken .....
You allow your system to tell you how to behave, you give up your will ..... you
spend vast amounts of energy and money on war and on goals all in the name of what??????
know you all this energy and money could have built you streets of gold, fed every
starving person, housed every homeless person, healed every sick person, clothed and educated ......... but you all choose
war ..... you all support the very systems that corrupt you, that remove your will .......
(insert note: new science of peace - peace requires the self-embedding of magnetic which
permits waves and people to sustain their agreement.. University for the Science of Peace )
and all you have to do is simply choose not to support, give your energy to these
false systems ..... as R would say ... put your dollar where your heart is!!!!!!! do not support, give of your energy in
any shape or matter, those systems and institutions that do not have your spirit in interest ......... it is quiet simple
... and if all did it , said enough is enough, you will be amazed at the almost instantaneaous results ......... but it would
seem, it is far easier to just war and let them do as they please .......
we will tell you this as many have asked the same question .......... "oh ,.,, R/Blue
... what of Saturn .... will we be going to Saturn if all else fails here ....." ....
you know ... everyone is looking for the escape hatch ...... only interest is not
how do we fix it, but how do we get out of here, where is the fire-escape ..... and can we make it ???
mmmm .......
if things can not be sorted out here ..... and your awakening does not come to fruition,
a new species, based on the human model will being prepared in the design works with a few adjustments for life on Saturn
which is currently being transformed ..... again it will not be a Human species but one liken upon it .... and the soul-group
responsible for this will not be the same soul-group as you, of the human species .....
[R ... folks a side issue, good reading material is EMV's of Saturn ... by Bergrun
... although doesn't talk about new planets for habitation ....... Blue informs me that this is what the EMV's are actually
doing ......]
many newages groupies, go on about how this and that are the guardians, the alliances,
but know you, it is all disempowerment ...... for you know who the Guardians are ???????? YOU ..... it has always being
YOU!!!!HUMAN!!! who was meant to be guardians ...
but instead you look outside of yourselves for the guardians to come and save you
.. _______________________ Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 From-: Foreverblue Subject: *Blue* - Final Approach [Blue] the all that is pulsed into being 24 streams of creation/expression.
again we say review this material and imagine a flat still pond and a perfect spherical rock being plunged into it ..... if
you could take still pictures of this event you would first see a rim of water rise up out of the pond and then it would break
up into 24 spikes or crown tips ..... much like a crown .....
image inserted by dan :reminds me of so you have 24 spikes or beams of creation ........and you have the troughs
that lay in-between the spikes ....... picture a bicycle wheel ..... with 24 spokes and the all-that-is as the cog in the
middle ...... this is a 2-dimensional view, but if we could picture it for you in 3D it would look like 24 trumpet-horns inside
a sphere .......
Angel Trumpets, Heart of Sun Animation these 24 beams of creation spread out from the central core in all directions ....
they are interdimensional as well as intradimensional ........ liken them as frequencies or musical notes or colours .............
we Blue would be likened as one of these 24 beams of creation .... these beams are like strings on a guitar/violin
..... but instead of your 6 or 4 strings respectively .. you have 24 strings .... these strings are in constant articulation,
constantly forever vibrating their frequency ...... not all separate ... but all part of the same instrument of music/creation
...... dare we say in-between these strings of creation are spaces, gaps ....... and as all the 6 universes spin
about the central cog in spiral fashion (note: inspire = inspiral) ...... they enter into a beam of creation for a period
of time or a period of space (pending of it is physical or non-physical) ....... these beams of creation will enlighten/vibrate
each planet and galaxy in all universes as they cut thru the beam on there forever spiraling progression of rotation about
the central core ..... but there comes a time/space where they exit these beams and eventually move into another beam of creation
...... all this occurs in spiral fashion slowly each universe/dimension moves up and cuts into a higher frequency
beam on it's way up the spiral ..... your galaxy, your milky way have already entered a new beam of creation
and soon your earth and surrounding moons and planets will also enter the next beam of creation as they slowly move about
the central core ........ your galaxy and earth have been in limbo for about a million years of your time .......
this limbo is the gap we spoke of, in-between the strings of creation .....a place of non-vibration ..... which is now about
to enter a place of vibration ...
(as Dr.S.B. noted our orion arm of the galaxy demonstrates visibly more fractionation
than the other more coherent spiral arms.. as the angels and time fractality bleed.. dan) ____________________________ [R]
Blue can u tell us what the next beam of creation is it indigo ?? _____________________________ [Blue]
mmm, we would say it is the frequencies beyond blue as you know them to be ultra-violet (UV) ..... currently you are
in half-light but your presence is not in the full-spectrum of light ..... in your half-light you only perceive some of the
UV but not all of it ...
( insert from Dan - compare to what William Buehler's Thoth inspired 'templar agenda' refers to the Oritronic 'half light' vs. Metatronic 'full light' spectra - what I , Dan
would call a cubically / octave non-embedable spectral cascade by frequency signature vs. a harmonic content based on PHI
-pent- philotactic embedable branching all-go-rhythmn) soon you will be bathed in full UV light .... also known
as double-light to you ...... (Dan: I speculate the spectral harmonics can be much more inclusive and closer spaced between
harmonics contained - literally non-destructively compressed - when the musical key of those light beams embeds in more fractal
fusion - phi series - as the hydrogen emission balmer series basis of solar fusion were calculated in log PHI series by Randy
Masters.. etc. - value of embedding directly in sunlight - rather than attempt to eat it's light after storing it - resulting
in phase fractionation which kills you ) ___________________________ [R] how will we percieve things in this
UV beam of creation .....? how will things be ___________________________ [Blue] does not your UV light expose
hidden matter, likened unto your discotech nightclub stamp or your UV pens which you sign your signatures which can only be
viewed under a UV light ...... this is how things will be, everything will be exposed, vibrated, nothing will remain hidden
..... know you what happens when photons interact with electrons ?? they cause electrons to accelerate and jump
their orbits around the nucleus of your atoms ...... when electrons begin jumping in excitement, they cause electrochemical
changes in matter .... as well as the electrons jumping their orbits, they reverse their direction of spin ..... so where
they be spinning clockwise in half-light, when this creation beam touches it, they will spin-anti-clockwise and vice versa
..... _______________________ [R] but how will this affect us, our lives, etc here on earth ? _______________________ [Blue]
have you ever scene a negative of a film turned into a photo .... it is much likened unto this process ..... now you
are like a negative, soon you will become the processed photo ...... the reverse ..... now as you reside in the
gap where there is no creation beam vibrating, you must carry your own memories, perpetuate your own spin vortex .... and
you require light from outside of you to sustain you, eg. your yellow sun ...... inside the creation beam this
will be reversed .... for light shall come from within you rather than outside of you .... and your new sun (to be Jupiter)
will be blue .... _________________________ [R] what will happen to our current sun ...? ________________________ [Blue]
your current sun has outlived it's agreed purpose ...... for it must go on to birth other planets .... ________________________ [R]
you mean to explode .... _______________________ [Blue] mmm ... yes but before the explosion, will be an implosion,
likened unto taking a breath inwards and then blowing out ..... thus your sun is in it's final phase ....... do note recently
an asteroid was captured entering your sun ..... we sent this, directed into your sun for a reason, as it had become
very unstable and there was much fission going on with in it's bowels ...... the asteroid was sent to help quench it's thirst
so to speak .... keep it at bay for a while longer .... you will see many of these asteroids being sent into your sun ... this
new creation beam you are about to enter is likened unto taking your glove off your hand, where the inside is revealed to
the outside, inside out as you know it ..... shall we say everything will become INSIDE-OUT .... ________________________ [R]
can you tell us anything about gravitational shifts or reversals or polar shifts .... will this be apart of it ? ________________________ [Blue]
many speak about the earth titlting on it's axis ..... this is not so ..... what will occur is that your magnetic poles will
reverse in polarity ....... thus causing all your electrical poles to also reverse ....... be aware that none of your current
technologies will work and will need adaptions to make them function within the new polarity ........ before poles reverse
there is a void and null zone ... likened unto the moment between an in-breath and an out-breath ..... during
this period .... your momentum of memory if identity will need to be sustain by yourselves ...... you will not have the momentum
of universal and galaxy spin assisting your soul-ular memory ...... do always remember, that memory is what makes
gravity/attraction ......!! _______________________ [R] how long will this null zone last for that we must
carry our own memory .... our own spin ......? ______________________ [Blue] you are asking a gestalt being
who has no concept of time ....? note: however long it takes will depend on you, for it is relative .... but there is a minimum
and maximum threshold ........ do you not see it is likened unto a cleansing ...... for anyhting that refuses to resonate
with this UV creation beam ...... will disipate or disintegrate ...... it is likened unto a signature key ..... and any living
being or thing that can not carry their own memory which must resonate within the UV signature will also disipate back into
the all-that-is ...... losing all identity and self-reflection ...... _____________________ [R] this sounds
like a good thing ..... so what is the deal and concern with all this saturn business ..... ______________________ [Blue]
mmm our dear R ..... your fingers will start smoking and we know our time is up as far as transcribing is concerned so we
will keep it simple andnot get into complexities ......... but we will say ...... that a likely outcome is that earth and
humanity will lose it's group memory , for it may not be able to sustain it's self efficiently harmonically, during the null
zone ........ if you can not, or earth can not carry itself to the tune of UV frequency it will disipate .....
thus is your delima ..... so we are taking precautions for a new physical body template which will be created upon Saturn
the new Earth should this be required .... note: there are those who know of what is to occur and they do not
wish you to make it, to succeed and they are doing all they can to plunge this world into utter chaos as they know, that they
do not have much time left .... also they are making attempts to try and break into this UV frequency and sustain themselves
in doublelight .... although their intention is not such .... we will not mince words, nor give you fuzzy and
warms and half-truths ....... as we speak your world is mostly spiritual asleep and unconcious of what is occuring around
it ........ although this may not be directly your fault ...... but sitting on your backsides does not help either .......
and having weak wills of determinations due to the life force drained from you for unable to carry your own spin ... everything
sits on a razors edge ...... and if not enough wakeup .... your false leaders who do not prepresent you will plunge you to
a point of where there is no return ..... as we look across the edge of night unto an ocean of forever.... we
glimpse a sea of candles flickering in the dark as the winds of change blow upon the sand on the sea-shore of time ... we
throw a blanket of stars over you to shield and warm your hearts from the cold desert winds of your soul and
guide you home from your long and weary journey... aeons
of Forever Blue Eternity have come and gone and still your memories are in lament of the days when we used to play like
children among the stars ... and as we walk among the garden we see rose-buds on the verge of a golden bloom...
and like the fragrance of a fresh spring morning we stop to smell and breath-in the Sweetness of your Lights .. ...and
as we do we know that we are almost home and that the warmth of summer with it's golden rays will soon be here to
stay.... _________________________ this was the 2nd last transmission to be transcribed from Blue .....
note how well the below fits with Lawrence Gardner's book:"Genesis of the Grail
Subject: *Blue* Elijovium / Lillium Created on 07 Feb 2002 13:19:54 Message
#175 of 175 Posted By Blue Ok here we go folks ... but to some this may be good news, am not sure if this is gonna
fit into one last email as i may have to extend Blue is pushing as much as they can down my mind.
now a word of warning ..... what you are about to read may shake the foundations
of man/human/women/religion/truth as you know it and have been taught today .... it may even make you angry ....... there
are many streams of works, channelings, supposed guardiance, and many many alliances ... what u are about to read may
differ with many of what you have learnt and come across ......
again .... i say take it with a grain of salt .... if it resonates, then fine,
if it doesn't then dont worry about it .... i can not vouch or prove it, i can only trust what is given to me from years
of building up trust with Blue ...... Blue says much of this can be traced and if logic and past and current traits,
behaviour used, one can identify/sense that what Blue rants on about is the truth .......
at first Blue danced around this issue, as they did not want to dissect the whole
history as they only wished for unification and final resolution. but since i was ending future transcriptions for now
at least (although i've had many a feedback wishing me to continue) .... it was only fair that they Blue gave me a little
more to chew on ... maybe after i've rested and got my heavy work schedule and commitments out of the way, i may reconsider transcribing
more ......... ok here we go hold on to your hats ... ______________________________________________
First i need to setup the scene and define who the hell is who
Elijovium = Reptilian Soul-ular Gestalt JFK,JR Lillium = Human Soul-ular Gestalt
Jehovian Angelic Stream in the physical earth = Adam (fallen 22 DNA strand) Lillium
Angelic Stream in the physical earth = Lillith (project 24 DNA strand)
Jehovian Angelic Hybrid Stream = Eve (fallen 11 DNA strand)
Children of Adam and Lillith Stream = Hybrid Human/Reptilian 24 DNA strand (Abel) Children
of Adam and Eve Stream = Hybrid Reptilian 11 DNA strand (Cain) Children of Lillith and Eve Stream = Hybrid Reptilian 12
DNA strand (Seth) ______________________________________________
ok i think the above gives a quick picture ........ here's Blue!! ________________________________________________
[Blue] it is important that you revisit all previous posts in order to gather
some understanding of the Human race beginnings of what we are about to delve into, with regards to the universal fall/rift
...... and the Human Experiment ...
the above are not names of people, or individuals, although they have been potrayed
as this in many and much of your religious text ...
Elijovium and Lillium or Adam and Eve and so on are simply titles/names given
to whole races/species/streams/conciousness/souls etc etc ...
Although the names represent male or female orientation, do not confuse them as
the whole stream was of both polarities, being male and female (positive and negative) ..... understand that negative is
not to be equated with bad/wrong ... but simply a creative potential between the opposite polarity. ________________________________________________
you will need to revisit much of your judeo-christian texts such as the talmud,
bible, kabbalah in order to understand the twist of what has gone on . ________________________________________________
[Blue] as we have explained before ..... the human physical stream originated
in this universe one (the universe you are currently expressing in.... it's sole intent and purpose was two fold.
one was to heal the universal rift .... the other was to create a full unconditional
unlimited physical body of expression/experience for the all-that-is.
as you recall, we have said that the originating species on earth was always reptilian
off-shoots from the Lyran and Plaeidian systems who were seeking to get away from many a war that had ravaged this solar
system and setup their own terrian of rulership.
this solar system from the onset was heavily populated with Elijovian/Reptilian
streams ....... the Lillium/Human streams were introduced as we have said before to heal ... and the Lillith human physical beings
were much likened unto a retro-virus ... to cure/heal .....
The Lillium/Human stream sis spend some time on Jupiters moons coagulating/forming
... but the real home was Venus where they finally settled .... amongst a heavily populated Elijovian/Reptilian system
many of you deep down have not forgiven your forebearers and us for this extremely
stressful position that you were placed in.
like R. when we revealed this was in total anger as to what in god's mind were
we thinking ;o))!!! basically as R puts it and for lack of better words, the Human stream was a bait. We know this sounds
drastic .... but the majority of Elijovian streams were in STS mode and were beginning to fight/war amongs themselves
.... if this universal rift was ever to be healed ... it was to be then and now.
The Elijovian after separating and locking themselves out of connectedness with
the all that is went about creating their own domains of power, with no regard to the whole, assuming that they could be
likened unto the all-that-is ....
Many Aeons later they figured that they could not enter Universes 4 to 6 which
were non-physical as they did not contain all the bits of the all-that-is ... and their existance would forever remain
in linear time based physicality and never experience non-physicality.
One thing you need to be careful of is the definition of physicality ... which
can be equated with linear physical universes be it Universe 1, 2 or 3 or dimensions 1 to 12.
many assume existance in Universe 2 (D5-D8) is non-physical. This is not the
case. It is less physical, time is more fluid, but it is not what many assume to be "real" non-physical/non-time reality.
Although you are a soul fragment of a large soul-group who may have roots in the non-physical ... the you who perceives
with the eyes that are reading this text is based in this linear-time-physical expression.
[R] ok Blue we get the drift, what did u mean by "the twist" ? ____________________________
[Blue] your current religious text mainly the Judeo/Christian as well as several
others including the Koran have reversed the truth .... it has been made out that Human race (Lillith/Lillium) is to blame
for all the mess/problems. .... this is not how it "really" was ....
we will continue ..... and we will keep it really simple so even children may
understand ....
once a time, the Human was based on Venus and the Reptilian on Mareath (many know
this as Maldek) ..... there was to a lesser extent very very few Reptilian on Mars and Earth ... more like scout teams
or shall we say experiment/scientists ....
... now there started to be much interaction between the two groups ...... the
reptilian/elijovian stream was very intrigued by the human species and then they realised (took the bait) when they found
that genetically it had two extra DNA strands and what this meant for them ..... so they began to interbreed ......
as we have always said ...... the human strain is open and inclusive ... where as the Elijovian/Reptilian strains are closed
and exclusive ....... make note: as this signature trait enables you to see who today in your world, be it a religion,
or race or person or government and which stream they are dominant in, whether human or reptilian ... _________________________
[R] can u give us some examples .... __________________________
[Blue] mmm ... study your aboriginal peoples and how with open arms they welcomed
only to be enslaved and dominated over by new comers to their land ..... as for countries or govts ..... we will say one
example but not limited to is the Dutch and Finnish .... study their cultures, their govts, their society and see how
open and allowing and free they are to ideas, new systems and fellow humans .... and on a lesser scale .... your Australia/NZ .....
although they started off on a wrong foot, they have made up some ground ...... again, this is one example of many ......
we will continue ...... now we wish to shock you a little ......... note: much
of your genesis and talmud is not based on story events that occurred here on earth ...... but that of those that occured
on Venus/Mareath/Mars .... as well as Earth ..... but they were compiled so to speak and the truth reversed and twisted
here on Earth ........
to speed things along for you ...... after milleniums of interbreeding and peace
....... the Elijovian (or shall we say a faction of it) decided that now that they have interbred and have now sufficient
genetics and traits from the Lillium/Human race .... attempted to dominate "better than though" attitude ...... before
too long .... other Elijovian faction split off and caused more tension ..... and then came the gassing/destruction of
Venus and most moved to Mareath (Maldek) where further disintegration occurred, until the total destruction of that
planet and then Mars ..........
on Mars is where all the fun began and this is where we will provide some herstory
.... instead of history which is what is dished out on Earth ......
[R] When did all the Lillith/Eve interbreeding come in place ? ____________________________
[Blue] be patient R. there is millions of linear years transpired and it can not
be explained in short paragraphs.
now it is refered to in the Talmud that Lillith was the original mate for Adam
... but since Lillith would not allow Adam to sleep ontop of her, as she felt it was unequal, she refused to bear any children
..... and so she ran out on Adam .... later Adam was given Eve from his rib with whom children were bred ..... later
the Talmud goes on to say that Lillith came back to see that Adam now had Eve and was very upset and thus stole Adams seed
while he was sleeping, and the offspring of this became demons ....
now ... we do not wish any resentment here ....... but this whole Talmud/Genesis
story relating to Adam and Eve and so on is the BIGGEST, FATTEST LIE and DECEIT ever written ...... and who be it that
have written such lies and deceivement, no other than the Jehovian stream (Elijovian/Reptilian) .....
if you read closely what we have written and check it out for yourself in the
Talmud you will see that the names given are not individual characters and the whole epic is not as simple as it is made
out ...... it covers whole races/species over long periods of time .....
we will give our version of this as we sense that once this truth is come to grips,
it will free up much of R. mind as well as perhaps others to continue on realising other truths ..... which are not separative
in nature as we do not wish for people to pigeon-hole and point fingers and create further separation rather than unification
you see the truth is that after the Jehovian/Adamic races had interbred some with
the Lillium/Lillith-Human races they decided to not to be equal ....... where as the agreement was equal guardian over
this universe/system .....
the Adamic/Jehovah became patriarchal and treated this Lillium/Human as lesser
..... they wished to dominate and control now that they felt they had obtained the genetics ... which was the Human bait
now one the Lillium race got wind of this, they felt that they had been hard done
by and being a peaceful and STO race they simply refused to mix any further in the interbreeding programs with the Jehovian
....... this is what is meant by, that Liliith did not wish Adam to lay on top of her as she felt unequal ......
now as the LIES and DECEIT continue .... there is some truth in the story threads,
but the are intended to portray things in different light ...... you see since Lillith refuse to bear children with the
Adamic race, she went off ... this angered the Jehovian race and so they decided to begin genetic engineering .... they
found it upon them selves that since the Adamic race had interbred withthe HUman Lillium race, that they could extract
the Lillium genes and harness them in Adamic females to produce another Adamic off-shoot that was more alike to the
Lillium race ..... so although their souls were Elijovium, they would embody a physical vehicle akin much to the Lillium
but not of Human soul-stream ___________
[R] Blue this is beginning to look messy .... _________
[Blue] well R, you asked for it and we are giving it to you ....
now this genetic experiment is what created the demons and monsters and eventually
a lesser being which only could be hard-wired for 11-DNA strands ....... this was known as EVE ,,,,,,,,!!!! if they attempted
any higher strands, they ended up with unstable power species, but which were destructive even to their own kind which
they could not control ....
are you beginning to see the twist and the lies ........ ____________
[R] so is this why they went from 22 to 11 DNA strands as far as the EVE species
was concerned .... and of course EVE was not just female, but both ? _____________
[Blue] yes .. this is the case .... Eve is represenative of both male and female
physical bodies although in your books it is portrayed as female ...... and the 11 DNA came about as they genetically could
only half their original 22 DNA strand .... now we will say there were one successful species that did come out of this
with 12-strand ..... but more on this later ....
now when the Lillium race discovered what the Jehovian was doing and the big mess
they were creating ..... with this genetic experiemtn gone wrong ........ they saw that this was not what the Lillium/Human
race wanted and what the all-that-is had intended .... so in a way this angered them ..... and in an attempt to try
and stop it ... they stole/destroyed the genetic labs where all this experimenting by the Jehovian was going on ......
but the Talmud and Genesis have reversed and twisted this to point the blame that
Lillith stole Adams seed and with it bred demons and monsters ....... this is a total fabrication and lie of what actually
occurred ......
The Lillium/Lillith Human race is represented by many lore as the Lady of the
Lake .... the saviour of humanity, the one who cared and guided and looked after all others ....... this is why we say
to you human (be it if you are mixed hybrid or not) that you were meant to be the guardian race ..... not others as
you have been lied to, such as Sirian/Elohim and so on and on ..... all these have hidden agendas .....
but it was too late ...... the Jehovian had already bred a varied types of humanoid
species based on the genetics they were able to garner from the Lillium/Lillith genes that was interbred over millenium
with them ..... and yes it was Lillith (serpent/DNA) who tempted EVE to eat of the knowledge and truth and be free of
Jehovian domain ...... and again ..... this has been twisted to represent the Lillith as the snake and evil-doer ......
why is it you think that Adam and Eve could not leave the Eden domain ... because
it was likened unto a prison camp ... fear that they may discover the truth .......
you see much of your greek lore and egyptian lore is also based on how many gods
fought amongst each other and slept with each other and bore children with each other .. very incestious ..... but remember
these were only representative of whole species/races and not individual gods ...... _________
[R] so what about Cain and Abel ..?? ________
[Blue] Cain and able were differing genetic pools depending on the mix between
Lillith and Eve with the Adamic races ..... you see although the Talmud do not tell you this, Adam and Lillith races did
breed the Abel race/stream ...
the Cain and Seth stream was interbreeding between Adam and Eve and Lillith and
Eve races respectively ...
and as you can see, the Cain race always had it in for the Adam and Lillith 24
DNA stream and so slowly over a long period of time with help of the Seth stream and the Jehovian group they killed of
Abel stream ......
now did not the Jehovian group punish Cain .... infact they protected this stream
by stating that should anyone bring harm upon the Cain stream they will be punished seven-fold ...... we emplore you to
go back and re-read ..... it is there open for you, do bear in mind the reversal twist and it will all begin to make
sense ........ do keep in mind that Abel came first as a race and not Cain .. ____________
[Blue continues] ........ ok R. we refrain from detailed, past history as
per your request. you seem to be in confusion. One moment you are wish for more gutsy details and a who done it novel
format .... and then on the turn of another moment, you want a summary. we will re-state somethings already stated,
but for the purpose of this last transcription to ensure all is understood. * the human stream of conciousness
and physicality was a unique thought seed which manifested itself in the physical. It's purpose was to be a free will
and free choice beings who were impartial to STS and STO modes and free to remain int he balance or move across side to side
......... but also to embody the all-that-is for purpose of creation and expression and experience.... to have a foot in heaven
as well as earth so to speak... note: just as STS beings can be detrimental, so can STO ..... both can be extreme
and never resolving and pendulum always swinging from STS to STO ....... it is known throught that the STO way of being is
used as a way of how you should express in .... you are always told, to be in service of others, serve, serve, serve .......
but this is in vain, just as is STS way of beingness. you see STS beings will always tell you to be in service
of others ........ cause ultimately it is them you are serving.;o)) so you must find a balance and you must do
as your hearts wishes .... otherswise you will be expressing the desires of others and not your own. *
now we tell you something that may be of a surprise to you ....... there was not meant to be any EVOLUTION for humans
.... humans in their original form were full realised beings. There were no more rungs on the ladder for them to climb!!!
where as other beings were manifest-created straight into a de-evolved state from their true state of all-that-isness,
and thus had to evolve back up to that level. humans were created by ordianed design from the all-that-is, unto
their fullness ....... what has happened is that you have de-evolved __________ [R] are speaking physically
or spiritually ? ___________ [Blue] both ..... do you see you can only embody that which resonates with your
level of vibration ......... it is much likened unto your ever evolving computer technology ....... as the operating systems
become more powerful, complicated, larger, with many more features, they require a more integrated hardware-body containing
a respective motherboard, CPU and more memory in order to run effectively, than previous version of operating systems. the
soul/spirit and the physical body are respectively the same in fashion. do you see not that this is the crux
of humanity ...... why is it that other beings fromother worlds and dimensions watch on in wonderment, and wish to research
you, study you, take sample DNA from you and so forth ..... it is because they look at you in awe, some look upon you in jealousy
and envy and some look upon you in wonderment ..... with-in you is contained the keys to the kingdom so to speak, but
you do not realise this ......... you do see this within yourselves ..... you only concern yourselves with what others are
thinking or saying and want to pigeon-hole who done what and to whom they done it to ..... you just want to point the finger,
to blame something or someone for your demise ....... instead of just picking up the pieces and getting on with it .... no
one or nothing is going to fix your mess up ........ you must fix it up yourselves ..... you must all work together irrespective
of your genetic makeup , be it hybrid or not ........ and we will tell you this ....... those who are not hybrid on this earth
currently, you can count them on one hand ........ as for the rest , you are all hybrids to varying degrees between human/reptilian
and you are so intertwined that you can not separate the two any longer and until you all wakeup and face this fact, you can
not heal within and between yourselves ...... what has happened has happened .......... simply you can argue
that the non-human streams have re-engineered the human body so they can embody it, incarnate into it and reside into it ........ ___________________ [R]
so you are saying that inorder to obtain the keys to the kingdom, the-all-that-is domain, we have undergone an a long interbreeding
program which to a degree has de-evolved humans, but on the same token, helped evolved reptilians and/or other streams ......? ___________________ [Blue]
yes ..... and we have alwasy told you this from the beginning, the human project was created for this purpose, to re-align
nd heal those streams of conciousness who had locked themselves out from heaven so to speak, separated themselves ..... those
who have forgotten and lost their way, you were to be their memory ........ you are likenened unto a retro-virus ....... and
is it not strange that you in some ways behave upon the skin of your Earth, like a virus!! it was meant for other
streams of conciousness to be able thru genetic interbreeding gain access to embody humanoid ... ______________________ [R]
this is frustrating ..... so what exactly is the problem then, if humans were meant to de-evolve and spread like a virus into
the genetic makup of other races, in order for them to remember their way back home ... and then what the hell is Blue doing
and wanting ? _______________________ [Blue] we are a you and you are of us ....... we have explained this
......... the problem of which you speak, as for the all-that-is, is not a problem nor wrong ......... the issue
is that the human was created to provided memory and genetic make up to allow those who you term fallen, a chance to move
themselves out of the rut and correct their mistake ....... but instead you have become the fallen yourselves and are on the
verge of extinction!!!!!! you know what the problem is!!!!!!!!!!! it is you are as human about to lose all memory
........ and should you do, then there is no comeback ........ ______________________ [R] what do
you mean about to lose memory _______________________ [Blue] you do not know who you are, what you are, where
you came from, where you are going and so on ...... do you know what the difference is between a human conciousness
and an animal conciousness ???? have you dared to think upon this ?? sentient beings such as humans and reptilians
and cetacians for example have a sense of future!!!! and past!!! where us much of your other lifeforms, do not!!! they only
exist for the moment, they do not plan for future and they do not conern themselves withthe past and what happened yesterday
......... ______________________ [R] you once said that the Asian races were brought in as a last minute
effort to balance the scales between the human andnon-human streams ........ can you ....... _______________________ [Blue]
we know of what you speak and ask .......... but first we must back track a little ....... you see in general,
the zeti reticulum species is actually yourselves in future after memory loss ...... _______________________ [R]
what the ...... you mean Zeti are human ..... ______________________ [Blue] to a degree yes ......!!! but
it is after much of the human gene has been bred out ....... let us just say for now, not to complicate matters ........ the
Zeti ingeneral are reptillian souls embodying a human body or what is left of it ...... however there are those of the Zeti
offshoots who although have Zeti bodies are human in soul conciousness stream ....... they appear taller and more whiter in
skin ........ however we will not confuse you and worry you ....... but you see the Zeti (the benign ones) are
you >from your future .... working to resolve the mess ...... but as for the Tan or you know as Asian (Ashan)
..... they were the first entry point of the Zeti coming in from the future and doing and introducing their stream into
your now ..... so as to divert any self destruction and onesidedness overpowering of the Evijovium or known as the Jehovah
stream ...... just look back into your recent past ........ who was it that dropped the bombs and on which race ?? we
will tell you something, before the earth tilt, southern parts of the USA were much further north, nearing your north pole,
known as hyperborean age ...... do you known what your americas of old was known as ..... mmm ... "the land of Jehovah" ______________________ [R]
you said if things didn't work out, that saturn was being terraformed and new beings/streams would undertake the articulation
of embodying the all-that-is in physical bodies ...... _____________________ [Blue] mmm ..... this is a very
sensitive matter and requires much translation and verbage and we will not enter into it for the moment ...... but to say
that Saturn is being terraformed to become another Earth ......... but we will say this, after the demise of
Venus (humanities original home) .... some true-blue-humans (Lillium) did go separate ways to other galaxies and systems within
unviverse one ...... and shall we say they too also interbred with other streams ..... ___________________ [R]
wow ... can u tell us what some of these streams were, have they ever come to Earth ....... ___________________ [Blue]
mmmm yes of course you know of them .... for example two were the feline looking beings and one major one which on your earth
are known as insects, are the praying mantis ....... but there is one major one that you kill and hunt in your waters, you
know of which we speak ........ the whales and dolphins ......... from the DAAL systems ..... __________________ [R]
when exactly did these races exist or come here ________________ [Blue] there was a period of 100,000 yrs
peace prior the fall of atlantis and so on ... and these beings visited and lived here and helped build up earth to be a portal,
a jewel in this universe ...... it was at the time when the Andromedans were the initiated peacekeepers, before they sold
you out and became corrupt in order to serve their own agendas ...... eventually the feline stream left and did
many of the others after all hell broke loose due to a warring faction of the Jehovian stream brought your earth to a stand
still and basically nuked the place ....... your DAAL race who were infact from your true Lillium stream, chose to stay to
assist as the known cetaceans that now swim in your oceans today ...... ___________________ [R]
Blue, i wish to finish as it seems the more you go on, the deeper the storyline gets and it seems we'll never finish ....
can you perhaps finish up with one more final thing ......... as your departure for this last transcript ..... _________________ [Blue]
mmm ....... we are scanning, as to what would be of most benefit for you to research ....... we will continue
on >from the last few paragraphs ....... but we wish to bring something to your attentions which may affect your futures
or will be occuring in your futures ...... a keyword for you to research is Lithium .... your 3rd element ......
you see this is a very underrated elemented ...... you hear off Hydrogen and Helium but rarely a mention of Lithium ...... note:
much off your atomic testing is for opening up of portals (time, intradimensional) .... a side-effect is memory loss as the
earth grids get destabilised ........ but another feature of huge amounts of hydrogen mixing with oxygen under pressure of
fire/heat is Lithium ....... know you why Lithium and what it does ....... it creates doorways into memories
that remain blocked, sort of like forcing your way thru a door, rather than easily opening it ......... but also it is the
main ingredient for ultra and intra dimensional portals ..... research on your planets where Lithium is found
in abundance and you will see some patterns ......... but note: also the use of the hydrogen bombs on the Ashan/Tan/Zeti (Japanese)
......... considering the above what we have just told you ..... can you piece the rest together, concerning timelines and
portals ........ a side-effect of Lithium mixed into the food chain and miasmic chain is a high degree
of intellect/intelligence ....... but at the cost of spiritual deprivation, leaking ........ mmm ... does this again not remind
you of how the Zeti became to be ........ who were once upon a time actually you, in your future to be .......... and
thus the beginning was in the end ..... but R. we know you will be back ;o)) The Return of the Blue
Sheltered Light and Silence ....... ___________________ ending for now folks i hope you got something
out of this and was worthwhile i'll keep the list open for now ....... so i've got your emails, in case something
comes of light and we continue the saga of Blue ....
Last night my son went thru his "don't wanna sleep" moods again ...... i finally
got to sleep at 5am in the morning, but had to be up again for work at 6:30am ... slept in till 7:40am ....... now somewhere
between 5am and 7:40am ....(i must have been out like a light cause i even did not remember turning the clock alarm off) .........
but what i did manage to scrape in rememberance was this way out of this universe dream ...... here is what i
could recall/piece together ... [dream starts somewhere here] i am driving in my car somewhere but
seem to be in a rush (i assume i was going to work) .... i was listening to the radio and a news bulletin is announced ........
the announcer sounds very serious with his old deep croaky voice ....... the bulletin from what i can recall
went something like this ....... the Casseopeans have met with the "Council of 9" ..... the Casseopeans have
stated that the "Council of 9" have till the end of May 2003 to surrender and dismantle all their nuclear weapons of war,
stop transmissions of all mind control frequencies, sieze all actions of war on earth and allow all citizens to be free unhindered
.... .... in the next 2 weeks the Casseopeans will be commissioning the Andromedans to stand by and take action,
protection if necessary ........ positioned between the moon and the sun ........ the Andromedans will be employing 12 metaplasmic
to magnetic conversion devices positioned all over the earth .... these will set up a harmonic grid frequency which will resonate
with earth to disrupt all "Council of 9" frequencies and setup a threshold shield around earth by April 2003 ...... ...
should the "Council of 9" not heed the Casseopean warnings and stop as requested.... and resist .... the metaplasmic engines
will begin to pulse the earth grid in May 2003 ........ will cause friction and tension within and without the earth .....
wiping the earth clean ..... and preparing for new life ......... as this bulletin ended, i turned to the passenger seat,
and a man was sitting there to my surprise and he had shades on (he kinda looked like bono from U2) ...... and he turned to
me and said .... "let the ultra-violet light your way" ....... [i woke up ,... end dream] _________________________________________ so
... i asked Blue what to make of it ....... Blue said that the C9 have had a frequency fence/shield setup for 10,000yrs plus
.... it seems we are on a knives edge ...... and the Elijovium (Jehova stream) .. the main body of the C9 are preparing
for final control .... they've position themselves, and have nuclear devices ready and deployed ...... and are simply awaiting
the right time ...... they do not want to let go of all they have built to manipulate and control over millenia and are going
to go out fighting ........ simply the Andromedans who lets us down in the past, sold us out .... are back to
assist ... but the Casseopeans who are far advanced will make sure they commit to their promise to police ....... Blue also
said that this pulsing if it occurs turns Earth into a huge magnet attractor ............. (all i could think of was
maybe to pull the asteroid in)
Hi All,
i hope to transcribe a little more from Blue over the coming Easter
holidays .....
but for now something of interest .... reading thru Sitchin's latest book "Lost Book of Enki" i came
across this.
pre-cursor .... after the Annunaki created the first hybrids to be slave workers mining gold, they found
that they were not reproducing ..... this was an issue as they had hoped they would reproduce themselves and thus take away
the pressure from the annunaki from having to breed them etc ....
finally Enki (Ishael) discovered what the problem
was after re-examining the original hybrid genetics ..... read excerpt ________________________________
[on page
147 of the hard cover] .....
Let us the essences of Adamu and Ti-Amat afresh examine ... Ningishzidda was saying. Their
ME's bit by bit to be studied, [ME = formula ?] what is to ascertain! ....... in the house of healing, the essences of Adamu
and Ti-Amat were contemplated .... With the life essence of the Annunaki males and females they were compared.
two entwined serpents the essences separated ..... arranged like twenty-two branches on the tree of life were the essences
.... twenty-two they were in number, the ability to procreate they did not include!
Another two bits of essence in
the Annunaki present was shown ....
[here they go off to the lab and do some DNA splicing etc etc]
.... To their
tree of life two branches have been added ... with procreating powers their essences are now entwined! ___________________________________
why do i bring this up folks ..... for me this confirms everything Blue has been saying ... re: 24 DNA strands ......
above if you add 22 + 2 in order to procreate you have 24 bits
am not sure exactly what is meant by "bits" ..... but
Blue is winking to me that it is strands!!!
if Sitchin is correct then here is confirmation of 24 DNA strands. ____________________________________
i won't go into it deeply here ...... but as you would have read thru all the previous Blue transcriptions ..... we are being
lied to ... Blue's take on "Lost book of Enki" is that is half-lies ..... even this translation is twisted and fraught with
i stress here ... i am not saying the Sitchin is wrong in his translation nor that he has lied.... simply the
tablets themsleves could be written that way to deceive ....
as explain in prev posts ....... the Annunaki DID NOT
create humans from apes. Humans were before apes, before cro-magnon and neanderthal man ... infact these species came from
the original humans mixed with reptilian genetics.
you see they wonder about the genetic leap from apes to cro-magnon
.....where in fact .... for humans it was not a leap but a de-evolution .. ___________________________________
for Enki (Ishael) and Enlil (Jehovah) they are off the same root race which is reptilian, but differing factions. and both
are at war and still are to this day in the middle east. Blue says before we can move on transmute ... this whole middle east
affair has to be sorted out once and for all ...
now many of you may not like this ... but Jehovah is the warring faction
and not the Ishael/arab-muslims .... although in the media it is made out to be the opposite .......
the Jehovan stream
are the warlords and have been from the year dot. Now only if we can find the missing book which to this day is not found
...."Book of the Wars of Yahweh [Jehovah]" ...... Blue says this book is found, but will never be released to public as it
shows the Jehovan stream in very bad light.
apparently this book is mentioned several times in the bible _______________________________________
more over easter .......
It seems this Jehovah business always stirs up emotions from both sides ....
Now I have included one post below which may appear onesided but at least provided in some positive constructive detail
the person firsthand experience ..... I am not going to repeat the negative posts telling me where to go and die as
some felt the take on Jehovah was to close to home/religion etc .......
Anyway below is a fwd email from someone who had fwd my post to this person
... At the bottom of this some Blue info ...
________________________________________ Someone wrote:
You are one of the only people I know of that is opening their mind to the realities
that are going on in the Middle East. The Arabs have been treated as dirt by the Israelis for such a long time, they are descriminated,
spat upon and shunned in their own lands (the East bank of Jordan) worse than the blacks were treated here. Outright discrimination
is being practiced like I have never seen it anywhere before.....I have lived there and experienced it.
My time spent in the Arab countries of Jordan, Syria, Iraq & Iran were very
interesting, these people practice brotherhood, it is a part of their religion and they truly try to carry this out. We
were invited to stay in a home with people who had been removed from the West Bank of Jordan, by the Israelis, from
their farms, from their homeland, a place where generations of them had lived and died. That property had been given
back to them by a decree made by the United Nations in spite of the three day war in which the Israelis had "won" their
lands. The Israelis have never returned their homes to them defying the decree and denying these people their homelands.
That is why there is a Palestinian movement and bombings and all the like, where
innocent people are injured. You are right, they have nothing to live or die for, no arms, no backing from our government
for equipment to fight back, that is why they are doing what they are doing. The Israelis on the other hand that I met
were suspicious, nervous, doubting, not kind, not warm and welcoming at all. Most of them were neurotic and outright
unfriendly, unfortunately and we had recommendations from friends they knew. We stayed in a Kibbutz called Dovrat, they
let us stay one night only, near the animals in the barn. The children would come out early in the morning to feed them
as the animals bayed and made noises, as they were hungry. I liked the lifestyle as they lived communily, but the people
are so full of fear.
I guess they have a good reason to be. If I stole you car or money or house
I would be in fear for the rest of my life too...... No one is looking at this side of the issue, that the Palestinians
want their land back, it was supposed to be given to them a long time ago, when I was there over 20 years ago. Has this
issue ever been raised? Who knows about this? We only hear about how tragic the aftermath is. They are trying to make
a statement. We are so limited in our knowledge here as the press is so controlled and one sided. As always, we will know
and understand what "they" want us to.
Keep up the good work you do, I'm sure many people don't understand at all.
maybe they never will....
Regards ___________________________________ ___________________________________
[Blue] there is no return from this mid-east crisis, it has to play it self
out, it is not a matter of what happens or whom does what to whom but how it is dealt with and what is learnt from it ....
There is no point if nothing is gained nor learned from it ...
In the beginning there was no jews, nor israel, it was all mass of people populating
this area of the globe ... Call them what you wish, perhaps simply annunaki.
[R] so you are sure sure that Arabs and Jews are Annunaki ?
[Blue] yes, they are both from the same genetic grouping, this has been revealed
by your science who would rather keep it a hidden secret ... One side is orion and the other is sirius, but the common
denominator is pleidian.
[R] so where this this rift begin and why ...?
[Blue] Your Sitchin is close to the mark but is translating faked histories
from some of the tablets and scrolls ...
[R] this issue can be a long drawn out, but pls tell how the rift began.
[Blue] we have explained this in previous posts and no need to go over, but
we will give you some pre-egyptian history .... And explain the one god biased pharoahs verses those that looked upon multi-gods
and explain why you have been given a lie this tied in with the arab/israel rift.
[R] before you go on, does this mean that the elohim are annunaki/reptilian
[Blue] yes, for do you not see, Israel (Jews) is Isis/Ra of the Elohim and Ishael
(Arabs) Isis/Hathor of the Elohim....
In Lemu/Atlantica approx 400,000 years ago began a phase in civilisation where
many from all over your universe lived .... It was one melting pot so to speak, but there was peace and sharing .... There
were many a councils and ET groups that were caring for the new earth and it's new species, but amongst them was one
group priestly scientific group known as the priests/priestesses of zadok. (melchizedek)
Those of zadok were more male driven in nature wheres as those of Hathor were
more feminine in nature .... But both were scientific in nature.
Approx 200,000 years ago, those of Zadok wanted more control and power, as you
see their main supported was the Jehovah stream ..... Where as those of the Hathor did not, they basically did not want
to interfere and wanted to be left alone and did not really play a major role amongst the councils ..... The Jehovah
group being very anti-human and were becoming restless and angry as the Annunaki had agreed to share and build a home
planet for beings/races ...
[R] do you mean the Annunaki were peaceful in general ?
[Blue] yes of course, although it took them a long time to grow and many a battle
across many planets and systems, they finally at that point wanted the all-that-is again .... Remember they are like any
other being, although genetically different and missing a few notches that humans were given, that they did not have,
never the less they had hearts, souls, minds, children, they loved, they hated, they laughed and so forth ...just as
you all are today.
... Speeding this up for you ....
The Priestly cast of Zadok [melchizedek] were not happy with this as they felt
that it was there inherent right for full dominion over others as they were here first ...
...but the councils would not hear of it .... And so Zadok were very limited
in what they could do .... So they took it upon themselves to attempt to capture a passing asteroid and hold it in orbit
and use this to mount there weapons and technologies amongst it and attempt to rule from here ...
In the end against much a scuffle and shuffle and technological errors ... The
asteroid, although small, entered earths stratosphere and shook the hell out of the place ... Leaving a trail of devastation
behind ....
[R] did it crash into earth ?
[Blue] , no but lets say it damaged your stratosphere severely. .. There is
more to this picture, but from here we will bring you froth unto egypt post atlantica/lemura ...
Do not how many undersea lost cities they are finding and soon there will be
more and they will increae in frequency and will change the shape of your history ...
You see Moses was Akhanaton and there is many research now which is concluding
this to be the case ....
[R] but where does Jehovah fit into this ....
[Blue] we are scanning ..... [scanning for images] .... Know your movie Startrek
Insurrection .... It is similar along these lines ..... You had a peoples who lived in peace with out technology although
they were far in advance of any technology [Ishael/Hathor] ... Then you had the lost sons and fathers who were cast
out and now seeked revenge and wanted the land back [Eli-Jovi / Jehovah] .... And in the middle you had the Corrupt
Federation doing deals with and siding with the Eli-Jovi in return for technology/advanced genetics ...
But all in all they were the one and the same ....
[R] but where does Egypt come into play
[Blue] you see you are told lies .... Ahkenaton/Moses formed/forced the ONE
GOD ruling ... Guess who this lord god might be .... Yes .. Jehovah .... Who promised many a thing to this Pharoah ...
Do you really think that this one god worhsip was about some "all-that-is/creation"
.... ?? Of course not, it was the same drama again ..... Jehovah wanted to be the only god, as there were many as you will
read in many a historical books .... About your so called mythological gods ... There were many councils .... And so forth
So a revolt occurred and thus the separation where moses led the Jehovah followers
out of Egypt .... And Jehovah made many a promise to his people .... This business of persecution by the egyptians was
all a lie .... They cause havoc and were simply told to get out or else and so they did ...
The historical lies you are fed is that this one god worship was really supposed
to have been a good thing ... And those that followed many gods/leaders/councils was a naughty and bad thing .... This
is a big lie .... In fact the following of many councils and leaders was a democratic effort .... If Akhaneton/Moses
had got his way, it would have been like having a UN with one country only as a member and doing all the decision making
Well who do you think considered it to be naughty and bad ?? Of course those
that wrote the bible and who may they be ;o))
It was all a fight over who had control and power amongst the Eli-Jovi between
hemselves but also over the rest of all .... And to this day it continues ...
[R] so you are saying the Ishael have contributed to this problem and they are
not innocent in it ?
[Blue] as we said, the Ishael wanted to be left alone and did not care or much
say in council matters, but when Jehovah gained power and strength, they opposed and caused quiet some damage to jehovah
and since then it has been eye for eye ...
If they had been left alone, jehovah to this day may have got away with what
they wanted ... But jehovah decided to nuke some Ishael residences and bases to show their might
And now history is repeating ....
[R] but why isn't anyone stepping in to control this
[Blue] as we said, you must let it take it's course, the Eli-Jova have been
given their dead lines by the andromedans and cassiopieans [see previous posts] and now they are making a one last dash
and effort to have it their way ..... From here on they will wreak havoc amongst your planet and subdue many a country,
in onelast effort to destroy the weak and the poor and if they can't have it their way then no one can .
Enough .... ___________________
Next post will be some DNA/chromosome stuff to answer some questions that arose
from prev post.
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